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  1. Ratsalad replied to Ratsalad's post in a topic in The Bar
    Thanks for the suggestions to ev'peeps above. Goth, thanks for the link, appalled to see the takachi only has 2 stars!..... I deffo won't buy online unless I've tried the particular model for size in a shop, already bought two & still got it wrong having tried them on. I had Shoei helmets in my previous life, & if I'm honest, it was partly down to helmets that I stopped biking. I went out & bought the best helmet money could buy at that time, approx '78 to '79 which was the Griffin Clubman with the HP visor. (guaranteed to withstand a shotgun from 25 yards- a bugger to run out of post offices in though!) Within weeks I was splattered on the Roundacre roundabout in Bas. By a Mr Green in an old Corsair who tried to turn right from the left turn only lane. My fault, of course. Thing is, I never even see what hit me. I do wonder, the HP being cut higher at the bottom & sides of the opening, whether I just MIGHT have seen him if I'd been wearing the Shoei. Steaming is another minefield! I recall taking the visors off the Shoeis when they got a bit scratched, & wearing gogs. The Takachi is so stuffed full of head it steams up badly. I got caught out in a frost one night a week or so ago and had to ride home From Gt Yar (45mile) with the visor up. The eyes are not so good now. Luckily when it's cold theres hardly any insects flying, but I'm always mindfull of the time I got hit in the eye by a beetle on the A30 at 85mph. In the dark, wiping my eye & looking at the gore by the headlight trying to determine if I still had an eyeball or not 'cos I couldn't see in the mirrors as it was dark. Luckily the eye was ok, but I had a shiner in the morning. I did our car windscreens with Nano Techno Crappo earlier in the year, & the screens are so bad now as to be dangereaux. So not sure what to try on the visor. Used to use baby shampoo on the inside of the diving masks, but didn't have oncoming traffic to deal with! (just the occasional ROV) Thanks again, will keep you posted when I've tried some more lids. I'll check out the Caberg for sure
  2. Ratsalad replied to The Beginner's post in a topic in The Bar
    Changed a bit in 30 years though! I Used to keep the bike in the lock up down Outwood Common......
  3. Oooh errrr. Even I din't do dat. Tip: You can't fall off a car.
  4. Ratsalad replied to Ratsalad's post in a topic in The Bar
    You do have a very good point. These things, as I recall, do loosen up. I have been living in hope that the padding would give a bit. Tonight I wore it to the Ipswich Canoe Club where I was enlisted on a rolling course. Did my first Kayak roll! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wore it this afternoon hoovering & doing the housework. Unfortunately, The downward vision is almost as bad as the Griffin Clubman HP (Remember That!!!!!) I ran over the lead, exposing the wires. Stowing the vac I must've touched a live. Blacked out, but Hey! good job I had the helmet on!!!!!!!! Must've been out for a while though, 'Cos tips of the ears have gone gangreneous............
  5. Ratsalad replied to Goff's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Can try my helmet anytime, might be a bit big though, see my posts. ;Op
  6. Ratsalad replied to Goff's post in a topic in Yamabyss
  7. Ratsalad replied to The Beginner's post in a topic in The Bar
    Circa 1978 I put rear mounted air horns on my RD400. Being 20 and knowing ev'fink I threw the relay away. I was coming home from work one afternoon, my route took me through Barleylands road in Billericay. A lane through flat agricultural fields. I was going 'briskly' and half mile ahead was a VW beetle, pootling along. By this time I was also driving cars, and knowing that, even if mirroring every 7 seconds as my ex-police driving instructor taught me, being overtaken when not expecting it could make one jump. I therefore, courteously, as I saw it, flashed my headlight to let the driver know I was closing. At that point the driver deliberately took up the whole road, and as I closed I could see the driver was a wild haired, grey haired school teachery type lady. I could see the whites of her eyes in the driver's mirror, as she bloody mindedly took up the whole road. An oncoming VW camper (Ironically) forced her in, and in that instant I dodged past, -just! Swerving out and flashing furiously, she caused me to brake as suicidally as only a 20 year old can, while firing the rear facing air horns. Beetle braked, swerved, went up on two wheels, and went off into the field having JUST cleared the bridge before the farm. The car came to a halt without mis-hap, but throughout this chaos said horn button had melted and horns were jammed on! Now jammed on air horns are not exactly conducive to making an inconspicuous getaway. It was fully 3 miles before I managed to work out the button. Tip: Use the relay.
  8. Probably because on a right hander, you are more likely to have a less favourable camber on the road.
  9. Ratsalad posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Returning to M/Cycling after a 28 year lay off, right good chance of killing myself apparently. Had a good go in my younger days mind! Problem is, me head's grown gianormous! Bought an Xl Takich & soon after bought an XXL, but after a couple of hours it kills the top of my ears. Apparently these cheaper helmets are all built around the same shell, but the padding thickness varies. Shoei etc have different shell sizes but they're expensive. Now in '76, I bought 2 new Shoei's and a brand new Honda CD175. They weren't expensive, so I'm shocked to see that I might have to pay as much for a new Shoei lid as I paid for my new Honda in '76! (£299 from M/Cycle City) I've returned on a budget, couple of non-runners I've bought back to life. So, can anybody help me by recommending a big helmet, at a small(ish) price? Yeah and no jokes about wearing the box instead, I've had it all off the kids!...... PS I could shave me 'ead and have one tattoed on, but I mostly drive a car, & I don't want to drive a Micra looking like the Stig....
  10. Ratsalad posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Can anyone tell me whether the handlebar mounted fuel reserve switch on this should be up or down for normal riding? Ta. Ps. Sorted. The answer was here all along Thanks 'PioneerX' (up 'ON' for run) Next Q. How do I delete this post?
  11. Ratsalad replied to Ratsalad's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Thanks, It's got a switch on the handlebar, not the tap on the tank. I did see a tap of sorts on the main tank (Under the seat) when I had it stripped down, but though I twiddled it & got it running, I don't really know what the positions are & whether it's controlled by a servo. Apparently they are prone to crudding up & there's a service kit for them. However, given I don't know how it works in the first place, I can't tell if it's working correctly or not.
  12. Ratsalad posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Please could someone explain to me how the fuel reserve works on my newly acquired XV 535? I have read Haynes & the Clymer manuals & I'm none the wiser. It has a top tank & a bottom tank. The reserve switch is so worn I can't see what position is for normal riding & what position to run on reserve. Am I right in thinking it operates a solenoid on the fuel pump? If so, is it possible to operate the switch & ride right through the reserve supply being none the wiser for doing so, or if the switch is returned to normal riding position does it take it off reserve? Anyone know how to check the reserve switch? Any info from anyone with certain knowledge would be much appreciated, as I'm getting hacked off pushing the B****y thing!!!! Cheers!