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Everything posted by clarke

  1. I'm guessing there's not much gunk in ur tank, if it's like mine, there's a sub tank under your seat anyway so chances are you've emptied the top tank already... There's also a filter between the fuel pump & injectors
  2. I've got 25 miles from the 1300 2 up @ about 50mph but also got 12 miles solo once (though I was going much faster) you should be alright for 20 miles, but it could be worth carrying extra fuel and finding out exactly how far you can go...?
  3. That dealership is quite new as last 2 went bust. I maybe biased but also check out the XVS1300... Colin Applyard also stocks XVS950 & their Leeds shop is next to Thunder City which does Victories
  4. Is there another dealer nearby? I'd go to at least two or three dealers and get them to earn your cash...
  5. From Yamaha's website the 2011 & 2012 models have black lower forks, whereas 2010 has silver. It depends on how much the dealer has it priced, but you could always try and haggle down as it is an older model. See if there are any other differences too. It could be a UK thing only (US website has them silver) but my 1300 had issues with the lacquer getting water under it & webbing. Yammy replaced them & I powdercoated the new ones so maybe that's why they now do them black?
  6. If that happened to my bike the wall WOULD come down... Glad it's worked out, let us know what you think of the bike
  7. That is unbelievable... and I worry on the odd occasion when I scrape my floorboards!
  8. From my experience the handlebars on the xvs1300 are the widest part on the bike... That's the only thing I think about when trying to fit through gaps and if the handlebars go through the bike follows. Also the floorboards do flip up a bit too...
  9. I was thinking of the lug by the front wheel & maybe it was £18...? If it is that you should be able to see that one of the lugs has snapped. That's what was wrong with mine, the speedo needle didn't work and the odo didn't either but the rev counter did. I initially thought it was the wiring and connections under the tank but it wasn't. If u need part of the wiring loom try breakers yards....
  10. It is normally the fuel pump priming.... There might be a fuse controlling it somewhere?? Not saying yours hasn't gone but normally when mine doesn't prime it's because I've hit the kill switch
  11. £10 from Yamaha dealership
  12. I know you can't do direct access until 21, so I'm guessing you can do the A1 test and ride a maximum output of 33bhp, but as said check out with local instructor etc
  13. I've only seen 1:20 and had to pause... That's some crazy riding. I wouldn't ride anywhere near as aggressive as that and I wouldn't filter between high sided vehicles/trucks etc at speed. Only thing it makes.me think is those times I've told myself off for taking 'unnecessary risks' weren't that bad really. I'll brave the rest of the video later when I've got more time (glad I don't ride in London!)
  14. You can get the dealer to do it or try yourself. FI international do the kits, but I think they only supply dealers. You might find one on ebay. I had my 1300 restricted by the dealer & got them to remove it for free as part of the deal
  15. What year is the bike? Does it have a switch for the lights or are they 'always' on? If it's not the bulb, I would try cleaning all the contact points. if you want to check the positive wire, get a screwdriver that lights up on current and put it in the positive terminal of the plug with lights on. If it lights up, then power is reaching the bulb holder, if it doesn't you'll need to try and trace it back. The screwdriver should also light up in the brake terminal when the brake is pulled. If you post more details of what you've checked etc we might be able to narrow it down a bit? Good luck
  16. I heard an MOT fella say if it says not for road use, but you stick tape over that stamp they can't take the tape off... of course that doesn't stop the police
  17. True, they do accelerate very smoothly... I have been known to pull the rear brake though every once in a while thinking it's a clutch...
  18. Does it turn over? Could be flat battery? Spark plugs? Was it struggling to start previously or just suddenly stop? Charge the battery (bike charger NOT car charger) and see if that works. If it does and then happens again it could just need a new battery Edit: Oh, welcome to the forum! post an intro and you might get some more advice...
  19. I tend to get cars try and out pace me at the lights when I'm on my scooter... they all think it's a 50 or 125 but little do they realise. I've yet to have one keep up with me! it's quite amusing to hear their engines squeal
  20. Checkout this: http://www.1300tourer.com/node/2345 step by step instructions for wiring lamps to the 1300 showing how to tap in to the lighting circuit. Hope it helps
  21. Many in the US have and rate it highly although most tend to drill their airbox too to make the most of it.
  22. I'm sure I saw one on Road Wars, it was interfering with the cop car's camera so they pulled him...
  23. If you put on the bigger tyre size (which shouldn't be an issue) just remember it could make your speedo very accurate - my Fazer had the next size up tyre on the front where the speedo sensor was and it was pretty much spot on with the GPS...
  24. I know it depends on the bike, my old 600cc fazer would outpace my 1300 no problems, but the 650 draggie and 1300 are similar beasts....
  25. clarke


    Speaking of insurance, don't forget to tell your insurance company it's outside if they think it's inside overnight. I wouldn't sneak it back into the hallway overnight as you don't know how the landlord found out about it and you don't want to get into bother with him. Also if there was a fire you could find yourself liable for any damage. At work I have to park my scooter near where everyone smokes. Once I'd forgot to out the petrol cap back on and was surprised no bugger blew themselves up!!
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