Everything posted by AussieYDS3
here's one you brits may like
hahahahha.....some of us aussies get it too ..good yarn...."mixo" was introduced here in the 50s or there abouts i understand here in Australia.. to try and steady the plague proportions that were evident...coincidentally rabbits seem to go hell for leather in the cot when there is Drought over here...where some animals shut down thre reproducing well the rabbits seemed to go at it hammer and tong.....there a pretty sad sight when affected by mixo..there eyes swell up like a honeymooners frankfurt..abd u definately should not eat them.......lmao
Hi all ...Aussie Yamaha fan..
thanxs for the welcome folks
my YDS3..
Hi Yamahead,,,yeah i think they were known for there exhaust note( yowl)..and there smoke...i must admit a few fellas here have said the modern day oils do help..and there is some adjustement in the Autolube...anyhow the pic below.. id thought id include is were its been stored....hehehehe......also bought the rat bike home ..it had same rim..and similar front guard.....its a single DT250 ....anyhow heres the pic..
Hi all ...Aussie Yamaha fan..
Hi Folks and thanxs for the nice words etc.....heres a pic of the bike.. Little dan..mate ive never been out of australia so its hard to let u know how good or bad it is.....we got plenty of roads????....
my YDS3..
Hi all found the thread on the forum...thought id post a pic of my 'new" bike..been part of the family since 68..thought i should save it from fate..it has been in a shearing shed out of the weather.. ..heck its fun cleaning it up and replacing/ adjusting things where needed or available...and im lucky its mostly complete (the bike) but by no means is it 100%..it might never get to full resto...but ive had a couple of splats up the road and it rolls on nice.. ..this pic shows where i am at the moment.......cheers from here ..
Hi all ...Aussie Yamaha fan..
New Here ....im restoring a early yamaha ..been part of the family for 40 years..stored poorly undercover but is coming along fine bit of a spit sand polish etc...even got it to start and roll up; the road...any how its a 1965/66 YDS3 250 yamaha 2stoke..its needing a front guard ome pictured is off a . later model s..pipes need rechroming etc etc ..have started on the seat....i live in Australia and have like most of us had a range of bikes..last one was in 1985 ..1100 Katana from1982...but have had a "SPURT"up the road on various friends bikes over the years..to be honest part of the fun this time round is seeing that this old yamaha didnt fade away....well ill lurk around and thnxs for the read Cheers from here ..Pete