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  1. This year is the National Sprint Associations fiftieth anniversary and to celebrate this we are holding a sprint at Santa Pod on the 18/19th October. You can gain admission from 15:00 on the Saturday and ride from 17:00 until 21:00 and all day Sunday. Entry £50 for one bike plus £10 for each extra bike (this price includes NSA day membership and an ACU event licence). Classes for all types of bikes, old or new, fast or slow, and for riders from 11 years to infinity. All are welcome and entries can be taken on the day (please be early and allow us time to get your two free Santa Pod entry tickets to you). Entry forms available on: http://www.sprinting.org.uk/ ..or from the Entry Secretary Mrs J Newman-Bracey 39 Sheperton Close Castlethorpe Milton Keynes MK19 7HR Phone: 07803 908331 Please do not think I am posting this to boost our profits, the NSA will take a loss on this event, but we want everybody to have a good day and perhaps a few newcomers to the sport to join us in the future. Any queries email me [email protected]