Everything posted by nayruf
Oh sugar wtf did I do with it
I know you have not time to wait for Swansea to get things posted to you, but having read in the MCN about people loosing their driving entitlements on their licences when they have to change details or add info, I called the DVLA and got them to send me a print of my driving licence entitlements, once I received this I scan copied my original licence and sent the original to them to be updated, I know they probably would still weasel out of any errors on their part but it gave me a bit more confidence to have a bit more proof.
Newbie saying hello
Hello from Grantham,
Car head lights on back roads
Hi I have been following this post with some amusement, living in an area with poor or no street lighting, I often have found the lights of oncoming vehicles blinded me, making me resort to following the mental picture of the road ahead and glancing at the kerb, centre line and hedge row to obtain reference points as to where the road has gone. I had an eye test my sight passed the regulatory vision level for reading a number plate. I found out that my vision was unbalanced, one eye focused better than the other, I got some glasses to correct this, I found that the oncoming vehicles still blinded briefly as before but I also found that I was able to see through the glare slightly better, I am not suggesting that anyones vision is poor, but at £21, a NHS eye test might be a good buy,
Posting Images
Hi I don’t have a photo account but I am on FB, I don’t have to tell the world what I had for lunch, but I do upload many pictures to it for friends and family to view. I have found if I select an image from one of my albums and ‘left clic on the image, in the small box that appears one of the options is to copy image location, I just open the YOC’s photo option in the reply window and paste the copied location into the url box, I have now idea if this is a correct way or the best way of doing it but it works for me,
1975 Yamaha DT 125
Thats what I was thinking, the bike may need higher revs to make the starter /mag work harder to make up for a weak 12 volt battery
1975 Yamaha DT 125
Hi As others have posted Dt's can run without a battery, reading your post is your bike a DT125 with an electric start as well as a kick start? Maybe 'AT1-C, AT2E,AT3E' if so my manual has these listed as having 12 volt 7 amp/hr batteries,
Ybr help
Hi Are you sure the ‘clunking’ is from the front of the engine, if so Are the engine mount bolts tight, including the top one if your bike has one? Are all the component parts that are attached to the frame/chassis securely attached tight? Has anything worked loose? Clunking from the front of a bike in my experience bike is normally associated with brake callipers being loose, worn poorly adjusted steering head or wheel bearings, play in the front suspension bottoming out worn internals, handle bars loose, or a loose exhaust. Also worn chain sets/ suspension linkages can give funny clunking noises as bikes come to a stop. If it was my bike I would give the bike a real thorough clean, top to bottom hands and knees and check and clean every linkage and every visible nut and bolt, and if you can remove the tank, seat, side panels and other easily owner removable components to examine the bike, Hopefully you will find the mysterious noise,
CT 175 air flow
I think your excess fuel plunger is like this one 'LINK' which is the same as the one on my bike and it is very easy to replace, but please check on. http://www.partzilla.com/, that the pt number is also for your bike' That one on ebay is not that cheap, I have seen them up for less,
Securely locking your bike
HI check with your bike insurance company, my insurance will knock a few % off if the disc lock is thatcham approved, at the moment I use an Abus lock
Dickhead at work goes in my bag
Hi This might be a better one: link
Dickhead at work goes in my bag
Hi perhaps leave one of these in your bag, then whan he goes into it the alarm will trip, then call the HR types to explain why your personal gear gets messed with, link works on my shed door
CT 175 air flow
Hi I think you may have a worn excess fuel plunger (choke), I have seen this before and witnessed people who have some times put a peg on the plunger shaft to hold it out whilst the motor warmed up, I would try to replace it, I think your bike should run like mine and the starter plunger is only used at the initial start till the motor has warmed slightly then the plunger should be manually pushed back in once the bike will hold a steady tick-over rpm (idle)
DT175 Mx won't start
If there are no reasonable bike shops who can carry out the work in your area and you do not feel confident in splitting the casings. Are there any karting clubs in your area? (maybe 'Hooten Park' Kart club, The 175 engine is a favourite for kartists, I bet there will be a kart club member who would split your casings if you were to take the engine to them. my DT holed a piston year before last and the main brings got clogges up with debris from the melted piston, once the crank assy was removed I cleaned the debris from the big end brg and reassembled the motor with new main brgs and new crank seals, the motor has now covered a fare few miles since so all is not lost for your motor,
FJR1300 - should I have one and what are the issues with them?
