Everything posted by Darko8472
YBR mileage issues and didgy starter
If it's the 2007 or 2008 model it's more than likely fuel injected... but the best way to check is to look for a fuel tap (a reserve tank switch) - if it has one, it's a carb model more than likely... as pointed out to me in another thread, fuel injection models rarely have fuel taps.
- YBR125
YBR125 2009 Model
No complaints about mine yet
- CLUBS!!!
Just failed my test
I failed my test in August cos of 3 minors... forgot to turn me indicator off, then nearly dropped the bike at a junction... which flustered me and I forgot to turn me indicator off again :/ It happens, I'm just glad the new test is delayed so I can save up and take it again. In any case, I'll be on a 125 for a while... use it to get to work, mpg is amazing
- caberg
idiots in shorts
Personally I think it's just an overdue accident waiting to happen. Every time I see one of these nutters I shake my head at em or flash me lights. It's their own choice if they want to wear the stuff, true, but it's cos of them we get higher premiums.
Im still a bit scared pulling out of junctions
Dunno about the more experienced riders in here, but in my experience (having only been riding about a month) I tend to leave the visor open about an inch or so, you still get a little water in but it doesn't hit you in the eyes. As for the visibility unless it's absolutely peeing it down, you should be able to see things well enough, just take things easy and be prepared to brake a lot sooner than when it's dry... don't grab at the brakes, just dab them gently enough to slow you down progressively. If you can slow down a little by easing off the throttle even better.
New Bike Test Delayed - Six Months
Me either, but I'm ruddy glad! Retake in confidence, lads...
YBR125 2008 - Reserve tank?
Ta for that Ttaskmaster... guess I'll just keep topping her up at half range then! Mostly use her to get to work and back so this won't be a problem. I have no idea! I'm makin' sure the next one I get (bigger!) has one for sure. I like the idea of a safety margin.
YBR125 2008 - Reserve tank?
Yep, that's not there on the 2008 model. Nor is it mentioned in the handbook. It's a fuel injected model, no carburettor.
YBR125 2008 - Reserve tank?
Yeah, that's where it was on the CG125 and the Suzi 500 I rode for my direct access. It's just not there on the 2008 YBR
YBR125 2008 - Reserve tank?
Hello, I bought my YBR125 last month and have been getting on great with it And while I haven't had occasion to find out yet, I'd still like to know where the heck the fuel tap is... there's no mention of it in the manual, but every other bike I've been on has one (in training etc). Any ideas??