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Everything posted by clarke

  1. It is Honda Rochdale, the day I picked up the bike. It's now sat in Colin Appleyards showroom in Keighley on a sale or return basis i.e. they advertise it and will even take part ex on it & give me an agreed price when it goes or I can just take the bike back. If anyone here happens to be interested in it let me know as I can sell it much cheaper than what it's listed for...
  2. I used Muc-off miracle shine on my previous XVS125, got it nice and shiny. Most of the chrome will be plastic (except exhaust/handlebars). I used to get around 50-60mph out of mine, it would creep up to 70 throttle wide open on a flat with no wind. Bear in mind it only has 12bhp and weighs quite a bit for a 125cc. As said above, give it a service and check the carb joint (Y between the cylinder) for cracks.
  3. clarke replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    I got some old kitchen cabinets off freecycle which I used in the garage. They didn't look great but are perfect for storing all the tins of paint etc in.
  4. As I understand it if you're filtering/overtaking down the outside of stationary/slow moving traffic and a car emerges from a side road on the left and hits you then blame normally rests on biker as you should anticipate cars emerging from the side road and slow down/ensure clear before passing. I think it's all about reasonableness, however your reasonable manoeuvre may be unreasonable to someone else/ the judge. I read an article once where a lorry crossed the centre line on a bend and hit a biker who lost his leg. The biker had his compensation reduced as the judge ruled that had the biker been in the middle of his lane rather than close to the centre line then the lorry would've potentially missed him... I bet most people would reasonably think if the lorry leaves its lane then they're 100% at fault
  5. clarke replied to Grouch's post in a topic in The Bar
    A clutch cable in 12 months? You wear parts out quickly....
  6. If you're overtaking at low speed and pulling back in when cars are coming at you then I can't see the police thinking it's dangerous driving. Overtaking at speed and going between oncoming cars causing them to move over on the other hand.... I occasionally get cars etc try and block me on filtering, doesn't bother me if they succeed because as soon as the traffic starts moving you can usually skip around. Sometimes I get cars try to drive on the pillion seat as they want to overtake me again, normally I let them pass then filter passed them again at the next queue - bet that annoys them! One lad at work told me he actively blocks bikes on the grounds if he has to queue so should we. I explained if all bikes queue then it'd take him even longer and pointed out the advantages his car has in the middle of winter when it's pi$$ing it down and how filtering was the trade off. He said he hadn't thought of that...?! Worst I had was a fella wanting to fight me when I went to the front of the queue at a red light. I declined his offer but made it clear I thought he was a c0ck!
  7. clarke replied to cupcake1973's post in a topic in General
    I used a TomTom1 on the bike in a waterproof case. Worked ok though at certain times the sunlight would reflect off the plastic cover making it difficult to see. The solution, a visor made from a Coca-Cola box held on with an elastic band. It is illegal to use satnavs in France that show where speed cameras are, although all manufacturers released an update to disable this feature (I think it warns you of speed camera zones instead?). One last thing, I've been hearing on other forums you have to stick reflective stickers onto your helmet in France otherwise you get find - worth a google? If you use a satnav on your phone, don't forget to get a data roaming package otherwise it might cost you more than a bike specific satnav due to data charges.
  8. clarke replied to littlej's post in a topic in The Bar
    They use them near Squires cafe in North Yorkshire too (remember for Sept!)
  9. clarke replied to Chris_Lowe's post in a topic in The Bar
    I understand you have to pay for it? I'm far too tight so will continue to struggle with my phone...
  10. clarke replied to Toutsuite's post in a topic in Video Section
    Not sure if it's just me but the clock seems to stop slightly before 60mph on the second run....
  11. clarke replied to lzn's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Oxford Hothands are probably the easiest to fit as they Velcro over your current grips and you connect direct to the battery. Just remember to turn them off when leaving the bike. If you want to replace your grips completely, oxford do heated grips which get good reviews as do R&G which are cheaper and recommended by Ride magazine.
  12. That still looks good Phil. I'm glad the dealership sold on my 1300 as I'd probably have ended up in BIG trouble from the other half when I turned up on it next week...
  13. It was more of a shame I had to sell my 1300! One day I'll be back on an XVS (again) even if it's an XVS125... [i've still not advertised the 950 keep putting it off and this snow doesn't help. Maybe one more run out first]
  14. Cheers. I'm still keeping the V-Strom - had to pick between them, but as I don't have a car figured the V would be the more practical all rounder. I'll get another cruiser at some point (love cruisers & learned to ride on a XVS125) and as said above it'll probably be the 950...
  15. Well looks like I'm going to have to sell this one due to change in work circumstances Definitely a bike I'd buy again...
  16. clarke replied to sharpy55's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Diagnostic code 51 relates to the Radiator Fan motor relay. Not sure if that's the same as a fault code but going into diagnostic mode will test it for you. You can grab the service manual here: http://vstar1300.pbworks.com/w/page/5760692/FrontPage If that doesn't help, try the folks here as what they don't know about the 1300 Yamaha won't know.... http://forums.delphiforums.com/n/main.asp?webtag=vstar1300&nav=start&prettyurl=%2Fvstar1300%2Fstart&gid=2012354655
  17. Cheers Phil. Like the sound of the radiator cover - sounds like the one I was after for my 1300. I'm going to add little to nothing to this one as its only going to be a solo ride/summer toy. Hopefully we'll get some warmer weather soon so I can get out on it a bit more.
  18. clarke replied to sparky67's post in a topic in The Bar
    Congrats Sparky. Check out the new insurance offer for YOC members from Bikesure and don't forget to shop around for cheapest quote. Looking forward to hear about your first ride out
  19. I'll probably buy my next bike from Colin Appleyard (Keighley) as they sell Yamaha and Kawasaki alongside Suzukis - they've always given me good service and decent deals when buying. I've yet to find a decent car dealership - the last one I used weren't that great so I won't go back.
  20. It's a 950...
  21. That's a Roadstar - they've been out for ages. I think this one is completely new... US forums range from a new 500cc to something based on 950 engine. We'll find out tomorrow...
  22. clarke replied to Grouch's post in a topic in The Bar
    If not, get them to make one...
  23. clarke replied to jamiecee's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    If the banner could generate random images of loads of different Yamahas that'd be great
  24. Does membership refer to signed up or paid/donated member? Also why are they checking in the event of an accident and not at point of sale? Sounds a bit dubious to me... Will we find out we may have no insurance? I'm also a member of a V Strom forum which Bikesure Insurance partners with and have not heard of membership checks in the event of an accident, though I have heard of clauses in the insurance that stipulates you have to have a Sold Secure (or equivalent) disc lock even though not mentioned at purchase. Whilst I'm sure this partnership will benefit many I think there needs to be clarity from Bikesure.
  25. clarke replied to clarke's post in a topic in Reviews
    Currently I'm only commuting about 7 miles each way @ 40mph in stop/start traffic. So far no issues with power drain though I do tend to put the optimate on the bike every 3-4 weeks. Had no issues so far though someone I work with also has the same gear and it killed off his 5 year old battery. I'd definitely use a battery conditioner if using heated gear. As for connections, I've not used the jacket when it's chucked it down yet but the jacket connection is under my normal jacket at the waist and the sleeve connections are also covered by the jacket. I suspect the connections are ok in the rain as the outer glove connections are exposed to the elements all the time. One thing that might be an issue is the collar as if I can't do up the outer jacket & the Keis gets wet it could be bad as the instructions say not to use when wet...