Everything posted by Michael Jones
bike not runing
there was rust partercals from in side the tank some i changed the tank to a never one i had
bike not runing
bike not runing
when my bike cuts out if you leve the bike for a min it will rey start and go fine then it will do it again and again
bike not runing
i have trid that run nice and healthy from the fuel tap. what else shall i try
bike not runing
i Have a dt50mx with a dt80 engin in it. The bike starts strat away and it will tick over well. it will tick over for about 10mins then it will cut out. It will do the same when i am riding it. i Live about have a mile from the main road the bike will cut out befor i get to the main road. It semed like a lack of fuel. i cleand out the cab and flushed the tank. It still doing the same can any one help!!!.
engin justs stops
the fule is flow fine and everthing else is all right but i have changed the sprake plug cap and it has seemed to soved it.
engin justs stops
yes it will run on a bead battery and yes it is changing
engin justs stops
i have a dt50mx (year 89) i travel about 20 mile and the engin just stops. try and rey start it but it bus not rey start. i tock out the sprak pug and it was orgin on the end i clend it off with i wire bruss put it back in and it started. but after about 20mile it did it again can eney help?