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Everything posted by robanglim

  1. robanglim replied to robanglim's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    my leathers just thought ide post this up for gothto say thanks{take a look at the devil}nice
  2. robanglim replied to robanglim's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    petrol tank off ,all fairing brackets off, wiring shiffted so i could spray the frame pearl blackpearescent{03}from motorworld lsprayed theheel gaurds but the didnt stand out so bought some wire mesh (again motorworld)and glass fibre compoundsprayed the mesh red(says red24 on can its brightred sprayed the heel gaurds again madeup the glass fibre(1 golf ball size glass fibre to 3 pea size hardener i needed it to set quickly if u not sure add less hardener it gives u more time to make adjustments )pushed the mesh in to heel gaurd and trimmed so looks like this and wen dried def looks better
  3. robanglim replied to robanglim's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    it looks nicer straight away than the mile wide ass it used to have
  4. robanglim replied to robanglim's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    tried the r1 2002 seat unit to see how it would look
  5. robanglim posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    hey everyone got some picsof my 1987 fz600thanks to goth{thanks goth} this is what it was like, back wheel seized and cant see it but dif colour to the front horrid but mine both mirrors smashed gutted
  6. robanglim replied to pav's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    damn that is one sweet looking r1 buddy very nice
  7. wow that looks brill beautiful colour aswell ,
  8. 2 wheels is 2 wheels my mate,and its a yamaha so u cant go wrong lol,at least ure out there on the road doing ure thing mate just be safe nice going i like it ,i rode one at oulton park when bsb boys where there i used to work for a team called maxxis awsome little rides man
  9. nice looking bike buddy,love the fully faired fz,is that how u got it or have u added it nice i like it
  10. robanglim replied to R12NDS_R6's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    awsome pictures,like the red in black and white photo ,nicely done .when u planning the euro trip then
  11. robanglim replied to YamaHead's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    nice bikes, they will get u anywhere u want to go no probs ,thanks for showing
  12. robanglim replied to KingPrawnRing's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    nice yam ,i like the old ones thanks for showing
  13. robanglim replied to lightning1988's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    2 wheels are 2 wheels my mate stick at it and u will no the bike inside out,its great practise for wen u upgrade to a more powerful one thanks for showing
  14. robanglim replied to Life in Motion's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    its a good shot u taken there my mate nice ride
  15. robanglim replied to Squish's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    u no what squish ,awsome work mate thats all i can say awsome work u have put some hours in to that project and it shows my mate cant wait till its finished to see pics nicely done
  16. robanglim replied to mlc's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    damn fine machine,now thats original at its best. thanks for showing
  17. awsome looking bike surrounding country nice aswell lol,awsome pic thanks for showing
  18. robanglim replied to mad73's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    damn that is clean nice going ,wow what a find
  19. robanglim replied to a post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    now that is one lovely looking fazer nice id be happy with that job nice going
  20. robanglim replied to Va Mud Dauber's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    my god i love the classics u guys have some awsome looks wheels between u
  21. robanglim replied to R6Ricky's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    damn ricky that is one awsome looking dream machine mate well done u have done an amazing job on it buddy
  22. robanglim replied to barwell1992's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    hey barwell think u done brill mate looks awsome
  23. think u done awsome so far proto, how long has it took u to do it so far and whats next,in store for it nice job mate
  24. robanglim replied to Fieryfilly's post in a topic in The Bar
    hi fiery ,sorry about ure bike ino what ure going through i had mine stripped and it was outside mine aswell ,its so wrong that someone can ruin in one night what it has took us such a long time to get it looking how we want ,i lost my brother to cancer so i hadnt slept in weeks and the only time i managed to sleep someone took it to bits and what they coulnt take they broke its wrong im sorry hope u find it
  25. robanglim replied to wayno's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    now that looks sweet wayno ,like the old ones i have an old 87 fz600 witch i have replaced the kit with an 02 r1 kit will post pics soon