Everything posted by christianmg
YZF-R6 HELP!!! rear wheel locking / skidding in first??
Thanks for all the help and encouragement, it has been a great help! I think that its a combination of things .... cold tyres are possibly the main contender as Ive done a few google searches on them and the amount of simple accidents is crazy. Something I never really thought of since only people in cars who care about cold tyres are preformace drivers, but I guess this is a performance bike! the lil grip in the wet + the even less grip on cold tyres could be even more and yes ... if I be honest with myself those times I was maybe twisting a bit too hard I wasnt dumping the clutch or twisting right back but more maybe driving it as if it was perfect weather conditions. I was just more concerned that it could be a problem with the actual bike, but I think its still me just getting used to it. Thanks for all the help and puting my mind at ease!! and exupnutta im gonna get someone to check the rear shock too just incase!
YZF-R6 HELP!!! rear wheel locking / skidding in first??
No no, come on guys, im not a complete moron. Although my post does slightly suggest it. I have done my test and booked an advanced course. But I have also been riding for years and rather than jumping on an R6 for first time in few years ... I went right back to 125s even though I had my test. I know im not going to twist the throttle on an R6 like im drying my washing!!!! ... but thanks for those who put it a bit kinder and as much as I would love to be hitting the 18's 9-10 scares me more than enough in the lower gears!! Ive got a set of pereli diablo 180/55 Z on it. It happened twice when I leave work. I park the bike at on like an island on a main busy road with like 20 other bikes. There is a set of traffic lights about 70 meters away. You join the fast moving traffic and try and get to 30 straight away. There is the moterway and dual carriage way about a mile or two up the road. Usually I just wait until the lights are red and filter out slowly but if there is a safe gap the other riders take off and every time I try the back end wobbles out. But im not hammering on the power or anything It has also happened once on a country road when leaving a T junction from a stop sign and just opening her up a bit. Im not trying to arse about on it or anything and Im no speed daemon, still haven't gone over the 11,000 in any gear as its just too damn scary, but im just wanting see what it can potentially do bit by bit. yea i think spinning up is the term
YZF-R6 HELP!!! rear wheel locking / skidding in first??
Hi guys, Ive recently bought a good as new 2006 R6 about a month ago. On its first trip out of the dealer, I was taking it home on the moterway and got a puncher! - what a way to start, they said that they couldn't cover against it and that I had to buy a new wheel, although I was on only moterway and knew I didn't ride over anything? My big problem is though that im scared of pushing her in first gear?? how much revs can you hit in first before going into second. My flatmate bought the FZ6 and can completely burn me off in first. - THIS is not a post for someone wanting to race or anything, just for getting away from the lights, and better knowing my bike. Twice the back wheel has locked up (at least thats what I think it is) in first on me now and spun out from side to side. Ok both times this has happened it has been a bit wet but surly you can still do 20-25 in first gear no? I wasnt pushing it?? I dont think it is the new tyre as I have done over 700 miles on the new tyre, but I keep feeling that when im in first even in the dry I want to get out of it asap, like around 6,000 revs? Is this right? Was it only locking up because of a. new tyre still b. its wet you fool or is there a problem with my throttle? slipper clutch? or something else. The tyre guy replacing the wheel said the rim was fine. Could it be that both times this has happened the engine has been a bit cold, I started her up, let her run till she hit around 65oC and then took off. I know it maybe just because Im paranoid of the tyre locking up again, but it seems as soon as I hit 6,000 + in first the bike becomes almost unstable? Is this because its getting closer to the power band? or do you think there is a problem. Ive rode 125 bikes when I was younger and passed my test, I came back from working in London for a few years, now 25 and bought a 125 for 3 months to get me back into riding and then got this, with no restrictor as I legally dont need it. I know I should treat the bike with respect and I do, and dont mess about on it, but surely I can get her up a bit more in first without having to hold on for dear life as it throws me into a spin??? Any help or even tips for a new R6 rider would be great!!!