Everything posted by Imanupstart
Nah mate, bolt it straight on and away you go! Great choice of exhaust too, I had the scorpion on my R125, very sexy growl to it.
new tail and radiator grill
Oi, I've told you before about posting pictures of that sexy bike
bined my bike yesterday :/
Sorry to hear that mate, at least your looking on the bright side, an excuse to tart up your bike
Congrats! Foamy finally talked you round in the end then eh
My new bike????!!!!!
Wonder how much this sci fi goldwings gonna cost?
My new bike????!!!!!
Why beat about the bush
My new bike????!!!!!
looks vile mate
ShoKz on the road
Nah my dad's didn't either, limp wrists apparently
planning my first tour, tip ideas etc
Looks like a good trip mate, triumph shop you stopped at (if its the one in Woburn) is about fifteen minutes from my house yet I've never been there
ShoKz on the road
Bike looks good with the bar end mirror, would love some for my blandit but the vibrations through those bars are insane, wouldn't be able to see a bloody thing lol
ShoKz on the road
Like the draggin jeans mate, must get round to ordering me a pair
Life Saver Glance
Morning mate, general rule is lifesaver in the direction you intend to travel, left turn left lifesaver, right turn right,keep that in mind and you cant go far wrong There are a few exceptions like when approaching a roundabout and you need to be in the right hand side lane you should get an early left lifesaver in as you approach, just to check theres no sneaky bugger trying to get around you on the roundabout. Then there's a quick left glance as you pass an exit on the roundabout, and a right as you leave the roundabout. Quite alot to take in! Life saver every time you change speed,direction or moving away. Best of luck for the test!
Micheal Jackson
Same thing as Jade Goodey, papers regulary called her a fat pig, racist bully etc but she gets cancer and its brave Jade this brave Jade that, thats the media for you
The Sons Of Anarchy thread....
Saw it advertised on bravo I think, couple months back. How is it? Currently reading a book on The Hells Angels so I think i'd like this series.
planning my first tour, tip ideas etc
Luton Edit: Ignore me, didnt see the new route Theres some nice roads around aylesbury way, and a great bike shop with a burger van in the car park. Perfick for your first pit stop On yer bike
Lil' Cycho Ross of the Satan's Barbers MC
restricted 600 vs a 125 or 250
Some good advice so far, after passing your test you won't want a 125, probably not want a 250 either. After I passed mine and rode a 600 I was kicking myself for wasting so much money on 125's! Restricted 600's are a good way to go but you have to be sensible about it, sportsbikes generally do not restrict well. Wouldn't worry too much about what bhp the bike your restricting is, like I said as long as your sensible. My bandit makes about 73bhp I think, restricted I can still get 105mph out of it (uphill, still had loads left to give )
swap MT-03 for XT660X
MT hands down mate, all the way!
what a muppet
Haha what a cheeky bugger, that was great. The ending was well deserved
So where did you go today ?
Spent most of the day fitting my scorpion exhaust, quick run half a mile up the road to the cashpoint to check its not blowing and all done up right, then the 15 mile detour home Heading up to Santa Pod tomorrow with some mates so that should be good.
my little pony: the movie
Letter bombs
Bit of a power struggle going on when it comes to crap jokes around here
Ultra Seal
Brilliant stuff. Used it in my Vara and was pulling screws, nails all sorts of pointy bits of metal out my tyres. Couldn't recommend it any higher. Got some to put in my Bandit at the weekend coincidently!
motorbike boots
^agreed. Viper tactical boots. £60 and the most comfortable boot I've ever worn.
bloody weather (kit advice needed)
To reduce fogging up visors wipe the inside with washing up liquid, worked for me but not for my Dad so give it a shot