Everything posted by cidered666
F***king Ice!
I can vouch for what Andy said about manhole covers & paint. I took a tumble back in October whilst going round a bend over a large painted direction-arrow (you know the f*cking massive ones so pr*cks in cars know what lane they're supposed to be in!!), anyway, like you the front wheel went and I hit the deck. Three months on I've just had the pins out of a f*cked-up wrist, so I can concur with all those that say you escaped rather lightly I think that all the off-roading in the world wouldn't have saved you from a front-wheel skid like that. Once it starts to go your arse will hit the deck whatever you do. The skill is in reading the road, positioning and adjusting your speed to suit BEFOREHAND (which was where I bolloxed-up ) Don't know about you but the worse thing was picking my bike and my sorry-arse up off the road with all the puking car drivers tsk-ing at me from the inside of their shitty little tin-cans Anyway, get well soon and take it steady just whilst going over manholes and road markings THEN give it large like a crazy mutha-f*cka everywhere else
It's been a hard Winter!
be careful - the next time you're stood in the road taking endless photo's of your bike (and probably masturbating at the same time "achtung babe give it up for zee camera.....ja baby das ist gut maken zee love to zee lens, ja, ja, schnell, ich kommen!!") someone on an xj600n may come pissing down the road and leave you as roadkill. take care, A. Friend. btw how come there's millions of photo's of yer beemer in different locations but all we've seen of your wife is a lid on yer seat?? i suggest your 'wife' is a figment of your imagination!! just kidding!!
F*cked-up Lid?
Hi chaps & chapesses, happy new year to you all. This photo is of my arai astro j lid. I recently took a tumble from my bike during which the lid took a glancing blow on the road. As you can see, just above the visor-hinge(?) there is a 1p coin-sized chip off the paintwork but NO other damage whatsoever. Should I be thinking about replacing it? The scrape seems too superficial to warrant the expense of a new lid. I thought that until next year, maybe, i could touch it up with some light filler silver touch-up paint or even filler and a sticker any suggestions gratefully received. I enquired at a bike shop but all thay wanted to do was flog me a new one with bullshit like 'well they don't always show the damge sustained blah blah blah of course you should buy a new helmet sir, step this way.......' know what I mean
My New Bike!
I was just having another at yer bike after watching the vids. This may be a dumbarse question but does the yellow beaky bit on the front serve any practible purpose? I would imagine that being krauten-macht it's not there cause it's pretty!!
My New Bike!
nice clips Pete I notice he managed to keep up with the youngsters on their sport bikes!!! hehehe
My New Bike!
what exactly is an 'old man's bike'?........to my mind an old man's bike is a h*nda step-through or a 1925 royal enfield! Modern day bikes be it a sport or tour bike or whatever can all be a bit of handful when giving it large. Obviously I'm talking about a bike you have to have a proper licence for!!! I prefer yam's over all the other jap bikes but I wouldn't say no to that bmw big-bird given the chance......but maybe i'm saying this cause i'm an old man hehehe
divvy clutch
Hey guys, thanks for your help. I put it in gear, as part of it's weekly start and warmup routine, then while the wheel was turning on the centre stand I pulled in the clutch and tapped the rear brake a few times and, hey presto, it's now a-ok. Just to put you in the pic, yamahead, I took a tumble off it a few months ago & f*cked my wrist so I'm off the road for a while. The bike is ok and so I give it a weekly start to warmup but am not able to ride it. Andy, thanks again for your help & suggestions. Hohoho, 24 hours till the fat guy in the red suit empties his sack in your living-room
Hey from new XJ owner
Hi Dave, as the owner of an xj600n (like yours but without the fairing) can I compliment you on your excellent taste!! I saw a very similar conditioned/coloured bike on ebay I don't suppose you were the lucky winning bidder. When I saw that one I looked at it for ages...very nice to the eye!! One thing puzzles me with mine is that when it's on the centre stand the back wheel is either touching or very close to the road. I wonder does yours do the same so maybe it's an 'xj thing' or maybe mine's f***ed but it seems ok to me Anyway I'm sure you are enjoying your bike as I enjoy mine - they're good fun. I'm off now for a ride now, cheers.
I have a bike licence
should we not be aiming at clean licenses? I'm a huge advocate of giving it large but also within the boundaries of safety too - am I on my own here?
a serious note
And seasons greetings to you all too.....have a good one. btw i like your avatar (or aviator [lol] as someone elsewhere called them!!) is it you or a celeb??
Xmas Message from EddyIrish!
You sound like the anally-retentive type possibly closet-homosexual. Do you live alone or possibly just with your elderly mother?? Eddie you are NOT alone. Homosexuality is NOT shameful do not listen to what Mother says. [you sad loser fuckwit}
MotoGP Animals
That was a cool piece - particularly with Nickelback playing the soundtrack. How do those guys steer with the front up in the air whilst going over the ton??? amazing
The Ghostly hand
Australian-Student is as bad a combination as Welsh-Traffic Warden!!
A Lonely Welder....
This is weird - I'm a fairly new user here but it seems that whenever I'm here I'm the ONLY one - do I smell? [checks armpits/breath] anyway..... My real topic is to do with welding. I am a welding-ignoramus can ne1 explain mig/tig/mag/arc to me and mebbe recommed something for car bodywork/bike frame etc. There are few, what looks to be good/cheap, set-ups at app £200. Do I need the ones with gas or not etc etc etc. Should I buy a 'name' (wolf/draper/bosch)? I'm thinking of a cheap introduction to welding but i don't want to buy a heap of dog-doo!!! ALL comments will be avidly read and consumed. Merry Christmas to you all and here's wishing the big fat guy in the red suit totally empties his sack on your living-room carpet
My New Bike!
hehehe......ok, mebbe give it a few weeks and you'll be telling us to sell our jap-crap and buy a fritz-bike. But you have to give it to the Germans - i'd have one if i could afford it. Yours is a good-looking bike - have fun!
My New Bike!
ah so, vee arr supposing you vill be auf to zee krauten biken owners club?
crashed and burned...
hi, sorry to hear about your tumble....i did a similar thing back in october on a greasy bend. bust my wrist etc but the worst thing, at the time, was my embarassment of getting up off the road - i felt a right tit!! glad to hear you are ok though - i'm off work/bikes till feb 2006 at least!!
divvy clutch
erm....hmm.....yes....[hangs head & scuffs gound] I think I will try your suggestion, thanks.
divvy clutch
hi all, i'd like to pick yer brains......I went to take my xj600n (the naked divvy) out for a spin after a couple of weeks standing but the clutch was jammed and will not release. Has anybody got any ideas on how to free it up. don't suggest run it into a wall cause i don't fancy that!! cheers.
Divvy stand
Thanks to you all for your help. I'll give the coins on spring dodge a go and let ya'all know. Cheers
I've always had decent quotes from Bennetts.
Divvy stand
Hi all, 1st-off apologies if I do something wrong as this is my 1st posting and I'm on a steep learning-curve. After some 15+ years away from biking I have made a return with the purchase of an XJ600n diversion. It is (hopefully) going to be a weekend fun-bike and weekday commuter. I also intend as a hobby to tackle most maintainance jobs myself. I recently removed the centre-stand to re-grease the bolts/pins and am in the process of re-fitting. I am struggling to replace the spring which holds the stand in place when retracted. Is there a technique anybody can recommend or a certain tool required?? Or, is it a case of brute-force and ignorance?? Any comments suggestions would be gratefully received.