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  1. gatecrasha replied to Jambon's post in a topic in The Bar
    dont know how valid this reply of mine will be in this circumstance but, as i understand it:- if a n officer sees you exeeding the limit, he can without evidence of radar etc etc etc, pull you over, he can however only give cautionary advice as theres no factual evidence at all, however.... should the same situation occur in the presence of 2 officers then, the following applies... 1st arresting officer, makes staement to facts, 2nd officer acts as a witness -who is also of good standing... if both believe you are driving/riding above the speed limit then its the word of two - fine upstanding members of society's word against the word of yourself, yourself being without witness's hence your nicked sonny and the court deals out its punishment, also word of advice DO NOT ever call anyone a liar in court, as the charactor assasination that will then take place on you is gonna leave you a shrivelling wreak, and then they really will throw the damn book with full force, sit back/keep calm/bend over n touch your toes, as when they shaft you it aint so bad if you are behaving, if you play up then its gonner hurt when they shaft you..... trust me i been there.... and there again and well you get the drift steve
  2. gatecrasha replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hi, im new to this forum, my reccomendation for cheapness and effectiveness, is to buy a cheap second hand chain-oiler lube system from ebay, these can be run on standard engine oil, increases chainlife, just top up the bottle and away you go.. steve