Everything posted by clarke
New XVS 1300A Midnight Star owner
I do like the Triumph - nice looking bike... I got the Oxford Hot Hands which velcro over the normal grips (fit upto 22mm bars? - may see if they fit my 1300) - I know the Oxford Heated Grips come in two sizes, but they replace the grips...(think you have to 'glue' them on?) Maybe its drivers in Leeds, but when I'm filtering I always get cars that either don't move over (makes it awkward to squeeze past), or worse will move to block me from passing... don't know why?? I guess it could be the size of the 125, though it looks bigger than the usual 125s. As for the sizes between the two: Def good to meet up, pm me the details of when you're in Leeds and I'll pop down on the bike. As for the bar position, maybe I'm too used to my smaller 125s?? On a slightly different note, take care riding out there, poor fella was killed in Leeds today in bike vs van collision (bike may have pulled out of junction into van?)
V Star 1300 pic
Me likes!! Really like the panniers will have to get me some... (is the no plate standard size? mine seems bigger) Here's a pic of mine (looks pink not red from my mobile, will have to dig out a proper camera)
New XVS 1300A Midnight Star owner
thanks for the info on the polly's I'll see about Oxford one's for it (did you get the standard size Hot Hands or the full grips?) I'd also like to try the RSTD bars first... am just going to have to do it though as my back and wrists can't take long distances/45mins on my bike. Having 2 bikes is ok, but also a pain. Hardly get to use my 1300 as I use the 125 for commuting but it struggles to keep up with traffic. Wish I could use my 1300 for commuting but the max speed road I go on is 40mph - know I'd get caught speeding, 40mph in second and all that! Also 1300 is too big for filtering (struggle on the 125) through Leeds traffic! I may have to trade my 125 in for a commuter bike next year as the Dragstar 125 has too much chrome for winter - cleaning it in Jan/Feb after a week commuting is not fun!
Passing lamps + the law
Thanks for your quick replies. I'm actually after one like this (previous pic didn't work). The Tap cable has an insulated 'spade' at the end which is push fit. rather than the maplin one It's similar to the ones Maplin & Halfords etc sell, but it allows the passing lamp cable to be unplugged & re-attached without any fuss (instead of a 'permanent' connection). My dealer used it to connect my lamps, but say they don't stock them or have any in their workshop Did your lamps come with them? Just noticed that they sell Optimate 4 charger for £41.47, so £5 postage of the T-tap is more bearable..! (Would be good to see pics of your bike if you get round to it)
Passing lamps + the law
Had a good look at my lamps connection. Haven't altered them yet as wasn't wanting to make the connection permanent (am sure my dealer would fail it on the MOT if it's not supposed to be wired up that way - if I use my dealer I get free MOTs for as long as I have the bike). Anyway, does anyone know where you can buy these connectors from? I found them on here (http://www.vehicle-wiring-products.eu/VWP-onlinestore/connectors/connectors.php#tap) for 15p each, but they charge £5 postage Failing that, does anyone know where to get the accessory plug from? If not, will just have to pay £5 postage.
New XVS 1300A Midnight Star owner
Finally got a quote for the RSTD bars from a jetski dealer = £128.94 (inc vat). Tried to get quote from my bike dealer but they couldn't find the part (no access to jetski parts apparently). Hopefully may be able to get them soon. Mind, can't imagine I'll be out on it much till spring now Guess if I'm changing handlebars/grips on the 1300 it could be a good time to fit the pollyheaters? At least these projects will keep me busy over winter (just have to figure out how to get the bike in my house so I don't freeze in my garage - not that the other half would have any of it!) Also bought some oxford hot hands for my 125 - due to fit this weekend, they came with free bar muffs (M&P) for £40. Thought the bar muffs would be smallish, but I reckon I could climb in them as they're massive!! Thank god it'll be dark when I'm using them (will show a pic once they're fitted) Still haven't done the 02 mod, that might be on my christmas list too...
how much oil?xvs dragstar 125
To answer my own question, I drained the oil out, got a proper funnel (tesco sell one with a bendy spout which also has a mesh filter at the top) and added the correct amount as specified in the manual. The oil goes between just over half way between the min & max as viewed from underneath the exhaust. The min/max marks are on the chrome surrounding to the right of the sight glass (2x raised lines) Beggers belief that Yamaha or anyone would think it's a good idea to place an exhaust over the sight glass - reckon a genuis came up with that idea!
