Everything posted by clarke
XVS 950 Cruiser Lift / Stand
If it's just to keep the bike straight and one wheel only just off the floor use one of these: http://vstar1300.pbworks.com/w/page/5760709/Motorcycle%20Lifts Cost me about £15 to make and well easy to use (though helpful if you can get someone to support the bike when lifting/lowering)
New Test pertition Please read.
What I don't get is all these limitations on bikers yet someone can pass their car test at 17 then drive any car they want whether it's a 1 litre or a 500bhp sports car. I can't help thinking IF you're going to limit motorbike riders to cc's and more tests to progress wouldn't it make sense to take this approach to car drivers? Or is it just the powers that be like to unfairly target bikers?
Crash/engine bars on a XVS125?
Me and the other half used to go all over on the XVS125 and it was great. True it wasn't the fastest thing on the road (& Whitby to malton was possibly the most painful thing we ever did) but the bike would get up to 55/60 on most roads which was fine for getting about. Yes the bigger bike makes it more comfortable but the 125 can take two
Is this a fair quote?
Did u get the £30 cashback as well? U have to remember to claim but they'll send u a nice cheque after 90 days
XVS1300 O2 sensor eliminator
Just leave it in 2nd, 0-70mph in one gear Whilst I agree the gearing CAN be a pain it's never bothered me enough to want to change, I've just learned to change my riding style slightly and not shift up when it sounds like it wants to. There are plenty of riders in the US who use these bikes in the twisties too. Unfortunately the 1300 is a big cruiser for the UK market as most tend to ride the sub-1000cc cruisers so they're never going to be much support from Yammy re changing the gearing etc... As for Midnight's tyre experience, whilst it was absolutely pants, the 950 uses the same rear tyre and hopefully this means the tyre situation will never be repeated (hence Avon saying they're making a 170/70-16 tyre which should be available in April).
Is this a fair quote?
Try swinton as I got my dragster for £68 and then got £30 cashback... £38 for the year was a bargain (why the he'll did I sell it?) anyway That was 4 years no claims mind, with commuting, and 4000 miles a year. Your quote doesn't seem too bad though.
- YOC patch
Please recommend an open-face or flip up visor helmet...
Good to hear. Let me know what you think of the Shark Evoline 2 as it may well be my next helmet
XVS1300 O2 sensor eliminator
I've found gear ranges are roughly: 1st = 15-20mph 2nd = 20-35/40 3rd = 35/40-50 4th = 50-65 5th = 65+ The gearing is a bit high particularly in the twisties where I find I'm constantly switching between 2nd & 3rd. I heard a new ECU really smoothes out the lower gears but they are expensive...
The Dragstars gone
Just came from a 60mph zone to a 40 when the rear started 'bouncing' for about 5 secs then fishtailled. Thought we were about to go down but by blind panic & sheer luck we came to a stop just before we spilled... 3 spokes had snapped & punctured tyre (that'll teach me to have the dealer tighten them...)
- Manchester Bike Show
The Dragstars gone
Same here, sorry to hear of your accident. Hope you're well! Don't worry about the bike as it can be replaced When my spokes snapped on my Dragstar & punctured the tyre I dreaded riding it as kept thinking the tyre was going down all the time, but eventually got my confidence back (though have avoided spoked tyres).
TomTom & French Speed Cameras
I know some of you go to France so thought I'd post this (only came across it when my TomTom fecked) "Changes to the law in France Since decree n°2012-3 was introduced on 3 January 2012 it has been illegal to be warned about the position of fixed or mobile speed cameras while you are driving in France. If your TomTom navigation device has the Speed Camera service and you continue to use the service, you risk a fine of up to €1500." More info here: http://uk.support.tomtom.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5560/?locale=en_GB
- Weise Psycho Jacket, any good?
Disc lock recommendation for XVS125?
I used a Krall disc lock and never had anyone try to take the bike, but I resigned myself to the fact that a professional theif would have taken it, but at least it stopped the chances. Ttasky has given good advice about your best lines of defence, I tend to park the bike in town near the police station in the conveniently placed bike bays and when in the garage they're locked and chained to a ground anchor...
