Everything posted by MattT
- Incredible
not firing on all cylinders
have you checked the ht leads?
- Luggage
XVS1300 Midnight Star Seats
have you tried ebay?
yamaha genisis wont start
Could be the leads too, not too expensive to replace and would produce the symptoms you're describing
i have seen the drill trick done before, just don't tighten the chuck up too much
Loss of power
running rich means that it is getting too much fuel for the amount of air getting in, or there isn't enough air for the amount of fuel, depends on your point of view.
08 R6 Slip on Exhaust recommendation
you can get whatever you like and then put a removable baffle in the end to quieten it down a bit, i had a viper exhaust on my bandit that you could put a broom handle all the way down, but it still went through an mot once the baffle was in i got the baffle from banditmainia.com called a db killer was only about 20 quid and was more or less universal fit, sounded great too.
a labourer on a building site goes to his boss and asks for some oil for his barrow: boss: why what's wrong with it? labourer: when i push it goes squeak........ squeak.......squeak.......squeak boss: YOU'RE FIRED!! labourer: because my barrow squeaks!? boss: no, because it should be going squeak squeak squeak squeak
WR400 indicators
You need to find out if it is ac or dc, you can get a cheap multimeter from argos that will tell you that, then you options are buy the correctly rated indicators or fit a rectifier (to convert ac to dc) or a wave rectifier (dc to ac) as appropriate for the job, you should be able to get what you need from somewhere like maplin with a wiring diagram. hope this of some help.
2 down, 1 to go
Good luck, not sure I'd want your insurance bill
2008 R6 Tail Tidy Help
you're probably best off getting a haynes manual really, i've always found them easy to follow and it'll probably tell you how to get at what you need to, failing that try asking at a local independent bike shop, I've always found such places are happy to help.
anyone had this problem..?
I know it's most likely a daft question but what's the oil like?, personally i always do a full oil change and engine flush after an extended period of lay up
Loss of power
By all means tell me if you think i'm talkin bollocks but it sound to me like it's running really rich