xvs 125 manual
for anyone else who wants one, try: http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/topic/13057-how-do-i-post-a-workshop-manual/page__hl__xvs125
Passing lamps + the law
thanks for all the replies... With the three stages of light I guess on the 1300 (with the engine on) there's only 2 stages low beam (headlight) and high beam (fog light) as there's no switch on the right (unlike my 125). I think I'll try my passing lights wired up to the green/blue wire of the accessories plug so they're on all the time (wonder why the dealer wires it up the other way?) I agree the more noticable you are the better. Will have a go this weekend... I had the choice between red, black and blue (different dealers), but preferred the red in the end which was good as it was also cheaper. (I had been looking at the 950 in blue and the Kawasaki VN900 in red but after all my spokes on my 125 snapped 2 months after my dealer tightened them up I wanted to stay away from spokes). My screen is the tall one - haven't measured it but could well be 22" it's really good. Went out the other weekend without it on & nearly froze! I used imageshack.us (no need to register) to upload, find your file with browse, select resize 640x480 and then start upload. When done you go to another screen, scroll down the page and copy the Hotlink for forums(1) into this message/your reply. Here's another pic (without screen on)
Passing lamps + the law
I mean these: They're referred to as passing lamps on Yamaha's website: http://www.yamaha-motor.co.uk/accessories/acc_overview.jsp#Star+Acc/XVS1300A/XVS13AFram//STR-4WM35-10-EA Mine are Yamaha's OEM ones, they do have the on/off switch but it seems pointless as I've never used it as they're only on when the high beam is on. Stu_B - do you notice you blind on coming cars?
Also depends if your caught with your friend on the bike, or after he's fallen off the bike, hit his head and died!
number plate
My 125 failed its MOT (in part) due to the number plate as the letters were black with grey middle. Was a surprise to me as the bike was sold with it (different dealer). When I queried this with the MOT person, they said the law must have changed within the past year(?) and changed the number plate for free - mind the new number plate has a 10mm bit that protrudes below it that advertises the dealer (may take my jigsaw to it...) My brother's 125 had the same font (again bike bought with it already on) & passed its MOT (different dealer to the one that failed mine). And my friend's Ninja came brand new with the same two tone font... all bikes have standard size plates though & none of us have had problems with the police BUT...
Passing lamps + the law
Does anyone know whether it's legal to wire up the passing lamps on my 1300 so they're on all the time or low beam only? My dealer installed them to only be on when the high beam is on. Is this standard? I understand (from another website which has an excellent guide on how to install them) that you need to wire them up to either: On all the time – green wire with blue stripe (accessory plug power wire) On with High beam – Yellow wire On with Low beam – Green wire Now its a US site so says that it's illegal to have them on with high beam... I'd prefer mine to be on with low beam or all the time as I don't think they're needed when the high beam is on (heck if I can't see with high beam on I need help!) It just seems a waste for them to be off for 99% of the time. Before I alter them want to make sure it's legal. Any advice would be appreciated.
removing rubber off chrome exhaust??
Sounds really good, think I'll have to join a riding group up here in W Yorkshire at some point to benefit from other rider's experience etc. Haven't ground my plates yet, not quite done 1000 miles yet so still getting the feel for the bike (roll on next summer!!!) Having said that haven't ground my pegs on my 125 Dragstar though came close today on my brother's 125 Shadow! Besides every time I go out on the 1300 the other half comes with me - don't think she's appreciate footboard grinding, though it may be the solution to not getting rubber on my exhaust again!!!
removing rubber off chrome exhaust??
Thanks for the offer of the bike, but having seen her ride a mountain bike I think she's better off on the back of mine! Decided to leave her feet on in the end, am attaching roller skates to them instead which I'm hoping may help me go round bends quicker!!!
removing rubber off chrome exhaust??
Well had a go today, placed a magnet on exhaust which stuck... left the Autosol aside. Used a big blob of polish & rubbed it lightly with v.fine wire wool came straight off & no marks. - tested on both my XVS125 and my brother's VT125 first to make sure... (had also used this method to remove rust from my Dragstar rims last year but was a bit worried about doing it on chrome) Only problem after that was I covered my bike with ACF-50 afterwards (as recomended by my dealer) which left it covered in an oily residue - all my lovely polished chrome was no longer shiney Spent the rest of the day washing the stuff off (tomorrow re polish my chrome!) Thanks for all your suggestions on removing rubber. Spoke to my neighbour afterwards (he was a cobbler until he retired last year) wwho also recomends any solvent (white spirit, petrol - wash off as some as softens rubber) and WD40... Hope this helps anyone else with a similar problem (now off to remove the missus' feet!)
removing rubber off chrome exhaust??
it's on the back... I fitted Highway Hawk boards after she slipped off the peg in the rain whilst climbing on the bike. Unfortunately she still managed to put her foot on the exhaust even with these on Will have a look tomorrow hopefully & let you know how I get on (fingers crossed)
removing rubber off chrome exhaust??
