Rhayader Raiders
Cheers folks No, we were a long way from Tom's place
Rhayader Raiders
See the report here: http://www.wdsr.co.uk/ride-reports/36-off-...hayader-raiders
Brechfa Run
Continued.... The ultimate drop if you decided to be clever Down at the bottom, around a hairpin was a small (ish) river crossing, though Jay had gone down whilst I waited for the others at the top I could hear Jay was having a little trouble crossing on his big red thumper (XR650) We rode down to see that he'd made it across but he managed to find all the big rocks under the water, the centre of the river was too deep to cross so we had to skirt round then cross, with much hilarity from Cabbage and Wide (see video), the Tricker had no trouble at all, just floating over the submerged rocks Onto the next lane and anothe small stream crossing, followed by a loose loamy climb Here's Jay and Cabbage watching in amazement as Wide attempts to ride past my parked and nicely clean Tricker, getting stuck and virtually burying my poor bike under a mud shower Oh well, it's gonna need a wash later anyhoos Further on and in the Brechfa Forrestry now after several more cracking lanes Srtill very wet on the ground even after some stunning weather here Here's Jay blaming a tree for his very funny off, damn he was fast to get up, didn't have a chance to get a piccy of him flailing around on the floor It wouldn't be the last tree to jump out and swipe someone off their bike either I lost count of jay's off's for the day, Wide wasn't far behind him either Dropped down into Abergorlech for rereshments and a rest Headed south now covering some more cracking lanes Next lane was another I warned them about but fair play they were up for it This is another discovery on the reccy ride but it was completely overgrown on a teep hill of slate covered in loose loamy crap Red rag to a bull in other words, so up we went Jay getting a helping hand from Wide (see video for the rest of this lane) One of the planned lanes, obviously hasn't been used for many years, but we can't either Ha, everyone had fallen off at least once, except for me Oh I spoke too soon I tried going flat out across a rock strewn field, don't ask why as you couldn't ride it even slowly without hitting rocks, some little some very large, but I was bored and the inevitable spectacular off ensued Must have been the best one of the day, good solid impact on bike and a good solid impact when my body hit the rocky deck no damage to me as usual, not even a bruise, the forks got twisted in my yokes but nothing else Woohoo, been a while since I had a good off to write about Took in a few more but it was now nearly 7pm and time to head home Just time for a couple more pics Had a fantastic day, many thanks to Jay for guiding and to Cabbage and Wide for just being there Cheers guys Brechfa Run Video
Brechfa Run
Brechfa Run 18th April 2009 Cabbage kindly invited me along to a ride over towards Brechfa, trails on the way, trail there and trails back We all met up at the Cabbage patch at 9am Saturday morning Attendees were Cabbage (DR350), Jay (XR650), Wide (XR400) and myself (Yamaha Tricker) I looked like a midget amongst them , lucky I had my Tricker to make me look bigger Ready for the off One of the first lanes we came to the guys hadn't ridden before but I had, it was a lane I discovered several years ago whilst on a reccy for the TBM "Doing the Rounds" feature called the "Brechfast Run" It clearly hadn'r been used by anyone for many years, it was overgrown and washed out though on the reccy we did attempt it but several of the guys with me were all on big DS bikes (F650 Dakar etc) so we got as far as the drop off and went back up I warned the guys on Sunday and let them know I was well up for it and they decided they were too Even the gulley leading down to the drop was a struggle, not so much for the Tricker but the big lads were really having a tough time of it, I got to the drop and waited, camera in hand. Ah, here they come Cabbage Cabbage again Jay After Jay helped me get the Tricker down the biggest drop, I stood by with the camera again The drop-off was between 4 and 5ft down onto a very sliipery slate slope to another searies of smaller drops, nowehere near enough room to try a fancy "blip the throttle" drop off as you'd just end up in a heap at the bottom of the lot of 'em and if you was really unlucky you'd slide all the way down to the 30ft drop into a waterfall Next down was Wide Crickey, I was sweating just watching those big fellas lug the bikes down to be continued.....
Ohhh, you don't see many of them about
Hi guys, thought I'd register to say hello Got myself a Yamha Tricker XG250, seem to be rare as rocking horse manure, great fun so far In case you don't know what one is... http://video.yahoo.com/watch/962786/3732333 http://www.metacafe.com/watch/968058/yamaha_tricker/
Cupid Stunt
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