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  1. I had to accept defeat and get a new battery anyway, (Boo). But now my little bus is running like a dream, (Yipee). So now i'm just an MOT from happiness. Still now cool explosions for you tube though, so i'll get my cat to do something silly instead. Thanks again all.
  2. Bugger, Bugger, Bugger, the spares goosed too! Any one need anything from halfords while i'm there? Thanks for your help anyway. Thare wont be any explosions on You Tube afterall.
  3. Thanks for replying so quick. I will dig it out and get it charging. I will video the first time i turn it over so if it does explode i can post it on you tube for your amusement. Thanks again, Beartrapper.
  4. It seems my battery is a little on the buggered side of functional. I do however have one for a honda cm 250 somewhere. If i put it in my yam sr 125 will it work, or will i break something? (This per-supposes it will fit in the hole which i havent checked yet, cos i dont know if its worth the trouble of finding it). Grateful for any advice, Beartrapper.