Thanks for all your replies, I'll work my way through all your suggestions 1 by 1 if necessary on Saturday... As for getting the other half to buy a bike, been trying to get her to learn but she's insisting that she only wants to go pillion... mind if anymore rubber goes on my exhaust that won't happen!!! (I'll try the wire wool on my brother's 125 Shadow as he's dropped it that many time he won't notice any more scratches - just don't tell him!!!!)
removing rubber off chrome exhaust??
The other half has melted the sole of her shoe to my XVS1300A exhaust does anyone know how to remove it? tried google but it gives all sorts of weird suggestions... Just bought Solvol Autosol (recomended by dealer) but packet says not to use on mirrored chrome (is this safe for the exhaust??) Thought I'd ask before I try, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
2010 1300
Been looking on the US Yamaha website & saw that next year there's a new 1300 due out (though as a tourer prob not in the UK!?) Looks like Yam are finally sorting out the handlebars... Other things to note: new seat, gloss black frame, headlight fully chrome... looks like they're moving more towards the Dragstar style again (which is always a good thing...) http://www.starmotorcycles.com/star/products/modelfeatures/527/0/features.aspx
New XVS 1300A Midnight Star owner
The tall screen is good - you don't feel any wind whilst you're riding (apart from side). I like the idea of the vents as in summer there's no air flow into your face so it's a bit stuffy - am tempted to remove the screen on really hot days... The only problem with the tall screen is in the rain it gets a bit hard to see for about a minute or two before the water starts to disperse properly. You don't get any water on your visor, but you can always wipe your visor! Not too sure whether polly heaters would be much use for my 125 as am only 15 mins from work :-( [maybe some Oxford overgrips for that], but if or when I change my bars/grips I may invest for the 1300 Know what you mean about modding - shame the missus likes things like food otherwise....
New XVS 1300A Midnight Star owner
Where did you get the heated grips from that fit inside the bars? - they sound good. Have been meaning to get grips for years + have promised myself some for this winter (possibly in combo with bar muffs for extra warm hands on the way to work). Like the sound of all your accessories - you'll have to post some pics I've got sissy bar, passing lamps, tall screen, passenger footboards & rad cover, but ran out of money... Have been reading what everyone says about the O2 mod, still debating whether to get one... Will dig out my allen key on Sunday & adjust the bars to see if any improvement. Thanks for the advice. Will let you know how I get on.
XVS650 restriction removal
It will also depend on the type of restrictor kit they fitted - the one on my XVS1300A is a throttle restrictor, whereas some are on the carbs, some are on the exhausts, some are on the inlet manifold (only know this from FI's website - dealer told me mine was a throttle one). I'd get the work done by the dealer - I haggled the restrictor kit + removal for free when I bought my bike, but for me my restiction is up at the time of the bike's 1st service so my dealer is going to do it then (but they get the service fee from me) Really weird on my 1300 as the throttle only moves about a quarter of a turn before it's 'fully open' - when I 1st got the bike thought it was impossible to keep the throttle below 1/3 open as handbook suggests, but once the dealer told me it was a throttle restrictor made more sense... Hope this helps?
New XVS 1300A Midnight Star owner
Hi Macca, glad you're enjoying the bike. Know what you mean about sitting at work thinking about the next ride! Also know what you mean about the number plate - I'm thinking of moving mine to the side... just a shame that motorbike plates have to be yellow + black, rather than the old style black & white. Just added a chrome radiator cover and some passanger footboards (from custom wizards) - looks good. Stu, thanks for your thoughts on the handlebars. My arms seem quite straight on the bike, perhaps I'll see about adjusting the bars but won't that make them raised or lowered? I went for a ride the other day & it didn't seem quite as bad, maybe I'm getting used to it or the seat is softening up or who knows??? I'll see how it goes. Do you know if the RSTD bars come further back than the stock ones? If all else fails I'll have to get on a rack...!! Off out this weekend to put some more miles on the clock - can't wait
Vstar Tach
try: http://www.yamaha-motor.co.uk/products/motorcycles/star_range/xvs950a.jsp?view=techspecs