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  1. Buy what you think is going to be good BIKE waterproof gear and then ... Get yourself some cheap Nike waterproof jacket and trousers big enough to go over your Biker Gear and a Fog City visor insert for you helmet. I ride in all kinds of weathers and it is the best system I have found . Geoff.
  2. Geoffxt replied to steve 46's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Thats true and why I don't buy it.
  3. Geoffxt replied to Cynic's post in a topic in The Bar
    YES go for it, restore it to its former glory
  4. Geoffxt replied to bobbyhollie05's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Best way to find out is try it yourself and see. Geoff.
  5. Geoffxt replied to Gas up - Let's Go!'s post in a topic in The Bar
    Well… As a motorcyclist that rides all year round except in heavy snow/ice I would seriously consider one for the winter month’s, provided they are less than £200 and comfortable to wear.
  6. Geoffxt replied to divster's post in a topic in The Bar
    divster. I am glad you have responded back to this topic. I don't believe you have opened a can of worms. As I said let me throw a spanner in the works. It shows just how much your care for your children and how serious you take taking your child on your bike, because you asked for advice. It’s a shame that not all people who have taken a child on the back of a bike are like you. If this topic is read by people who have taken a child on the back of a bike without serious thought, full protective, wrong size helmets if it make’s just one of them think again it has been worth the lively input from you all. I have 2 boys and a girl, they have all been on the back of my bike, the youngest was 8 years old when he went on his first bike ride and they all absolutely love it and still do. You have been given sound advice by the people on this forum. I have not given you any advice so I don’t mean me. I wish you and your children a safe and enjoyable ride. I think I have said enough on this topic so I will leave it alone now. Geoff.
  7. There is no restricter fitted to your xt125,it is basically a ttr125 engine. I have had a rebore done on my xt125, the new piston was from a YBR125 and the gasket set for a 2003 ttr125. I have also fitted new valve seal's and re-ground the valve's, so the engine has been stripped by me and I can tell you there is no restricter fitted. As I have said on my reply to your previous post you need to search for bore kit's from a ttr 125 that may fit. Google "ttr125 big bore kit" and you find over 10,000 result's.
  8. Geoffxt replied to divster's post in a topic in The Bar
    Absolutely a fantastic post
  9. Geoffxt replied to divster's post in a topic in The Bar
    “the answer is obvious, therefore he knows he can trust me to be careful and not put us in a position where something would endanger us.” Can you explain in full detail how you protect yourself from, Sorry mate, I didn't see you. If you can then you will reduce the motorcycle accidents by 8,000 a year.
  10. Geoffxt replied to divster's post in a topic in The Bar
    Goff, Would I be correct in the assumption that doing 80mph over the speed limit with a child on the back of your bike is fine, is this your point of view? Because you have not said… Are you insane.. WTF? But in this case I would tend to side with your attitude that it is best not to know what happens when a 7,8,9,14 or 16 year old crashes doing 150mph on the back of a bike. If you don’t agree with my post you should not reply to it or if you think it will offend people you should delete it and send me a PM
  11. Geoffxt replied to divster's post in a topic in The Bar
    WOW! and no cotton wool!
  12. Geoffxt replied to divster's post in a topic in The Bar
    Thank you for your reply, but as I have said you are jumping to conclusions on my opinion on taking your child on the back of your bike, I have not change the topic “kids going pillion” all the replies have been changed to other activities that you feel that put your child at risk, and you obviously feel that I am judging you and you all feel the need to defend yourselves. All I have asked for is a simple Yes or No.
  13. Geoffxt replied to divster's post in a topic in The Bar
    Thank you all for your replies but who said wrap your child in cotton wool. you are all jumping to conclusions . simple question but not one simple reply I am not talking about, school trips, swimming, crossing the road, smoking, walking through glass doors, windows, sky diving, playing with fire, I did not ask your opinion on whether you should tell your child the truth or avoid it so...... Well let me throw a spanner in the works, has any body on this topic told the child they are about to take out on a ride it could be their last ride! Leather, crash helmet, gloves, boots and a pillion pal but you can’t protect them from Sorry Mate Did Not See You! Well did you tell them it could be their last ride? And don’t tell me it will not happen to you But this time please answers YES or NO
  14. Geoffxt replied to divster's post in a topic in The Bar
  15. Geoffxt replied to divster's post in a topic in The Bar
    Well let me throw a spanner in the works, has any body on this topic told the child they are about to take out on a ride it could be their last ride! Leather, crash helmet, gloves, boots and a pillion pal but you can’t protect them from Sorry Mate Did Not See You! Well did you tell them it could be their last ride? And don’t tell me it will not happen to you