Everything posted by dragstardave
exhaust modifications
Hi i got given one of those kits thst were on ebay where you drill the end of the exhaust and fit a big washer over the holes you drilled it did sound better abit and still passed its mot and i did not notice any loss of power now got highway hawk turn downs fantastic!!!
baby drag
Hi and hello dragstars are cool
Neutral light
Hi Chris have a look at the conection on the regulator if its dirty give it a clean and some wd40 might sort it out
xvs650 (2000) exhausts??
just fitted a pair of highway hawk turn downs on my xvs 650 sounds the dogs now you should have a look on you tube lots of differnt pipes on there just a thought
spike air cleaner
spike air cleaner
i have got a spike air cleaner for my xvs650 has anyone fitted one of these i cant get the dam thing to fit any help would be good before i end up bald
Re chroming parts
just had the same problem went to yam dealer and new was £520.00 i bought some off ebay for £150.00 its not worth having them re done
How much!!!
Oi OI Goff dont keep them to yourself can always do with a frendly yank lol
London Courier??
I have worked in london on me bike if you only need to earn £200 a week then fine any more then you got to put the hours in and at the moment i would think work is very slow and going to get worse then you got the bloody black cabs,push bikes,blind car drivers,cost of insurance not cheap,and your bike cost having said that i had great fun for two years or so getting payed to ride all day is cool
Loss of power
I would like to know if you got your problem sorted my mates 125 is showing the same signs as yours get it up to 50 and it feels like your running out of fuel blip the gas and its ok for a few miles i am planing to do a service on it this weekend but a update on your problem would be cool
How much!!!
Yea its not hard to work out why we are in the shit too much profit being taken
How much!!!
you know how it goes down to the local yam dealer "i need some new engine cases for me xvs650" That will be £520.00 HOW MUCH!!!! so off to evilbay i go and what do you know over the pond in the good old usa i get both for £150.00 me thinks i should move lol
Its the same old problem standard chrome peeling off still it was time for a rebuild anyway i may be lucky on evilbay thanks people
looks like new casings it is then its like trying to find hens teeth getting used ones thanks Ttaskmaster
Hi does anyone know how much new engine casings are or is it cheaper to rechrome!!! what do you think??