Everything posted by Imanupstart
Its still a good day out found a stand selling scorpion,arrow and micron exhaust half priced so I nabbed one for me bandit
Will be riding up there with me dad on the Sunday. It has to rain, its bmf show tradition!
my dt 125
Look here on how to post pics
My New MT-03 :D
Stop!.... Want one
And by not riding it efficiently you mean you've been seeing how fast a 600 can go
Just erm, remeber that it won't be as economical on petrol as the 50's and 125's.....kinda learned that lesson today
Prats on a dirt bike
Know the feeling, I live right next to a park and during the summer we have the constant drone of kids on dirtbikes. The temptation to stretch a long line of cheese wire across is almost unbearable Notify the police or brick the fucker as he rides past, both good options!
bike stealing scumbag vigilante group sign up!!!
Very true, my Tae Kwon Do instructor once told a very immature me something along the lines of "I can teach you all the fancy kicks and techniques in the world, but in a real situation bite,scratch,grab his "goolies" 'cos there aint no points for style. It's life or death." Despite how awsome my kukri is, its a tool. Killing someone is best done beyond arms reach
Congrats mate, great feeling isn't it!
bike stealing scumbag vigilante group sign up!!!
I pledge my cold steel kukri to your cause
My new MT03
Beautiful bike, almost wish I would have saved up a bit more and got one!
New test breaks first candidates arm "MCN link"
Spot on mate, well thought out this test isn't it eh And best of luck barwell, its not a fail if you stall but it is if you lock the wheel up (even for the slightest second, trust me ) do you still have to do that stupid, left shoulder check,right shoulder and push the bike to the curb thing now its offroad?
first riding lesson
Yeah I bet that doesn't help, I got lucky with my instructor, nice bloke and he was the spitting image of Winston Churchill. And you should count yourself lucky with the Cg, I had to learn on a Kymco pulsar that constantly kicked itself back into neutral and had orgasm giving strength revs at 7k Just look at the awful thing!
first riding lesson
You'll find your next lesson easy. My first one was about 8 hours and after 6 or so my brain refused to take anything else in and I just started riding like a cock. Was really worried but the next lesson I found it had all sank in pretty well. Just remember your lifesavers every time you change speed or direction and your right shoulder check before you move off. Lifesavers are always in the direction of travel so right just before turning right and left just before turning left etc. You'll probably find it alot easier once your brains had time to take it all in!
MT-03 Bliss
Beautiful bikes, was number one on my list but couldn't afford the bloody thing Still, picked up the bandit yesterday and I'm more than happy with it! When's your test buddy?
My YZF R125 with Mods
Great little bike, wish I could have kept mine and still got my bandit! Looks like you've spent a fair bit on that
Stupidest thing?
Not me but walking home yesterday I was passed by a learner on a CBR125......in shorts and t shirt.......no gloves........texting. Me and my girlfriend just looked at each other in disbelief.
Test passed
Well I've defected to S*zuki, got a really tidy 600 bandit 12k miles for £2700. Picking her up on Sunday Going to be the longest week of my life....
Test passed
Cheapish I'm the most impatient person in the world so the thought of buying a new bike this weekend meant the R125 had to go asap
Test passed
Thanks all Stuck the R125 on ebay today, popped up the shop for liquid provisions for the weekend and returned to find someone nabbed it for the buy it now price So i'm off round the bike shops trying to find a replacement tomorrow!
Test passed
Almost had a clean sheet but relaxed a bit when I realised we were close to the test center and picked up a minor for signalling Bike shopping this weekend!
Sick to the core
Very annoyed that I was at work and couldn't be in the town to welcome them all home.Didn't come as a shock to me when I heard,given that they actively recruit these fanatically scumbags in the asian areas of the town.Proud to see that people of all races welcoming the lads home didn't put up with it!If only the coppers would have turned a blind eye....
16 March ,May be worth a look
Got the tank bag from there about a year ago, was great until the fabric separating the magnets from the petrol tank started wearing out. Well worth the money though, nice and roomy.
Out Tomorra!
Hoping to go for a little ride later today, met office is predicting rain round here Agreed, now really isn't the best time to go job hunting!
Rock Band Required
Currently playing in a 60's-present day rock pop and punk covers band. Trying to sway them all over to the driving rock side of things . Will have some mp3's/facebook etc all up in a few weeks if your still looking for a band in a few weeks time give us a shout!