Everything posted by zoomer
Worthy of the R title
Will it ever come to the UK tho ? Should do 95 mph same as the RD 250DX of yestyear but with 75 - 85 mpg ( RD 250DX 33 mpg ) with 1 cylinder for low running cost , perhaps it should be named CB250S though !
Worthy of the R title
Is the new CBR250R worthy of the R title as it appears more of a tourer than race rep , not as racey as the YZF-R125 for sure. http://world.honda.com/CBR250R/video/index.html
- YZF R125
YZF R125
Micron looks the best but they are no longer available,the leo vincy( 65% weight reduction over the 6.1 k stock system, LeoVince weighs in at a lowly 2.11k !) is good at £360 so is the MIVV GP ti at £320 are now the best full systems imho with the arrow 3rd
- YZF-R125
- YZF-R125
- YZF-R125
- YZF-R125
My track bike and my old bike's
Is that the bus stop at Mallory ?
- YZF-R125
No not yet, I think that is the way I have to go too, the thing that concerns me is that if I disconnect the fuel hose and reconnect it with an air lock in the fuel injection system it may do some damage to the pump as I think they operate at quite a high PSI pressure, there could be a bleed screw or valve to open on the pump to let the air out until fuel flows out. Unless the pump is in the tank in which case the bike will not start until the fuel has been pumped down the tube through the injector and into the engine. (This I think could be OK.) There must be someone on here with some mechanical knowledge it is a case of them reading this then replying .I hope.
- YZF-R125
- YZF-R125
I had a CBR600RR which is also a fuel injected bike that also had no information on what to remove, or how to get to the air filter in the owners manual. Yet all my previous carburettor bikes (02 Hornet CB600 , 00 CB500) had the information in the owners manual which was 3 screws remove a plastic cover slide old filter out put new one in replace cover and screws, job done. We need a Haynes manual.
- YZF-R125
- YZF-R125
- YZF-R125
YZF R125
How about a bit of club racing in Formula 125 class
My first bike (YAMAHA 125 Dragstar) (2004)
No chain , power band or rev counter ? What year is it.
My first bike (YAMAHA 125 Dragstar) (2004)
Drag, Is the power band connected.
- YZF R125
My first bike (YAMAHA 125 Dragstar) (2004)
Keep the rev counter needle around 6,000 RPM in town & 9,500 out of town ,keep tucked in you should still get 100 mpg out of a 125. Hope this helps.
My first bike (YAMAHA 125 Dragstar) (2004)
Yes your right ,he has made the right choice ,hope it does not cost to much to repair.
My first bike (YAMAHA 125 Dragstar) (2004)
I was right then .