Everything posted by Spraguepsycho1
In one sentence, can you ???
"When riding a motorcycle, I don't feel like I'm looking at the world from inside a fishbowl." "Motorcycles/atv's let me feel closer to nature." or simply "Freedom"
my max
I still want one someday, and the wife told me a few weeks ago I could get one for my next bike. Very nice bike Jamax, did you do a chain drive conversion on it, or is it still shaft drive? Where did you get the frame braces?
Are there any other engines compatible with 90FZR1000 ?
I've heard the FZR1000 engine uses the same mounts as the FZR 750 and Fazer 700 which both have 6 speed transmissions. Not sure if the newer YFZ's are the same 5 valve Genesis engine or not. I've also read somewhere that you could take the FZR750 engine and use the FZR1000 cylinders and piston giving you a screaming 900 or so cc engine with the 6 speed, but not sure about all the little details/parts that are involved with that.
My 2006 r6 camel colours
That's a great looking bike you have there.
Havent laughed so much in ages....
lol tough crowd over there, I'm suprised the guy didn't just pull the pics after the first page of negative posts and lay low for a while lol.
How to remove timing plate from a 1982 550 Seca
If you can determine when both valves on a cylinder will be closed (piston comming up before or after compression stroke depending on direction of rotation) you can feed some rope down through the spark plug hole twisting it as you do to try to coil it on top of the piston. The main thing is to make sure both valves are closed so you don't bend one. Once that is done, as soon as the crank turns enough for the rope to contact the cylinder head, it should stop turning allowing you to pull the nut or bolt you were trying to remove. Just make sure you leave enough rope out of the hole to remove it once you're done and have backed the piston down away from the head releasing it. Hope this helps.
Yamaha R6 lower profile tyres
That means loosening the triple tree clamp bolts, so you can slide the fork tubes up in them so they stick out the top of the top triple tree, which also lowers the front of the bike. Raising the tubes a half inch in the tree can make a very noticable difference in the handling, helping it turn in quicker and more responsive. I would raise them a half inch at first, then possibly adjust further in 1/4" steps. I wouldn't raise them more than about an inch, or you might start running into interference problems during maximum fork compression.
yamaha enticer
I would sugest possibly posting a couple pictures of it, as it may have been sold somewhere else under a different name. In the US a Yamaha Enticer was a snowmobile lol.
question before possible restore
Finding the clutch parts is as easy as going to http://www.bikebandit.com , look up the parts on their online microfiche, and order them. Might want to call to order to make sure if the frictions and steels are sold in groups or in a complete set that the bike needs. I just looked them up and saw the parts listed as available for it, but don't know if the price's listed are for a single disk, or all of them.
What model is this? - Please HELP!!!!
My 2nd bike was an all red with black wheels '82 or '83 550, not the white with red trim like yours, and I didn't have the funky looking RH fairing on mine lol
What model is this? - Please HELP!!!!
It looks like a 1982 XJ550 RH Seca. A white one about 3/4 down this page http://dave_jack.tripod.com/id18.htm Red one on the far left in this line up of bikes, looks like the same on in the Nerds movie to me, which is entirely possible if the same studio produced both films. http://www.imcdb.org/vehicle_115571-Yamaha...aadbd3e84672e1d Edit, Yamahead beat me to it, but the RH has the right faring also.
R1 Power from My FZ1
not sure if the FZ uses the same camshafts as the R1, if not that would be a good place to start. If you don't want to mess around with cams, you could add an aftermarket exhaust, and a Power Commander III, then have it tuned on a dyno. A good exhaust system and tuning for best performance, instead of the factories best emissions tuning should wake it up quite a bit.
adjust pre-load of rear shocks
It's also much easier to twist the collar to make adjustments if you get the rear tire off the ground unloading the weight off the springs (either by using the center stand, jack under the frame, or a rope tied to rafters etc).
My Fazer S2
looks great. I was reading this from the first page, and noticed the talk about miles. I bought my '86 Fazer 700 a week and a half ago, and have put 700+ miles on it already.
Tires: Any Alternative?
I ran into similar problems trying to find a 15"rear/16" front tire combination to fit my '86 Fazer a couple weeks ago. Seems in the US if you don't run sportbike 17" wheels front and rear, tire choices (especially if you want radial tires) are nearly non existant. I ended up going with a set of Dunlop Elite3's (E3), which are still a bias tire construction, but use a tread design similar to a sport bike radial tire tread. So far they seem to be pretty good, traction has been ok wet, dry (even hit some black ice without totally losing control riding 2 up with the wife last Sun). The tires handle very good compared to the last set of bias tires I had on my Katana (Bridgestone Battle Axe BT-052's). Not sure what sizes you need for the V-Star, so I don't know if they make the E3's in your sizes or not. I had to go one size wider in the rear, and 2 sizes wider in the front just to get a matched set. Stock tires for the Fazer were a 140/90/15 rear and 110/90/16 front, which were also V speed rated from the factory. I couldn't find anything to fit that had the V speed rating anymore. edit: I did find this on Dunlops site for the V-Star 1300 http://www.dunlopmotorcycle.com/fitmentguide.asp
My New Bike
Geico.com's website is great for figuring out what a bike is by it's VIN. If I'm not sure what a bike is, I just go to their website and submit for a free online insurance quote. The forms you fill out just ask for the VIN, then it pulls the yr, make, model, and cc information from that. Since it's only a free quote it doesn't bind you to any form of payments.
Another Irish joke!
Only getting 65 mpg w/ my '05 XV250
I never even thought about the problems with the wind, since my bikes have always been a bit heavier. Thanks for the info, still sounds like it might work great for her. Any time we plan on making a cross country trip that might include a lot of traffic, she'll still most likely be on the back of my bike anyways.
Only getting 65 mpg w/ my '05 XV250
Don't mean to jack this thread, but how do you like the Vstar 250? How is it power wise for a lighter rider say in the 145lb range? I have been showing the wife some of the smaller bikes, and she really likes the looks of this one. She wants to learn how to ride next year, and I was thinking this might be the perfect bike for her.
my max
I use image shack to host my online photos. http://www.imageshack.us/
my bike
Great looking bike, and nice action pic. If I went around a corner like that people would be yelling at me for being on the wrong side of the road lol. Would take a while for me to get used to being on the left side.
Welcome to the forum. I wonder if a previous owner possibly swapped out the square headlight for a round one ,due to not liking the looks of square headlights. Wouldn't be the first time I'm sure.
Knobhead on my street
If I was to go through the trouble of opening a hood, I would just add a small jar of valve grinding compound to the oil.
Big Brother VMAX and Baby VMAX
I put some pics of mine here. http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=13095
I have 2 Boxers. I live out in the country, so it's quiet enough that if anybody comes on the property my dogs will warn me. Then since I live in the USA, to go with the f****n big dogs, I have several f****n big guns lol.