Hi I have a 57 plate one, I have not done many miles on it, its heavy but once on the move I don’t notice the weight, the linked abs brakes don’t interfere with the way I ride and have once or twice made emergency stops on wet roads resulting in nothing more than a blood pressure spike, my wife and I did a 4 hr each way ride this summer and she found it comfortable, some times in extreme ambient temps it seems like the fuel has evaporated before it has reached the cylinders making starting the bike a second stab at the starter, selecting 1st gear after start up can result in a heavy clunk as the clutch un-sticks. I rock the bike in gear with the clutch in to free it off for the first start of the day, I have noticed that it does eat tyres compared to my old 900 divi even the front tyre can wear out quickly, I also find the bike is plenty quick and could do with a 6th gear, being a heavy long bike I find that it sometimes feels like it drifts wide when cornering at speed, the panniers don’t interfere but my wife has to slide onto the passenger pillion from the riders seat as she cannot clear the boxes, I have semi stripped the lower suspension links and cleaned and repacked the grease, I cannot compare the bike to current sports touring bikes, but so far it is better than my old diversion, mainly because it’s more refined, Overall I like the bike I like the shaft drive but it is over kill for my needs to have it so next time I will probably try a different model, Andy
First ever pillion
My wife likes (love handles) these too,
yamaha yb100 electrical problems
Hi I believe the YB100 is a two stroke; a bit like a ‘Fs1e’ on steroids, surely it does not have, but what do I know? ‘Tappets’ the crank brgs could be worn allowing the motor to make a knocking noise. The small end brg and or the piston could be worn in the bore also causing a knocking noise, My DT was tapping slightly this turned out to be the crank shaft main brg’s, Also I believe the crank on this bike is a pressed together item and has roller brgs on the con rod ends and a ball race brgs on the crank main brgs I agree the battery is probably at fault for the main electrical faults, if you do try to charge it don’t use a car charger buy a proper bike 6v battery charger, car chargers push out too many amps even if switched to 6 v,
Hello. Looking for Opinion
Hi Dave My choice would be the later 250 1979 bike, I just prefer the look, both bikes should appreciate in value, I figure the 79 Bike would be a better bike to run benefiting from some model updates that the 360 would not of received,
Washing a bike!
Hi I would not use washing up liquid your hands may become as soft as your face, but I have read some place that there is a salt content in washing up liquid that allows the residue suds to act as an electrolyte helping to create more corrosion, So I tend to use a generic car wash liquid,
xj600 help
I might be completely wrong but I thought that the spark is initiated through 1 & 4 coil for cylinders 1 & 4 whenever the pistons for cylinder 1& 4 are both on an upwards stroke, meaning that when cylinder 4 is exhausting the gasses the plug still fires and at the same time the plug sparks on cylinder 1 which is on the compression stroke, So if this is a correct assumption you only have to try one coil on the 1 & 4 plugs and if it does not work try it on 2 & 3 plugs, I believe the technical term is called wasted spark ignition, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wasted_spark
Cant get the twat to start
Fully concur, the odds are against both failing, I would also do several net searches there must be a pattern coils that will do the job
Spilt beer on my laptop
Hi I have no idea wether this is a good or bad method, but I have often cleaned the key board with my wifes 'wet wipe' hand clensing cloths, I just be sure the power is of first and I don't force too much of the damp cloth under the keys, It has not gone bang yet and the sticky stuff on the key board has gone. I also do the same thing with the TV remote controllers,
Loosing power 74 DT125
Hi Is the clutch slipping? Have you adjusted the clutch mechanism or the cable?
What do you use as a bike stand?
As my DT weighs next to nothing, I turn the passenger pegs up side down and use two car axle stands
What is this Part/Fitting?
Hi I believe its called a 'Hose Tail connector'
1981 DT 175MX Key Blank
Hi I got 2 spare keys cut for my DT twinshock at a local shoe repair shop in Melton Mowbray, the key blank was almost identical to my original, if Melton has a suitable shop there must be a place near to your location, The key blank pt numbers that I had cut to suit my bike key are 'JMA yama 9D' and 'SILCA YH 7R' I had 1 key cut from each blank just incase one was a better fit than the other, but I need not of worried as both are a good fit in all 4 locks,