Insured a bike last week as Social, Domestic, Pleasure only. Decided this week I want to add commuting as well and it works out £52 cheaper... (it was £40 more at the time I took out original policy). Very odd.
Also reinsured V-Strom yesterday. Bennetts kindly offered to auto renew for £489 for my convenience (unless I phone to cancel), £400 compulsory excess and £50 voluntary, so phone up and they immediately say cheapest they can do it is £405. Anyway, got it for £280 elsewhere with compulsory £250 excess and no voluntary, business use with additional rider. Oh, and I informed them on telephone I had panniers (no option to add them on internet) and apart from not knowing what panniers are, came back and said makes no difference to policy and just buy online... Anywho, took his name down, time of call etc just in case.
Definitely worth shopping around.