Everything posted by darzey
bigger engines for r 125
ye ur probobly right . thanks m8 . think ya jus saved me from a whole lot of work and a spot of frustrated crying
bigger engines for r 125
sorry i should?
bigger engines for r 125
too bloody slow m8 ha ha . u not reckon i cud?
my new bike
same colour as mine m8 . nicest in that colour . im getting all my black panels (nearly the whole bike) chromed so wen its done it should look amazing
bigger engines for r 125
thanks 4 any help on the subject
bigger engines for r 125
i bought a yamaha yzf r125 . will a bigger engine fit in it ? would it be too much work ? what would be the best engine to put in it (east fit and decent power) ?
yzf r125
it has an o2 sensor on the exhaust alright but i havent had a look 4 1 near the box 2 be honest .
yzf r125
i wasnt gonna go into a big load of detail about turbos m8 . i was jus trying to get the point across that them stupid things on the net 4 29.99(not an exact price) r a waste of time . i think that was wat ya man was talking bout coz i dont think e was talking bout spending over a grand on a proper turbo 4 a 125 . my bike is due its 1st service so ill ask yamaha if its restricted coz ive got a full licence so im sure theyd tell me.
yzf r125
yzf r125
your right . i was talking about that to the bike shop when i was getting it . ive a full licence so they were explaining that if the bike was restricted then it would probably be a moped with gears !
yzf r125
ha ha electric turbo things . you must of seen them on the net . there jus fans and they claim it adds 50bhp 2 a car . its bull shit , dont waste your money . a turo holds the air pressure and then releases it in a big blast . totally different from them things . there was a web site that bought 1 and tested it . if i can find it ill post it up . it goes into detail on where they are bull shitting.
yzf r125
i was looking at 250ccs but i like the look a the yammy r125 . would it be hard to fit a 250 engine in it . ? . would the frame support it and be big enough ?
first bike yzf-r125
i work doing all modifying on cars (body kits and stuff) i made my own tail tidy from the original one and it looks geat . dead easy 2
custom spray.
if you lived in dublin id of sorted ya out m8 . i work doing that stuff on cars ( and the odd bike)
yzf r125
i made it reach 132kph (about 80 or so mph) i full closed the breather regularor (little black box with 2 pipes joining the exhaust to the air box) so the excess air had to go into the engine instead of being expelled in the exhaust without ever entering the engine . den i made a pipe going from the air box entrance to the grill on the side of the bike (to force air into the engine) .it was only doing 120kph b4 so i got it up 2 the same speed as the rest of the bikes . if yours was doing 84 ,u should get a little more out of it by doing the same. im gonna have a little reasearch into ram air inductions that will fit the bike and c if i can come up with a pipe to go to the front of the bike to get as much power as i can . if i get any results ill let ya know
yzf r125
i stripped the bike down and had a look at what you were talking about . (the little breather pipe on the exhaust and airbox) . you done the total opposite than you should have done .(im suprised it didnt slow it down n lose top end) that pipe is a breather for the airbox . what happens is when too much air comes into the box some is filtered out into the exhaust and released wit the fumes. it doesnt send more air into the box by opening it like you taught . if you try bending the solid metal plate a little bit so the thin metal film cant open at all youll get a little more power because the extra air heading into the the airbox cant head down the tube and into the exhaust and get wasted so it has to go into the engine.the more air the more power. try it n c wat ya think
yzf r125
not in dublin ya cant . they charge mad money 4 everything . im payin 800 euro on a 125
yzf r125
where can ya get a big bore kit for it ? were ya on a slope (tell the truth) . r34 it was a 99 . ive a civic 2 . an ek hatch back 1 . it was me 1st car . ive re painted it twice since i got it n ive done the whiole interior n all on it . its candy orange now but it used to be peal white wit flames. gettin off subject here . how r yas gettin that speed out of it?
yzf r125
i know , i had a 2000 r6 two years ago but ive got a gtr skyline now so im payin a fortune on insurance already n i didnt wanna end up paying more den i cud afford . i had a feeling that every1 was bull shitting bout doing 85 on it .n sum chap said he done 120 . he must a been strapped to the back of a car.
yzf r125
ah a hill dont count ! i work doin car modifing so im all good at the body modelling but im starting 2 wish i worked doin engines cause this bike needs a bit a speed something awful .
yzf r125
ha ha smart arse. i have a full licence . i jus got this as a comuter bike for getting to work and back . jus want a little more speed for the motorway n i wanna know how ever1 is getting 80 odd out a dem . they going down a hill?
yzf r125
I bought an r 125 about a month or so back . its a nice looking bike, it has a little bit of power but not much . i was reading your posts and every1 is saying there gettin 83-85mph standard . most i got out of mine is 122kph which is about 74mph . im gonna add a few bits like a straight through exhaust n that but id like to know how your getting that spped out of the bike standard . ive onlt done 600km (about 370miles) on it so i havent really tried to go flat out . theres still some revs left at 74mph but it just doesnt seem to have the power to get there . any suggestions?