Everything posted by clarke
2-Stroke meet - Squires cafe
All, ride safe on your way up/down/across - police on TV right now @ Squires talking about more biker deaths in the area (Tadcaster)... so far this year no. of bikers killed in the area is the same as the whole of last year. Watch your speed in the bends & keep your eyes peeled for the blind f*****s in cars!! On a different note, Squires only let you pay for things on Credit/Debit card on purchases over £10, there's a cash machine in there that charges about £2.50 fee for each withdrawl - not sure where the nearest free cash machine is, it could be at the other side of Garforth @ Sainsbury's at the junction with the M1... Seems on the local weather the weekend is dry with sunny intervals...
Volunteers for Notts Uni
Saw this + thought some on here might be interested? Basically Notts Uni want volunteers to assess rider behaviour http://motorcyclemonthly.co.uk/news/new-bike-simulator-helps-understand-rider-behaviour Graham
xvs1300 rear seat
I just put Mustang seats on mine... I bought mine from the US as much cheaper than the UK. You can get loads of different seats, for example http://www.sscustomcycle.com/products/seats/Yamaha/v-star1300/v-star13001.shtml Is it just the rear seat you want? If so, depending on what's wrong with yours, (ie too hard etc) you might be able to contact a local bike seat maker/upholsterer who can modify your stock one (check your dealer for contacts as they'll know someone) Graham
Fazer rides 2010
wow, that looked quick!! Would be good to see front view next time
2-Stroke meet - Squires cafe
O.T. I haven't seem the unmarked hayabusa but then again it is unmarked I've seen the police come in the carpark on their marked bikes, they're friendly enough but you're right no holds barred on the road...
2-Stroke meet - Squires cafe
Early warning to you all, the B1222 is a 40mph road with lots of twisties, and there's always police presence along it (they hide round the bends and zap you as you come into sight) watch your speed! If your going down the A1 junction 42, if your coming up the M1 get off at Junction 46 (A63 Selby road) Graham
Cruiser meet
Sounds good! Squires is only 20mins from my house & I go there most weekends - just let me know when you're heading up and will see you then Here's a pic of my bike with my new top box (was in France when I took it)
Cruiser meet
I just got back from Germany (good roads!) via Belgium, not too far at all... (well maybe for the 125s?!?) I'm in W. Yorks - would be up for one... [Am planning to be at Squires cafe on 4th of Sept (on the 1300) for the 2 strokes event as others from here are going, could be worth a tie-in?]
Cast/Mag wheel fitting
Hi Midnightmadness, Sorry to hear of your troubles on the Darkside... you may find this useful http://forums.delphiforums.com/vstar1300/messages/?msg=2550.1 (not gone to the Darkside myself) As for wheels: http://www.sscustomcycle.com/products/wheels/v-star1100.shtml - US website, they look good but seem to cost a bit, it's worth emailing Shane at SS as he's friendly + quick to reply. Failing that, have a look at the other cruisers available that have cast wheels (Yammy's 950 + 1300 do as does Kawa's 1700, specs on their websites) - its possible they might fit, but it may end up being a trip to the dealer? Hopefully someone else may have some other suggestions for you? Good luck Graham
immobiliser light
I'd imagine that as the immobiliser light is an LED it was always that colour. If the bike works fine then I'd assume it was ok (maybe someone with a 950 can confirm the colour for you) My 1300 service manual makes no mention of the immobiliser at all, only refers to codes when the engine warning light flashes. hope this helps?
immobiliser light
Hi Ukuleleman, What bike do you have? My XVS 1300 immobiliser light flashes red... yours prob was also red. Does your bike start + run ok? Wouldn't worry if it does!
o2 sensor plugs
Check out http://www.easternbeaver.com/Main/Elec__Products/Connectors/Sealed/SM-MT/sm-mt.html - it's a US shop but looks promising...
Highwayhawk pipes for xvs dragstar 125cc
I heard a cheap fix is to pack them with wire wool...(???)
Hi Eggar, glad the links helped... is it worth doing??? I've ran out of cash for my bike now but figure this is one mod that's relatively free!!!
