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  1. pailo posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi all does anyone know where I can find an SDR200 in the UK? Tried the most obvious methods and ebay all to no avail,any ideas folks. Regards and merry christmas to all. Pailo.
  2. pailo replied to pailo's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi there thanks for the info,I have finally found out the gen for getting it registered,ie.Idon't need type approval or an SVA due to it beeing 30 years old,only require South African log book and customs clearance form,as well as the DVLA form so that I can get an age related plate. Regards Pailo.
  3. pailo replied to pailo's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi there thanks for the info but have tried DVLA and VJMC but have still not got the info that I need!
  4. pailo posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hello all, can anyone give me a definitive answer to these questions? I have just bought a 1979 SR500,it came from S Africa in 1996,it has never been registered in the UK,I have the S African Logbook and a customs release form,I have spoken to DVLA but came away no wiser!apart from that I will be able to get an age related plate. As it is 30 years old do I need to get it (1) SVA'd or will an MOT be OK? (2) Will it require Type approval if so how do I get it? (3) What customs forms will I need if any? I have looked at the VOSA,C&E and DVLA websites,but they all give ambigious information! Thanks for any information (am pulling out what little hair I have left) Pailo