Everything posted by Imanupstart
Bike run in support of Wootton Bassett.
Surprised this isn't more popular on this forum, I'm registered and looking forward to it! Over 4000 bikes registered now
PC wallpapers/backkgrounds
Oh my, I know when I'm defeated A man after my own heart you are bark
PC wallpapers/backkgrounds
Bark, I'm dying to see what could possibly beat a half naked beautiful redhead chilling down a massive pile of beer, I mean, its every man's dream. But the pictures not showing up
Stubby time!
Yeah pretty nice, took a quick mobile vid but it sounds alot louder in person, nice deep growl to it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oy7j0nyKgYU Just want the weather to clear up so I can taker her out and have a listen!
Stubby time!
All done
Stubby time!
Sorry for the lack of updates, man flu Almost done! Getting the spout end back on was a bit of a pain, was filing away thinking that would help me slip it back in so to speak. Well it didn't, but the hammer I used worked wonders Just need to rivet it all back together, using aluminium rivets at the moment, cant find any better ones anywhere. I plan to upgrade them in the near future (unlikely!)
Stubby time!
Oh dont worry the removable baffle is staying out But inside the exhaust surrounded by all this fiberglassy packing there is a length of pipe that runs through the exhaust. This is what I've heard been called the "internal baffle" and it helps to cut down the nouse, hold the shape and all that jazz, apparently. Diagram because Its hard to explain when you have very little clue what your talking about
Stubby time!
Funny you should say that, it took me ages to work out that its welded in on the inlet, had to drill the rivets out at the other end and managed to hack and inch and a half off the baffle, should all fit nicely now Got a day off work wednesday to hopefully get this finished.
Stubby time!
*Next day* I was thinking about popping to the gym today but after doing this I don't think I'll bother! Trip to B&Q to replace our elusive hacksaw, found some big hose clips as I don't have much faith in my ability to cut straight! Crap pics below Cut line marked out That internal baffle was one thick f*cker! Took a while but the end result is looking pretty good. 7" stubby.....oh that's tempting! Reward time Jobs for tomorrow are to fit the standard exhaust back onto my bike so I can get to work monday . And hopefully find a way to get the bloody internal baffle out so I can cut it down, its wedged in there pretty good
Stubby time!
Got this posted over at bike chat forums, thought I'd post it up here for you guys to laugh at my attempt Thought I might do my best to document this, to help anyone else who's thinking of doing it. I've read a few guides on the net but I am completely hopeless with anything to do with making/maintenance pretty much anything mechanical. I was amazed when I managed to fit bar end mirrors and still to this day feel proud, that's how bad I am. If I can pull this off, anyone can, and I mean anyone. I bought this Scorpion stainless oval for my Bandit at this years bmf show but I came home and was very disappointed at the lack of pretty much any audible improvement So its time to do the right thing and stubby it Stopped off at Homebase on the way home from work and picked up a rivet gun, 3 sizes of rivets, 3mm metal drill bits and two hacksaw blades for cutting metal (even got asked for id buying the blades, how crazy is that). This is how far I am currently. *Sorry for the crap pics, Dad's in spain with my d-slr* Here's the pipe as it was, looks alright, pretty long but just not loud enough. Pipe off the bike and all the bits, rivet gun, blades and drill bits Drilled the heads off all the rivets at the spout end using the 3mm drill bit and a hammer, then punched the remaining bit of the rivet through using a small screwdriver. After much hammering, shouting and pulling I was left with this The point of no return I think its called....
Commutting on a YZF R125
Its there to be ridden, ride it Used mine to commute and never had any problems, apart from a pedestrians inability to spot a large noisy bright yellow motorcycle with a 6' 3 ride on top....
Need Help Finding YBR Start Button
Ahhhh and I was expecting a really stupid post after reading that title Quick blast on ebay shows you can get the whole right hand lot for 15 squid, irritating when all you wants the start button though! link
What other Hobbies
But then of course African swallows are non-migratory.
What other Hobbies
Crazy eh,and just look at what those strict regulations have done,gun crime is unheard of in Britain.... And like you said, the latest vcra amendment has stopped mail orders sales or air rifles/pistols but also, airsoft guns, that fire a 0.2g plastic pellet at a max of about 7/800 fps (if you pump a few hundred quid into them) now have to be painted 51% luminous green/red if your not a registered member of a skirmish site Its sporting equipment for christs sake, I could do alot more damage to you with a cricket bat than a bb gun..
How not to clean a bike
What other Hobbies
Ak47s, m15a1 and a baretta in the case on top of my draws, not pictured is the multitude of knives,swords and a remington 700 airsoft rifle. Not exactly strange for 19 year old city kids now adays eh There part of my other hobby, used to be into paintballing/airsoft, regularly shoot air rifles & pistols and I collected all manor of pointy killy things. The ak is neutered (de-activated) unfortunatly
What other Hobbies
Funny how you forget how many guitars you own..... The white les paul junior and cream strat are my homebuilds
How not to clean a bike
Seen this on a few forums now, loving the replies! Originally Posted by ks503 View Post Holy shit. You are one dumb fucker! Originally Posted by dev1360 View Post At least I can spell the word BRAKE in my sig. Originally Posted by ks503 View Post At least I can type it. LOL
What other Hobbies
Yeup, started electric about 6 years ago, recently sold all my gear (apart from my prs and boss me50) to fund a new bass addiction
PC wallpapers/backkgrounds
Bah, I see your Professor Miang Lee and raise you mythbusters' Kari Byron
New toy.....
Picked this up yesterday, rode it 80 miles home in the pitch black surrounded by artics, not a great ride Just a little something to help the 2 year restriction pass quicker.... S*zuki DR350 Supermoto. Alot of grunt for a little engine! Its a 91 model so the kickstart is a bit of a bitch And the bandit, finally got round to taking a non camera phone pic
Link your Facebook account
It was firefox but it seems ok now
Link your Facebook account
Ooh snazzy, all done Not sure if anyone else is getting it but the add under your name and pic in the top right blocks some of the contents of the drop down menue? New layout looks great btw
Hi all any thoughts no 600 bike chocie
Bandit. Nuff said My girlfriends about 5 foot 3 or something silly like that, she can touch the floor on tiptoes but says she would feel comfortable riding it. Reassuringly heavy, lots of bolt on goodies and go like stink
yzf750r,, what you think???
^Agreed. Looks amazing but that can doesn't look right