Everything posted by clarke
West Yorkshire transport consultation
All you folks from West Yorkshire might be interested in these consultations over transport improvements. The Councils tend to omit motorcyclists from their transport plans so you may wish to raise that here e.g. access to bus lanes, improved road layouts, signage for motorists to check their mirrors etc http://www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk/transport-strategy/ http://www.leeds.gov.uk/residents/Pages/Leeds-transport-conversations.aspx The latter ends 20 Sept 16.
Politicians that we would like!
I wish councillors in Yorkshire would have this attitude...
All about motorbike clothing & protection.
Steel toe-capped boots have the potential to guillotine your toes in an accident... I'd say get a good helmet, waterproof boots and gloves, jacket with CE rated armour and trousers. Waterproofing your clothes, you can either spend extra £££ on clothing or you could buy separate (cheap) waterproof oversuit - of course you need to be wearing that already when it rains or stop to put it on. Enjoy biking
ROH 2016
I'll be at this again. It's the last one they're doing (switching to rideout for Yorkshire Air Ambulance, with Ride of Rememberence replacing ROH) so should be a good one. (Hope my bike works this year, Suzuki sh@@ electrics let me down last year but not wanting to miss out and let the heroes down, I lowered myself to ride beeeaaatch on my brother's Kwaka)
MT-125 stolen :(
I think they'll offer you either cash to buy what, or buy you the same bike of similar age/condition to what was stolen. Personally I would get the cash and pick the bike myself so I know what I'm getting and happy with it.
RD350LC finished .
That looks fantastic
Miller exhaust on my xvs 1300
It won't harm leaving it on (if set up correctly), though you could remove and sell to get some ££ if you want
End of an era
Aliens? Crowbar like Gordon Freeman... Good luck in civvy street Foamy
Miller exhaust on my xvs 1300
I had a Cobra slip-on on my old 1300 and it didn't need a P.C. the only thing I did was the O2 mod but that was to help low gear surging rather than top end. Hope you get sorted.
Sunday ride ruined
Get well soon. At least the bike can be repaired. No excuses for hit and run - hope they throw the book at them.
Dead xvs1300
Ah, if you had said it had an alarm, I'd have said that's probably the culprit, and even if not, it's likely to cause more problems than it's worth at some point. Glad you're sorted
Center stand on correctly? YBR125
Did you check the chain tension? Also, didn't you paint it whilst it was off? You said you took it off as it was getting rusty but it still looks rusty in the pictures... Did you have any of these issues before you removed it? If not, I'd say you've put it on incorrectly so it might be worth removing and seeing if you can reinstall it in a different way or checking you haven't lost a stop bung etc Good luck sorting
Twist the Throttle
I haven't but I might watch it - according to my BT box there's 8 episodes to watch on catch-up for free. Thanks for the heads up
From 125 to 1000
Am assuming you mean you're thinking of an R1 not just saying you've ridden one?? If so, be honest with yourself about why you want a 1000cc R1 and whether you *need* one. If it's because it'll go stupidly fast I'd say don't bother - you'll either hurt yourself or loose your licence. I went from a 125 cruiser to a 1300 cruiser (initially restricted to 33bhp via a throttle restriction) and that shifted. I'm glad it was restricted whilst I got used to the change, then when I had the restriction removed it was like getting a new bike
yamaha ybr 125 custom
SR400 would be a nice bike. Depending on how long you've been riding you could do your A2 and keep the current bike to gain more experience (125 is nice and easy to ride/maintain), or if you're happy with your abilities (once passed the A2) trade it in
yamaha ybr 125 custom
What do you fancy trading it for? It looks tidy and it's the right time of year to sell it if you're thinking about it.
Dead xvs1300
Or faulty side stand switch?
Crash helmet security?
I think people just put a lock through the chin bar/visor and attach it to the bike. I put mine in the top box along with boots/trousers/gloves (52L Givi Trekker)
Just bought a Sat Nav cover.
I had to add a visor (part of a coca-cola box) to keep the sun off the screen too. Apart from that (and misting up on occasion) very good
- new bike
About to Buy My First Raider. 3 Bikes, which would you choose. HELP!
Looks fantastic. Makes me think I may need to buy another cruiser at some point...
Scala rider help!
Ride reviewed a load in the May edition. Their Best Buy was Interphone F5MC @ £199 (single)/ £339 (pair) They also recommended: Intaride D8 @ £138 / £269 and Interphone F3MC @ £110 / £180 I have a Scala G4 which I've had for about 8 years and would recommend (last time I looked the G9 was the latest so they might be reasonably priced)
- Finally back on the road
- New ride!
Penalty Charge Notice advice
Unless they have a photo of you on the wrong side of the road they can't prove it. But if you go to an appeal and say you might have gone round on the wrong side that won't do you any favours... From looking at the photo (on my mobile), you look far out to the right. Is that your foot down? You can explain you're out far to ensure you are visible/can see further up the road/have more chance to be seen and to see cars emerging from junctions on your left. The second picture clearly supports this. Foot down indicates you've stopped for a gap on your side of the road to pull back in..? Adjudicators are reasonable people. They like evidence of offences, and consistent evidence from appellants. Don't refer to what you see others do, all the adjudicator is interested in is what you did on the day. If you always go down that road and always pass that sign on the left then I'm sure you did on that day too. Hope it's resolved for you soon