Everything posted by fz6s2 rider
Yam FZ6 S2 naked newbie
Egg Mcmuffin this morning. Ooooooo...... Im based North London (Haringey area) and commute into Kings Cross, well i say commute.. its not really a 45min trek like some people i know!! ....... more 15mins of fun. Cheers for the accessories websites/ company names i will check em out later i the day, when the boss isnt around.
Yam FZ6 S2 naked newbie
cheers guys! responces.... yes! thanks for the website.. useful! and advise about getting a fat arse! v useful! im on my way to the golden arches now! ride safe
Yam FZ6 S2 naked newbie
Im upto 1600 miles on my new machine commuting in and out of london, got it before the cold months closed in so i've got some good road experience before the summer fun months......although i have a few questions if any one can answer this little quiz, there's prizes of course!! 1) How many miles do you think i'd get on the final trip/ reserve fuel allowance? 2) Is there an easy fix for the bad steering lock key position/ conflicting with the clutch cable? 3) Anyone know of a good seat replacement for the longer journeys?? Gel filled maybe? 4) The best accessory shop for us is......? 5) A decent undertray (painted)? 6) Colour matched rear Hugger? 7) Any other little hints/tricks/ advice you guys know that could make my life better? Many thanks guys in advance!!!!
new to this forum so dont know how to search for a members photo, but will give it a shot!
i have just bought one a couple of weekends ago... in white........ im lovin it, a couple of people a week i noticed have stopped and admired it!!! Enjoy, its a beaut!!! oh and i havent found anywhere yet! but will do a good search soon!!!!!
My Fazer S2
Sorry to butt in, but surely the white finish is the best colour scheme..............like on mine!!