Think Bike
Did you notice the the guy in the car had time to put paper down on the road first before looking if the guy on the bike was okay, i guess that he did not want to get his pants dirty
i want to go, but how much!!
ghost rider2 gone wild
Hi all check this guy on a bike, http://www.moviesfoundonline.com/ghost_rider2_goes_wild.php hope it works
To the driver of the blue clio
Good on ya Goff, i get the same things happening over here in oz very bad drivers, and they dont give a shit for any one else on the road damn ass wipes. One pulled out infront of me the other week at a set of traffic lights i had the right of way as i was going straight ahead and he was turning right talking to his m8 beside him, as i got to the intersection the dick head turned right i braked but had no room to stop so i went right in to him did some damage but i was pissed off with him, the thing is that he said it was my fault unbelievable....
Wanna help me?
Thats a 10 from me too.
What helmet do you use?
i have a matrix helmet very lite weight
drive system
thx for that m8
drive system
Hi all Im in the process of getting a xvs650 custom bike, and i know its shaft driven. i have a question, "what is the best drive system belt, chain or shaft and why" ? i was going to get a belt driven bike but ppl say to stay away from them, others say go with a chain, then ppl say go with the shaft.....
revenge of the bike
bike gets revenge on car, hope this one will work
guy gets his first ticket
hmmmm.... bugger sry about that still trying to work it all out.
going the wrong way?
Dont know what this person was thinking before she went riding ?????
guy gets his first ticket
I like this pic hope you do too...
High Heels and bikes
here is someone with high heels on the back.... LOL
just wanted to introduce myself hi all
thx for the support, this is the bike that im getting
not sure how to post a pic
thx m8 for that
Taffy Bear
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