1200 V MAX ( starter motor )
hi all just wondered if anyone has had/heard of starter motor clutch allen bolts shearing ??? well my mates vmax was missing the ring gear when starter button pressed . well took l/h side of engine case off removed timing flywheel / starter clutch , when removed ( which is bloody tight ) the head of allen bolt fell out and all was revealed . well not sure if you can buy just new bolts or has he got to get complete thing ???????
sr 250 swing-arm bolt & nut
thanks for the link . i shall have to put my hand in my pocket now and get one so again thakx jaybe
sr 250 swing-arm bolt & nut
thanks for that i will have to look em up on comp to find them
sr 250 swing-arm bolt & nut
thanks for that i will have to look em up on comp to find them
sr 250 swing-arm bolt & nut
hi all you yam chums right iam just asking a simple question and that is " where the f*ck can i get a rear swing arm bolt and nut from for my 81 sr 250 ? or does anyone have one they wanna flog us ? or even still any idea of the length and diameter ( for girls girth ) can someone email us to help with my predicament as need it on road by October . I have then got to put my Harley into hibernation for 6 months jaybe ( john )
hi there mervin aint been on here for few weeks . just see you might have some bars if you have would very much like em let us know can u please many thanks jaybe
exhaust downpipe
its on a y plate so whats that 82/83 ? say yoda are you the same yoda as on bikers lifestyle and also mistress vicky ???? if so iam same jaybe with black harley sportster . i just haven't been on that site for a while but still wouldn't mind building a trike
exhaust downpipe
exhaust downpipe
well i would have thought so as goes from large exhaust port into down pipe which reduces gas flow by half as outer wall on exhaust is the same thickness as a normal exhaust system so you get 1/4" space all the way round inner to outer pipe exagerated but large airgap anyway so i get better exhaust flow iam removing it . the id outerpipe is 34.5mm and with the other pipe inside reduces it to 26mm id so you can see how restricted the gases are as the exhaust port opening/exit is 38.5mm
hi done a few posts on here now but what iam after is a set of us custom handle bars for my oldie sr 250 us custom or summit near s/hand pref as spending on other bike more and the bars for that are £65.00 so are the dragstar bars the same or shorter or pullback as far open to ideas i know about highway hawk and most the other sites cos i buy from them but nothing like the originals . so if you have a set kicking about any condition so long as not bent let us know please as breakers don't seem to have em or are sr 125 bars similar just not use to this jap stuff nowdays . anyway just want to change the old 70s stye T bars
exhaust downpipe
just wondering if anyone has removed the restrictor pipe out of sr 250 front pipe ? cut and weld i spose ?? unless theres an easier way apart from buying complete new pipe as putting upswept reverse megaphone on
just help with identifying
can you help me find out what model my sr 250 single us custom y reg first 3 frame no are *3Y8-000
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