Honda SH300 review
Some of you may have read I traded the Fazer for a Honda SH300 scooter in January, mainly as the Fazer was wasted on my 20min, 6 mile, 40mph max speed limit commute to work. I reluctantly decided to get a scooter as wanted something easy to clean and cheap to run (though found myself looking at cruisers much to the other half's annoyance). I read some reviews of the SH300 which seemed good, one person saying it handles like a motorbike, a few people saying they went round Europe on it and two saying if they had to pick between the scooter and their cruisers (one with a Harley and one with a Kawa VN900) they'd pick the scooter... Well, I've been using it now since the end of January and here's my thoughts... 1. It does not handle like a motorbike (at least not like the Fazer and not like my XVS1300). It is solid and handles well, but its not a motorbike. 2. There's no excitement when you ride like the Fazer gave - it'll plod along all day and handles motorway speeds well, but theres no oomph and the corners are bland. Oh, and bumps in the road are a killer as it feels like the road punches you in the stomach. 3. I would not pick the scooter over my 1300, not a chance and anyone who says they would must be getting on. 4. It is very very quiet which worries me a bit when filtering... 5. Bikers have stopped nodding to me and scooter riders don't nod either 6. I look OTT wearing all my riding gear next to the kids on their scooters in their jogging pants and jumpers What it does well is it can shift from a start at a decent pace. It looks like its a 125cc but surprises all the cars at the lights. I initially found I was speeding quite a bit as there's no gear changes and you'll be at 50mph before you know it so I have to make a real effort to watch the speedo. It does a great job of keeping the wind off you, and takes about 5mins to clean. Best of all it is very cheap to run taking £10 to fill which will last about 130 miles (Fazer was about £21 for 190 miles and the 1300 £17 for 146 miles), it costs about £36 to tax and cost £118 to insure me, my brother and my mate to ride. Overall not bad for a commuter [even if it is a scooter]
- Top Case for XJ6
Please recommend an open-face or flip up visor helmet...
Hey Denis, I currently have the Carberg Trip which is a good helmet, though in the rain it seems to steam up a bit and at speed the visor can flip up when doing life-savers... (could be cos its old?) The wind noise is ok with ear plugs and the built in sun visor is a godsend. Am thinking of replacing my helmet soon and would get another one however the other half wants a HJC R-Pha Max which seem really good and are light but they're a bit pricey (c£300-350). The best advise I can give is go in a shop and try it on to see how it feels on your head as whats comfortable for one person isn't for someone else. Graham
Please recommend an open-face or flip up visor helmet...
Personally I use a modular helmet and ride with it closed (as I like not having to remove helmet to get petrol etc). I would consider an open face helmet around town. I know the risks involved but as I said I can easily hit 40mph on my mountain bike and a motorbike open face helmet offers more head protection than my mountain bike helmet. We bet our lives every day we ride, but we choose to take the risk of using 2 wheels. There's a girl at work whose husband has a 125cc and she hates it, her opinion is "if you ride a motorbike you will die" but everyone here takes the risk she wouldn't. If we come off our bikes and the idiot in the car behind us who drives too close runs us over it's not going to be pretty what ever helmet we're wearing... Hopefully we've given th OP something to think about and some ideas about what helmets are available?
Please recommend an open-face or flip up visor helmet...
I'm sure up to 40mph an open face helmet will be ok... I appreciate it doesn't give a much protection as a full face but I can hit 40mph on my mountain bike down hill and don't wear a full face helmet. I've even crashed my mountain bik.e at speed.down hill and my face is still attached... Obviously faster speeds is different but it's all about personal risks and choice, look at the guys in USA who don't wear any helmets
Please recommend an open-face or flip up visor helmet...
What about a Shark Evoline 2. It's a flip up helmet but the flip up part goes all the way over the back so it can be used as an open face helmet and you can still use the visor in open face mode.
Kevlar jeans
I wear textile trousers which I'm happy with. Have worn normal jeans once but wouldn't again as felt like no protection at all. Still Kevlar jeans must be better than the kids in shorts and t-shirts I see riding around in summer.
Car vs Motorcycle: Crash + Road Rage
NOT GOOD! I can't believe car driver didn't even ask the biker if he was alright. Just goes to show the attitude - you were in my way so you should have got out of it/ been to the left. Grrrr!
Dropped it....twice!
How to pick up a motorbike:
XVS 1300A tank bib
Try calling Custom Wizard on 0114 272 2353 or Custom Cruisers on 01773 835 666 though I imagine your options are limited in the UK for the XVS1300