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lee jones

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  1. its now a off road bike but at a guess and looking over the internet i'd say around 1980,its very similar to the green one above your last post its not mono shock its the same as the one above,it has the same vents on the front mud gaurd as the one above same,same side plastics,when i search when i search 1980 -82 most of the pics it finds are the same as mine it has cdi and not points,the coil has a single wire going to it,theres a black and white wire from the cdi unit not being used but from what i searched it might be the kill switch but i dont have one,it just wont rev properly it wont die but just sounds like a rev limiter,cheers for the help will try and get a photo uploaded
  2. cheers for fast reply mate,carb seems to fine had my mate check the mixture and stripped it all,have not done anything to the exhaust yet,the air filter has the pipe missing from the carb to the air box,my bike looks very similar to yours,will check the things you said tommorrow,could the bike run funny with the air box not connected,thanks again for fast reply
  3. hi all this is my first post,have just bought an old air cooled dt125 and the problem is when you rev it up or ride it there is no power will rev so much the sound as if there is a rev limiter,just spluttering and not reving up,have changed spark plug,tied a different ht lead and cap,not sure if it a weak spark theres compression and the carb has been checked and is all fine,it wont die but will not rev up any more so have to change gear will only rev about 2 seconds in each gear before you have to change as there is no more puff just like a rev limiter,i quite sure it must be electrical any suggestion would be greatfully appriciated