Everything posted by clarke
how much oil?xvs dragstar 125
I've just changed my oil & filter on my XVS125 (put oil back in but hard to know exactly how much as a lot went down the side of the case - bugger to clean ) I had a problem to check my levels as the exhaust runs across the sight glass if you look at it square on, so you have to look either from above or below the exhaust. This in turn means that it's either in between the min/max or just below the min depending on how you look at it. Should I be looking at the sight glass from above the exhaust or below it? I added a table spoon or two more oil so it was def above the min, but the other view now shows just above the max... Figured having slightly too much is the lesser of two evils, but haven't ridden it yet in case I'm wrong! If anyone could advise it would be appreciated. Thanks
New XVS 1300A Midnight Star owner
I'd be interested in knowing more about the RSTD bars... The only flaw with the XVS1300A is that I get back pain (5'11") within 40 mins on the bike. Do they make a difference to rider comfort? Also, looked on SS customs website (can you get them in the UK? - if not how much is cost all in from US?) and it says that you need to re-route the wiring/brake line is this the case/easy to do? Any advice would be appreciated before I commit to spend ££s. Thanks
V Star 950
I am very relieved to hear that..!! I was starting to get worried - PHEW!
V Star 950
Oh... that doesn't sound good!! It's a genuine Yamaha screen ordered from the dealer at the time I ordered my bike (they fitted it before collection). Wouldn't have thought Yamaha would sell illegal accessories???? I may have to speak to my dealer about this as if it is illegal I'm not happy they sold me it & let me ride off on the bike from their showroom! (am 5'11" so wouldn't class myself as short)
V Star 950
I really liked to XVS950 and was going to buy that bike, but the XVS1300A was the same price & my other half preferred the pillion position on the 1300. I've got the tall screen on my 1300 - it's brilliant for keeping the wind off you and off the pillion too. It makes a nice change to my XVS125 which when in windy conditions I feel like I'm hanging on for dear life around 50mph. The only thing I would say about the tall screen is that I got caught in rain the other day and you get large blobs of water building up in your field of vision (though you don't get any on your visor but you can always wipe your visor!!!) - you can't see over the top of the tall screen though it does run off eventually, but if I'd have been driving my car I'd have put my wipers on before this happens. I noticed some buffeting on the motorway the other day when passing lorries, but can't say I've noticed too much (have only done 450 miles mind). I'm thinking I'll take my screen off in summer on hot days as it's a bit stifling with no air getting to you, but for long distances (motorways etc) I'll definitely stick to my screen... Going back to what was said earlier in the post, I was originally going to buy the 650 or 1100 Dragstar but after an incident on my 125 Drag when all my rear spokes snapped at 40mph bursting my rear tyre (1 month after my dealer tightened them as they were loose - of course they didn't over tighten them!?!) it put me well off getting any bike with spokes as 10 minutes earlier and it would have happened on a busy A-road at 60mph with oncoming traffic! That's what made me look at the 950/1300 - cast wheels = no spokes snapping and no messing about to clean them. (Still love my 125 Drag though!)
I started at 25 on my 50cc scooter & have commuted daily on 2 wheels ever since through city traffic - had my scooter for just short of 2 years & in that time had one accident when a 4x4 decided to reverse at a set of red lights without looking... wasn't my fault but made me realise that I was more vunerable on a small bike. Moved on to my XVS125 Dragstar which had more presence than my scooter. Still, had one incident on that at a roundabout when a car didn't give way and I instinctively pulled my front brake & bike slid away again not my fault but experience may have taught me not to pull the front brake on a roundabout? After 2 years on my 125 (passing my test just over a year ago) I recently completed an advanced rider course which gave me the confidence to buy a bigger bike. Just bought a XVS1300 - though it's restricted to 33bhp (which put my insurance up!) and to be honest it still seems very powerful. It'll be restricted until next June then the restrictor comes off... Sometime after next June I may trade in my 125 for a 600 (something like a Fazer) though am more wary about this style of bike as my cruisers are about laid back approach. I've avoided sports bikes as I always thought if I have a bike that will go like a bullet then that's how I'd drive it - especially when I was younger. Do I think teens should be able to ride any bike? No I don't, but then again I don't think a teen should be able to drive any car either as there's no substitute for experience. Obviously, there's always exceptions, but as a general rule I'd say no.
XVS125 workshop manual
Hi there, I found one in the Workshop area of this forum the other day. Try: http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/index.php...7&hl=xvs125
scot oiler help
Hi there, I put a Scottoiler on my XVS125 = best thing I did for my chain as keeps it oiled throughout use. To answer your questions: 1) Your bike is fine to run without the Scottoiler working - the Scottoiler just helps to apply oil to the chain whilst driving but if you oil your chain regularly it'll be fine. 2) If your bike has a centre stand, pop it on that, get a 1/2 inch paint brush + pot of oil and apply to chain at rear sprocket (that's what I do - even with my Scottoiler working, esp if raining a lot). If no centre stand you can do what I originally did (before my bike lift) and paint a bit, wheel forward, paint a bit etc (or you could get one of the spray on oils but I found it went all over my tyre too - not good!!!) 3) I think my Scottoiler cost either £70-80 but if you check their website they might do spare parts? Hope this helps
2009 Yamaha back rest doesn't fit 1300 or 950
My dealer said the sissy bar was a right pain to fit on my XVS 1300A & they ended up cutting the bolts to make it fit...
New XVS 1300A Midnight Star owner
I've also bought an XVS 1300A Midnight Star last Saturday - it's amazing... also went from an XVS 125 Dragstar to this. Was looking at the XVS 950, but the other half didn't like the pillon seat on the 950 (claims it's too high) Can't say I'm complaining though... at mo it's restricted to 33bhp due to my license but dealer fitted restrictor kit for free + will remove it next summer for free too... unfortunately restricting it put an extra £300 on insurance (though don't know why?) Only done 104miles on it, but planning on going out on it tomorrow weather permitting Will post some pics soon With regards to slow speed, I was taught to 'feather' clutch at low speeds on my CBT and by the instructor for test. Living in Leeds have used this at low speeds/stop-start traffic on my XVS125, riding my 1300 have done the same & haven't had any problems. Was also taught to use rear brake at low speed turns in conjunction with slipping the clutch for better control/avoid bouncing...