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  1. forest posted a post in a topic in General
    to start the ball rolling my favourite yammy is the fj 1200. totaly reliable very quick. mines 16 years old but still goes like the clappers and no signs of slowing up. built to last. hopeing to hear from all you bike nuts out their. with your nominations. for wot you believe to be the best yammy. new or old
  2. forest replied to forest's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    the fj is a great bike one of the best yamahas ever in my opion. others may disagree. but thats bikers for you we all have our own favourites
  3. forest replied to Mason's post in a topic in The Bar
    dont belong to any clubs ride alone and free but thats my choice. but when im out and about most people. assume i am just because i got a goatie and tats. i love the open road and freedom to much to be tied to any club. being able to talk to who i want when i want.
  4. would make a great camper bike. tent on wheels. totaly cool. but thats just me im a total two wheel freak.
  5. forest replied to Hardrive's post in a topic in The Bar
    comeing home one night from work seen some poor sod get knocked off his bike by twat in van. the idiot didnt even stop. thankfully the guy on the bike was ok. sadly his bike wasnt. good news the idiot got caught and lost his job. justice
  6. forest replied to Taffy Bear's post in a topic in General
    used to have belt driven kawaski 250 scorpion great bike all round found it to be a lot better than a chain drive 250 got a chain drive fj1200 now. so its down to personal choice
  7. my my goff and u look like such a sweet little thing
  8. forest replied to Cymraeg_Atodeg's post in a topic in General
    my helmet is a caberg 102 v2 bought it because it was the most comfortable one for me plus the flip down sun visor bit noisy when giving the bike plenty of welly but other than that no complaints
  9. forest replied to forest's post in a topic in The Bar
    notheing wrong with the good old dt had a few me self. always up for a chat with bike nuts. hope u enjoy the r6 great bikes miles of smiles
  10. forest replied to SRJ999's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    twats who ride like that gives bikes the bad rep they dont deserve. must be in a rush to try on a wooden overcoat
  11. forest posted a post in a topic in Yamabyss
    just bought new helmet and picked the caberg because it had the internal sun visor. never heard of them before. but wot a great idea slides out the way when not needed. one simple slideing switch. wish i had one years ago.
  12. forest replied to kevin10529's post in a topic in The Bar
    like you i ride all year round. got a car but prefer the bike all you need is good tyres and plenty of sense.
  13. g reat choice i got a fj myself mines a 92 boy dont they go good old bikes.
  14. dont worry mate we all started off the same way. but give it time and you will be like the rest of us. wanting faster corners. long winding lanes. and more time to spend on the bike. keep trying bud.
  15. thats just pure erotica great bike. art on wheels.