hey Eggar, haven't done mine although considering it (that or a slipon) but you may want to read this: http://1300tourer.com/content/drilling-exhaust-0 - not only a guide on how to do it, but loads of opinions at the bottom from people that have done it. Also a quick search on youtube for V Star 1300 exhaust will brin up people showing you how to do it & also let you listen to the different sounds. You may also be interested in the O2 mod () but I still find I need to slip the clutch when cornering at low speeds... Graham
XVS950a Screens
As Jim says, ensure you can see over the top of the screen - I have the Yammy tall screen on my 1300 and look through it - it's great for stopping the wind but leathal in the rain! [i've just made a bracket to tilt the screen so I can see over the top, but am not sure if the tilt is too much...? Will test ride it tomorrow]
Any one in North Hampsire
I'm up in W. Yorks - guess Nottingham is closer... I've done just over 2,500miles no knocking, but have developed a squeal/rumble/grinding noise on deceleration/gearing down. Only happens when the bike's warmed up (after about 30mins or so). Stops when pull clutch in, starts when clutch out. Going to give the belt a good clean + if that doesn't help I'll have the dealer look at it next week when they service it. If the bike's new I'd have the dealer take a look as it should be covered by warranty? (Do we get 1 or 2 year warranty on these things?) Good luck Graham
How to clean chain on XV250S
Make one of these lifts for less than £15 http://vstar1300.pbworks.com/Motorcycle-Lifts I made one + lifted my 1300 (weighs 300+ kgs!) - didn't use it to oil my chain (it doesn't have one) but did use it to lift the rear wheel + install my lowering kit, can't say better than that. Alternatively you could get one of these http://www.mandp.co.uk/products/list/Workshop/Wheel-Rollers - I had the Lasertec wheel spin (for my XVS125) which is ok, but you have to manually turn the wheel which is supporting the weight of the bike so is an effort. Personally I'd make the lift
Communication between rider & passenger
Well they weren't there + the show was quite dissappointing... Anyway just splashed out on Scala Rider G4 Teamset - it's wireless bluetooth. It has an inbuilt FM radio and can connect to bluetooth devices (mobile/GPS). Tested it at the weekend + seems really good. Much better than being wired to each other or the bike - just bolts (or sticks) to the side of your helmet. The unit states it can connect up to 1km to 4 other units... I'm due to go to Germany soon so can give a better write up when I get back - but so far seem very happy. You can buy them in the UK for £400+ or on ebay there's an Italian shop selling them for around 300 euros [took 3 days to get here + as its from the EU no import tax or VAT to add on ]. Bit pricey but all the reviews I've read say you get what you pay for...
o2 sensor plugs
For anyone else who wants to make one, you can find the instructions here: http://vstar1300.pbworks.com/Jack%27s+O2+Mod Ashamed to say I bought mine from Alchemy bikes for the much over priced £70!!!! Was told by Roy @ Alchemy that it cost so much as he had to pay the guy [Jack] to research and develop the mod. When I got it I couldn't believe how small it was. If it had been £30 I could have lived with it, even though it'll only cost about £10 max to make... now feel like my wallet was raped! Since then I discovered the above and found out Jack posts on many US forums + is happy for anyone to make these. Jack also sells them in the US for $50. He used to ship to Europe, but he got a EU supplier [good for him] so can't ship now. I'd advise anyone wanting one of these to make them as it's only 4 wires, a resistor and two connectors... Oh, as for a review, the O2 sensor certainly helps somewhat with surging at low speeds - can just about hold 30mph in 3rd and doesn't lug as much. However having read further on US forums to sort it out properly you'll need to change the air filter and ECU (they also suggest drilling the stock exhaust or replacing completely) - if you want to buy any of these I'd strongly suggest importing from the US as you'll save a fortune over buying from anyone in the UK! Mossy, if you do discover the correct part please share the wealth so no-one else gets bent over for an unneccessary £70!
The most I ever got out of a tank of petrol was 146 miles before I switched to reserve (it rolled to a stop in traffic...!). But if you're getting 115-120 that's about right (certainly by then you should be thinking about topping up). What is important is to reset the trip counter every time as not only does it tell you when next to fill up, but if you start to get less miles from a tank it'll give early warning that something is a-miss... Sorry to hear about the flat. Front or back? Hopefully you can get the wheel off + get it fixed relatively cheaply. I had all the spokes on rear wheel snap whilst doing 40mph [that was a fun!] - was a bugger to push it home... feel your pain!
module 2
One easy way - get into the habbit of pressing the button twice after you turn... practice this and you'll not forget! My mate has his on Thursday - he's worried that when we're doing 30mph (on my Fazer) his Honda CG 125 says he's doing 39mph... when he was doing 60mph my speedo said 40mph...!!! He took 5 attempts before he passed mod 1 Am sure you'll do better next time
Maybe it was £14 for 4 of them?? Trying to remeber off the top of my head what I paid last September... (not 4 for the Dragstar - 2 for that & 2 for Honda Shadow) Chris, If you're going to tackle the oil & filter change yourself then you can manage the spark plugs... pull HT lead off, unscrew spark plug with spark plug wrench, screw in new one, replace HT leads. Simples Have fun...!!!!
I think from my Yammie dealer I got 4ltrs oil for about £15, oil filter around the £10 mark and air filter around £12-£15 - all genuine Yammy parts. Can't say I noticed improved performance, but maintains the engine + keeps it running well. Yet may improve your bike depending when it was last done... While your at it check the carb joint for cracks, changing my cracked carb joint (£85!!!) did improve performance... you may also want to chance spark plugs too (around £7.50 each)
Alchemy Bikes
Not sure how often Roy checks this site, but if you want a quick answer checkout alchemy bikes website or email [email protected] Roy is quick to reply to all emails + very helpful