Everything posted by Dufferz
DT50MX Carb..
Hi guys.. I'm in dire need of help with my little one! I've sold it to my girlfriend, just before the winter, before winter layup, she was as sweet as anything, only little niggldy electrical problems. After the winter, i noticed that she was as difficult as anything to start, and once she was actually trying to move, she was spluttering and repeatedly flooding the spark plug. Few days after, I noticed that she kept spitting fuel back out of the overflow in the carb.. So my immediate thought was worn float needle/seat. Dropped the carb, inspected it all, and theres some reasonably bad wear on the needle where it sits, so i'm trying to find another.. If anyone out there can get ahold of a part number that I can order another with I'd be severely grateful! It might also be worth noting that when the engine is warm, as in worked past the repeated spluttering, she seems fine, starts first or second kick and rides just fine.. so im really thinking that the needle being worn will allow too much fuel through and that, being the actual problem here, making it splutter.. So when the engines warm, it keeps the fuel vaporised and it burns easier, so in my eyes, it makes sence
TDM850 1991
Hey again Yamahaclub Just checkin' in again.. I would like to know if the TDM850 would be a good bike for A2 license. My dad is either going to give me his old Z650 (Kawasaki) which is an awesome little cruiser.. not that I'd ever ride it on the road of anything .. Or the TDM850 from 1991. My thoughts are that as the TDM is a V-twin, it'll stop the 33Bhp restrictor from making it splutter as theres more low range power than the inline on the Z. Any thoughts? But i'm sure the Z would be cheaper on insurance as its a classic, and its a lower CC. Happy new year!
Loud bang when starting
excess fuel, nothing major to worry about
Too Much White / Grey Smoke.... *Cough*
very true, my guess is that its running a bit rich, or you've over filled it like mentioned
Yamaha XS250Custom
It looks lovely, but as you say, if its not running great, you will be taking a risk, either way, if you DO buy it But with a little bit of TLC, and elbow grease, that bike will be Smokin!
Hello to all
hey Hope you have fun!
DT50MX head gasket
i've got a copy of the Dt50MX manual laying around somewhere on this pc, if you still need it i will gladly upload it, it has all of the torque settings
Knobhead on my street
Ohhhh what a coincidence
Any riding instructors on here
Yes, it would be illegal probably (not 100% sure) However, he SHOULD have called you first, that is very unfair.... And the 50cc doesnt really matter, but tha Tax.... :S I'd consider phoning their superior.
my new bike
Buying a Used YBR - Tips
No problem, Try and find 2 dealers with the same bike, don't just find the first one and buy from them without checking the other deals ~Dufferz
Caution!!!! New virus in town
Hes almost as annoying as the person who dropped my bike today and snapped my clutch lever. PS, Goff, can you send a pic of your bike?
Buying a Used YBR - Tips
make sure that when you buy it, its indicators work, and they have a little ride on it.. obvious stuff really, but I didnt do it and i had to re-wire my bike myself.. Also make sure they provide a good engine history with it
rz or td or tz expansion chambers
I wish he would fu*k off. And check on eBay dude, theres so many spares on there these days!
Caution!!!! New virus in town
Sorry! We couldn't find the page you requested. The page you requested is no longer available on Yahoo! News. edit: wait wtf, McBiker, your posting in ~4-5 month old threads... WTF?
- hello all
Just Passed and now the bike
Ask them to keep it for a while longer, whilst they do that, have a look around for the one you want... and see if its better+cheaper Congrats on passing
- Need help
Exhaust for 97 DT 175
depends which exhaust you put on it, wether its more free flow or what.. But if it IS more free flowing, its reccomended that you fine tune it more
Quick Hello
Hi! Welcome to yammy club
here's one you brits may like
- Hello :)
FJ 1200 specific apparel?
Quoted for truth
Vstar 1100
Sounds like your getting rid of the problem to me dude .. Probably whats making it too
- Wanna help me?