Everything posted by robanglim
Bike comfort....
u see thats y i love this forum ,evryone is so willing to help damn i have never had that on any site ive been on and they are not just praising yamahas either ,well cynic u have some really goog choices my mate to choose from ,must admit the fjr1300 is good my mates dad has one and he has no probs keeping with us and his back is knackered after a mishap with a bus and he swears by it buddy
My Dragstar
damn thats one beautiful ride mits really really nice look at the chrome
some more kits i used to love my job lol im looking at yam parts i can make moulds from at mo so give me some time and il try sort something out .if i can help any of u guys and girls out by doing what i can then thats a help to any of u that il be glad to do ,im not trying to con anyone the company i worked for was 666 road racing if any of u have any doubts about me give them a call they will tell u how good i was ,im only doing this cos u guys have helped me with mechanical probs and im good at body work so if i can repay the favour with helping people with there kits then im here thanks rob
hey people just thought ide post a few pics of my fibreglassing kits ive done the only reason is im looking in to buying some moulds in the next few months ,so if anyone needs help or wants new parts made(if its old or broken ) u pay postage to and back from me and il do it for next to nothing for u ,cant say better than that ,
My 2008 R6
wwwooooooooooowwwwwwww that looks stunning
There is a God,,,
:D made up for u ,i have won a million dollars on the american lottery ,they want money aswell :D
Say Hello To The Jesta'
welcome to the site buddy
A Big Hello from Ireland!!
hi and welcome rich hope u enjoy ure stay ,there are loads of inteligent people on here mate who have a wealth of knoledge ........................im just not one of them
Newbie :)
welcome to the forum buddy ,good choice the r6 damned fine rides mate
hey welcome to the forum dude dont be worried about the moped man everyone starts somewhere ,have u got ure eyes on anything bigger in the future ,i love the new r6 man nice
Dangerous fugitive on the loose!
its a good pic of u though goth just saying
Dangerous fugitive on the loose!
oh bless foamy has a crush........................ing death wish good poster dude ,seen that pic of the poor guy getting nuts bounced nice deterent goth defo got the message with that
thanks for nothing guys
ok hankodan first off buddy being trying to sort out my bike so can hopefully make use of the good weather,what are u used to riding u havent put anything down about what u want so no one knows if u after an old or new bike mate there is plenty of help in here u just got to learn patience man help will come u got a damned good bunch of people in here that are willing to help when they can, i no that first hand ,ide look at wheels first off if loads of scrapes then they been changed a lot witch prob means its been raced or just ragged loads,check the fairing mounts where the fairing is attached see if any are bent or scraped ,same with sides of engine. just take it for a spin,if u have any long roads near u that will give u a chance to move up and down gears u will hear then if any probs with engine or gears shifting ,i only been back on site for couple of days i couldnt get on at first ,if anyone u go to see about a bike make any excuses y u cant take the bike out then walk away sorry thats all i got also for a small fee there are companys out there that will tell u the history of the bike and if its been in any accidents ,hope this helps
My FZR600 Gen Project
squish that is going to look awsome my mate it looks damned awsome now ,if u want to keep it original i got a number somewhere that redo the spring and damper ,it costs so much less than it does for a new one,they strip it back repowder coat it new bearings everything mate if u want the nuber il find it for u ,think it costs about 60 quid or something ,maybe a bit lower but its original then and whatever colour u want mate ,what an amazing job so far buddy
1987 fz600
thanks old timer no not yet finished,i had a r1 front mudgaurd a thundercat tank, r6 swing arm and wheel ,but where all stolen so set back a bit now ,done my carbs what a nightmare getting them off ,took back upper bolts out of rear subframe and let it rest on wheel , cleaned air-box and sprayed mettalic black,ecu red gear rod done started on front end i bought some l plates from focus to extend the r1 fairing bracket ,needed it just off the key point ,any higher and the handle bars caught the bottom of the fairing ,any lower and it was the block oil cover hitting the top of fairing so these where bob on needed some holes drilled but still strong , i swayed the bike on both sides by holding the bracket to make sure it was strong now when i move the bars nothing catches
Yet another newbie
hey tj welcome to the forum
1987 fz600
thanks for kind comments drewpy
my moped
that depends on u my mate,if u comfortable on a 600 go mid range. i wouldnt go higher than that but thats me,i want to be able to control that before going higher again to something like a thou ,the new 600 areso much quicker than the old ones its how u ride it buddy ,all the best, be safe
New Project - don't laugh (not too much anyway)
hey 2 wheels is 2 wheels ,its a start and thats what u need .I started of on my older brothers vespa (like i said very very quickly before have to start somewhere anyway that was an old px125 and me and a few friends used to go everywhere on them (yep the had scooters to ) it was good fun but they never had the speed,
yamaha owners club stickers?
wouldnt mind some nice stickers myself
- xs 650
damn that is one fine looking bike ,u can tell u have worked hard on it buddy ,it shows amazing
1987 fz600
lifted up on bricks (needed to make sure she was safe no chance of topple)back wheel off i placed wood under swing arm as its softer than metal so wont scratch it underneath after 3 coats of high fill primer4 coats of pearl black(03)and 4 coats of laquer (placed rag on chain so didnt mess it up back wheel ,i have given it wire brush to get rid of the loose paint and stuff 2 coats of high build primer 3 coats pearl black(03)and 3 coats of laquer then on to the chain adjustors look better red and these looking nice now i went over the teeth on the cog so it wouldnt build up rubbish on chain swing arm dry now got rid of the 20 years of crap build up then its all ready to go back together next chain gaurd looking nicer now ,respray of red24 on seat unit and get rid of ugly yellow stripe hope u guys and girls like it so far
1987 fz600
thanks nath was unsure what people would say about ripping up an old fz but i needed it to be a 1 off think its going that way now mate il have sizes of the brackets done later for u buddy
welcome and nice bike my mate