Everything posted by clarke
XVS650 and XVS1100 owners with hyperchargers.....
If it's not installed now it never will be... [may 2008 I was still on my 125 Draggie, I should have stuck a supercharger on that....!]
XVS 950 odo
I don't think you can 'convert' them... The Speedo might show you kilometers in small underneath the miles but I'm not aware of a toggle function to swap. Where are you based? It might be possible to source a Speedo unit locally that is in kilometers or I think you can buy electronic converters to attach underneath the Speedo but both may be expensive.
V-Star 950 tourer - remove bags?
If it's the same as the 1300 the pegs bolt to the frame where the bag supports attach to the down tube of the frame. There should be two bolts about one inch or so behind the foot pegs and that's where you remount them... Hope that makes sense/helps
xvs tachometer
You can install a tachometer on the 1300... I think Barons and Cobra make them? You can probably find some info here on how to install: http://1300tourer.com/search/node/tachometer I have got into the habbit of riding to the feel/sound of the bike and dropping a gear for the bends. You'll probably find you can ride one gear down on what you think with 5th being an 'overdrive' gear
Mod 1 minimum speed help!
Hire a bike like a ybr from an instructor or something as it'll be much easier for you to do all the maneuvers on & it is quicker acceleration. My mate failed his mod 1 five times of which 4 were speed trap. Turned out he was letting go of the accelerator before going through the trap, kept getting 31mph instead of 32mph... Good luck with the retake!
seat covers
Tony Archer can remake you one, www.tonyarcher.co.uk he does fantastic work at reasonable rates.
Bluetooth headset?
I have the cardo scala G4 which works great for rider to passenger, bike to bike and music/calls etc. The new G9 is coming out too which is supposed to link to up to 8 other headsets.
Motorcycle POV slide + gif
I managed to pause it with the bike next to lorry wheel, bike on its side goes about half way up the tyre... I thought it looks like a Bandit or something but could be wrong? He was either going too fast or panicked?
Motorcycle POV slide + gif
Agreed he's a lucky, albeit stupid bugger
XVS1300 O2 sensor eliminator
Could be loose front pulley or mis-aligned or over tightened belt. If it wasn't there before tyre change I'd guess the belt is too tight
XVS 950 A Manufacturer replacement parts
I just go to my local Yammy dealer and they get them in for me
Upgrading the headlight.
I just had a quick look on another website and there's a fella on there who's wired up an LED ring to his headlight, don't know if it'd interest you but http://forums.delphi...+Reading+%3E%3E (not sure the link will take you to the article as the links are weird but its thread 93407) You can also search headlight to get some articles... This may also be worth looking at? http://650ccnd.com/ht.htm
FFS dont PM like this
Just hit it with a hammer until it works
The Work has begun...
Try sealing the bottom/top where the wires go in with silicone gel/sealant to keep the water out. If ur happy with them in that location you could also drill a drain hole in what would be the botom of the light.
Autocom location
I know what you mean, the original handlebars on the 1300 were awful, they made you reach too far forward and hurt your back, shoulders etc... many people changed the handlebars so much so Yamaha changed them in the 2011 version to one's with more pull back. I preferred the 950s riding position but the other half preferred the 1300 pillion position... I'm currently back to the stock seat whilst the rear Mustang seat is getting modified, and I have to say I hate it. Not only is the Mustang much better, but I didn't realise how much the backrest helps
The Work has begun...
Just be mindful in the bends as I've heard some 1300 owners say they scraped those highway bars in the bends...they do look good though. Agree about the spot lights, can you attach them to the forks?
Do you use your steering lock?
Well my mate's garage got broke into the b@st@rds jimmied his ignition, cut his electrics, and scratched his petrol tank before they realised he had a disk lock on the bike (then tried to break into his house for the keys). Anywho, swinton send BLD to collect the bike, then 'loose' the bike then find it then loose it then a man from Axa calls my mate and says 'I've just been to see your bike and your steering lock wasn't on, so we won't pay out' My mate replies a) the disc lock that was on stopped the bike being nicked, b, you keep loosing my bike and c) we took the steering lock off for BLD to collect it and put it in their van. 'oh!' says the man, 'I see I'm barking up the wrong tree' and authorised payout/repairs. Now whilst I always use the steering lock when I'm out and about I never used to use it in the garage as I had my locks/ground anchor etc on them, but have started to use them now. If you don't already you may want to start too...
Autocom location
Looking good
- New Seat XVS 950
petrol muppets!
Well I got to the 2 petrol stations near my work at 7:30am and there big queues waiting to get in both of them, so I thought sod it and went to work... As I left work the petrol needle didn't move off empty so at 130 miles I thought guess I best join the queue... For some strange reason no-one was using one of the pumps so I nipped around and put a massive £10.70 in. Still no idea why everyone is panicking though?
petrol muppets!
So I went to get petrol tonight as the scooter is running on red and bloody hell couldn't get any as there were hundreds of cars queueing at both petrol stations near my house... Now I have to go to work tomorrow and hope one of the petrol stations near my work has some petrol otherwise I'll be pushing the scooter home - grrr! The stupid thing is there's no need for people to buy extra petrol but the idiots going on tv telling everyone to fill up NOW when there's no strike is either complete muppetry or genius?? Either they're too stupid to realise what that'll do, or a master stroke to get everyone off thinking about granny taxes, tax cuts for the rich whilst at the same time getting a flood of extra cash in the economy at the end of the last quarter... I've no idea which it is BUT IF I HAVE TO PUSH THE SCOOTER HOME I'LL BE PEEVED
The Work has begun...
Looking good. Keep posting the pics
New Seat XVS 950
Hi Andrew, I use the mustang wide tourer on the 1300 with the back rest. I CANNOT recommend it enough. The other half really liked the Mustang pillion too much better than the stock one. One thing I would recommend is get one from the US as it was much cheaper than buying in the UK when I bought e.g. . http://store.valueaccessories.net/mustangvintagewidetouringseatwithdriversbackrestyamaha.aspx As an alternative, have you thought of having your seat reshaped or gel inserted? There's a guy called Tony Archer (www.tonyarcher.co.uk) who can do this for about £60 if this might do you? He even said if you can fabricate or get someone to fabricate a backrest holder he can insert that in the seat too...
Read this (your small print) it might just save your bacon
I thought if you bought recovery & onward journey (or whatever they call it) they take you and the bike home...? Glad you're ok
- Summer gloves?