hey folks, new to the club, and new to bikes, so bare with me please
im in france with my sr 125, i was taking a tight corner and leaning over quite a bit
the chain came loose, and off the rear wheel cog (bad jargon, i know)
so i put it back on, easily enough, but then it was really loose.
anyways i continued along my merry way, bike still functioning just about.
but sometimes the chain would come off, obviously coz its real loose....
so now i've had a friend tighten it, not sure how, i guess he took out some links???
apparently, the chain is completely wrecked, it badly needs oil and to be changed....
i know, i'm useless.
so heres the quetions
how much does a knew chain cost? roughly...
with the oil, do i just pour it on like one would for a bicycle....
how long will this "completely wrecked" chain last....
will it do any other damage to the bike if i continue with it.....
thanks a mill for any advice or tips, sorry about the rediculously trivial questions....
ps i wont be reparing it myself, due to lack of tools while travelling and complete ignorance!!!!