ok i have been caught with a average of 137 over 2/1/2 miles but i was on video. i was driving my car at the time. to be honest i was very fortunate and had a ok copper. i still was warned by the officer that i would get time for it as i was over 120mph. ( lesson learnt don't race a police m5 down the m18).
As the term will be heard in a magistrate court only resonable doubt has to be installed as evidence to convict. Hence two police office will give better evideince than resonable doubt.
As there was no calibrated data on the speed you was going only evidence you was breaking the limit car really apply. in which case just a fine and 3 or 6 points.
what will not go in you favour is having a R1 particularly as your first bike. they will see that the bike has been bought to tear round on like the road is a race track. now i'm not saying that what your doing( but if you see a old bloke with a 17year old girl holding hand in hand you know its not his looks she after,,,,, maybe is daughter is the second thought)
i personaly got 6 points and a two grand fine however. The police officer and the video showed the the car was been driven within my means and with consideration for the right conditions. That was my saving grace.
all i can say is bend over and take it. Sell the bike and don't get one for another few years. if you tell the court you have sold it or are going to sell it. do what you have said and leave it at least 12 month before you get a bike again. doing it first shows remorse for your actions....
Your saving grace is they are not traffic hence now as fully aware what happens on the road wa sthey another R1 on the road that past you???? did the police take you reg??? not what leathers you had on?????? or did they take it after??????. look for discrepences. if you are sure there was defend you case but remember they havent to prove beoned doubt so you could get stuck with it.
just be careful what you say