Everything posted by jenkovix
Hi all! This is almost wintertime and my question would be how we should prepare our beloved bike for proper winter storage? What tricks need to be done on the bike? Especially on chromed/painted areas but I am also enquiring about fuel tank, tyres etc. Thank you and regards
Wild Star rattling noise
The noise is coming in neutral as well. The bike is in saloon condition no other problems at all. Thank you
Wild Star rattling noise
Hi all! At a certain revs I hear a rattling noise coming up from the engine. The noise is something like a steel ball from ball bearing put into a can and shaked in a circular movement. Just below 60 km/h (40 miles/hour) it is quite audiable and disturbing. Otherwise the bike is in a very good shape. Anybody came accross with this? Thank you Regards
XV1600 idle revs
Hi, I own a Wild Star 1600cc. After the engine warmed up I push the choke back and the idle revs go really low. The engine won't cut out it just spins at a low rate. If I am turninf for example in a roundabout in first or second gear (depends on roundabout size), I can't do it without pulling some extra throttle. At idle revs it yanks. Adding a small throttle: everything goes smoothly. She does it in each gear. She is in a very nice condition with low mileage and the carburettor was never opened and everyting else is factory fitted (pipes, air filter, etc). Thank you for your help
Wild Star petrol gauge
Wild Star petrol gauge
Hi folks, I own a Wild Star 2004 beast and refuelled today fully but the fuel meter won't go up to the full mark. If I turn the key both the speedo and fuel goes through the up and down sequence and than the fuel gauge goes 2mm only above the pin on the empty side. What is wrong? Has anybody experienced something like this? Thank you Regards
Wild Star/Drag Star levers
Hi, Thank you for that. What is the link for that website?
Wild Star/Drag Star levers
Hi folks, just wondering if the XV1600 Wild (Royal) Star and the XVS650A Drag (V Star) front brake and clutch levers are identical or not? Thank you
Hi folks, I am wondering to get a hypercahrger for my beauty but I don't really know how does it work (increases air flow into the carb maybe?). Could you please explain it to me? What effects does it have? Does it reduces engine life time? Thank you
H4 bulb change in Dragstar 650
I changed to 80/100W bulbes, really lits up the road!!! No any other change or alignment needed. Works jeeaah
cleaning under heatshields
Hey lads, would you know how to remove the heatshields from the pipes on a XVS650A? The pipes are dirty underneath and it is impossible to reach area under the shields. Thank you
exhaust pipe shiled removal
Hey lads, would you know how to remove the heatshields from the pipes on a XVS650A? The pipes are dirty underneath and it is impossible to reach area under the shields. Thank you
pipe modification
How can I open th mufflers? I can't see any screws or anything. What about drilling through the slanted outside part and the inside baffle about an inch further?
pipe modification
Hey folks, I am wondering how I could drag more sound from the pipes. I have the stock pipes mounted at the moment without any modifications. Bigger sound would be also safer on the roads especially in heavy traffic. If it would be possible I would like to keep the stock pipes because I like their shape Thank you
Cobra spotlight mounting
Hi Gentlemen! I want to get two no of these spotlights: http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/detail.c...amp;model_id=34 Does anybody has it? I want to install it with a clamp on the factory bar. Do I need a switch? Like this one: http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/detail.c...p;related=short Thank you
H4 bulb change in Dragstar 650
Ok, thanks
H4 bulb change in Dragstar 650
Did you change any fuse or simply swapped the bulb?
H4 bulb change in Dragstar 650
There is no MOT for bikes in Ireland Do I need to change any fuses?
H4 bulb change in Dragstar 650
The final question is: is it legal to fit an 80/100W bulb? On the box says: "for offroad use only"...
H4 bulb change in Dragstar 650
Hi Gents! I would like to change the factory fitted H4 12V 55/60W bulb with a H4 12V 80/100W one in my 2008 Dragstar 650. The original is not too bright. Also looking to get passing lights and a GPS. Will the electrical system will take the extra load? Thank you
Chrome cleaning
Hi folks! Today a guy offered to me the Xzilon 3 AECI stuff for polising metal/painted parts. It is an aircraft exterior appearance corrosion inhibitor approved by Boeing and Airbus. Demonstrated on my bike and results are very good: shiny and smooth surface. Serious stuff just like it's price: €90 a bottle. Xzilon does someting similar for cars: has somebody used that one? Alternatively could you recommend some good cleaning/polishing product what would keep dust, water and insects away? Thank you Hit the road
Passing lights amd price
Hi lads! I want to have a set of passing lights on my Dragstar 650 classic but the kits are available on the web are very expensive: around 250 USD for the lights and the same amount for the mounting bar??!! This is mad... Could you please advise any cheaper alternatives/installation without the expensive bar? Thank you Ride and Rock and Roll
decent accessories shop in England
Hi lads! I would like to buy some customising parts for my Dragstar 650 like a sissy bar, highway bar, passing lights etc. Is there a good shop with online buying possibility where I can get all of the above by one order and the selection is quite big as well? Thank you
Saddle bag on rear fender
Hi folks! I've just bought saddle bags for my Dragstar 650. I've seen on many used bikes that the bags remove the paint from the rear fender as it moves a bit all the time. Is there any way to protect the paint before I install the bags? Thank you
need right-hand drive lens assembly
Hi Lads! I live in Ireland and I am going to leave the counrty back to the good old continent. Ireland is a left-hand drive country so the bike's headlight is correspondindgly set up to light more on the left hand side. This will cause problems on the continent so I have to change it. I sourced the lens from Canada (right hand drive country) I am just not too sure if there is any difference in the lenses between US/Canada and European models. Would somebody know? Any help appreciated Thank you Regards