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Everything posted by Hardrive

  1. Hardrive replied to gbx79's post in a topic in Naked
    dont rush to get a bike wait a couple more weeks for the weather to get really bad and you will get a better deal as prices are droping on ebay and dealers will give better offers as not many ppl want to ride a bike in the winter. The YBR 125 looks a good bike but a lot of people say it has problems with the gearbox jumping gears and such like. Mainly due to being new maybe buy a ybr thats a couple of years old and this prob might of been sorted. as for another bike you have the yamaha sr125 wich is a good bike and the platform for the ybr 125 and personaly think its bullet proof as its been going for years and a favoroute with cbt tests and the honda cg 125 is also another good comuter as for sport type bikes go for 4 stroke for reliabilaty as two stroke will spend just as much time in the dealers as under ur bum ok 4 stroke arnt as quick but 125's are good for 65mph ish depending on the bike some more. on another note when your looking for a bike have a look for parts on ebay as thats a good indication of prices of parts and availabilaty... Stay away from cheap imports like jinlun and yamaski and suck like as parts are expencive and the build quality is really poor and most bike dealers wont touch them with a barge pole or if they do they will charge for it.... Hope you have luck finding your bike and remember Safety first get your gear first and get the best you can afford. hope its helped
  2. Hardrive replied to kevlar111's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Also wd 40 the spark plug lead and coil under the fuel tank and the wires by the battery. Let us know how you get on
  3. Hardrive replied to kevlar111's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I have not had this problem on my sr 125 but would think if your bike judders before cutting out like a splutter and loosing power before cutting out it could be fuel starvation. If on the other hand it cuts out instantly like hitting the kill switch then I would tend to think its electrical maybe a loose wire.. I would check how much fuel you have. make sure its in reserve position on your fuel tap if your low on fuel. also that the tap is in the on position i have forgotton a few times to turn it on my self and the bike died on me...also check your connections behind the headlight there are two types of connectors (block and butt conectors) butt conectors are mainly lights and auxilaries and block are more mechanical undo your conectors and reconnect do this a few times to make sure there is a good connection. also try spraying the connectors with wd 40 after you have gone through them all just in case water is getting in to your connectors. On a safety note though I would be wary of riding at buzy times and bad weather conditions and prerare your self at all time for the engine to die and plan escape route. try to find a quiet road to test. Im only a newbie myself and had to learn quickly as my bike was a nail and a half maybe sombody else can advice you better but its a start for you.
  4. Dont know if this will help you but I have an sr 125 and found the best way to start it from cold is to pull out the choke all the way and give the throtle a slight twist as you start it. mine wont start unless I give it a slight twist of the throtle. you could check your jets to make sure they are clean its quite an easy job to do and well worth doing. there is a post on here from me about carb probs i had and there is a link to a video of a very similar carb and how to strip down.... p.s. Welcome to Yamaha owners club
  5. Thanks Dude That reply was really in depth and have a bit to think about now and will apply it to my riding and my confidence is growing more and more but I always keep in the back of my mind (I can come off and its gonna hurt) and inturn respect the bike and the road conditions. You all might think im totaly nutts as I have a car as well but im determined to ride to work and around instead of taking the easy option of just jumping in the car. I cant describe the feeling when im riding and im defo gonna take my full test before june next year and the winter riding will hopefully make me a better rider and give me the experiance i need before going for my full test.... again thank you for your advice im gonna check Roadcraft, The Police Riders Handbook when i finish work tomorrow..
  6. Hi guys and gals Im starting this post as I have so much questions about winter riding and im sure newbies like me would find your replies helpfull....... 1. when riding in rain and wet conditions how much slower should i take corners compared to a dry day as im really going slow and not leaning the bike virtualy at all... 2. In wet conditions aproaching a sharp corner doing 40mph and slowing down whats the best way to brake to slow down? currently i use engine braking by easing off the throtle and braking with both front and rear break and changing down gear and slowly letting out the clutch and slowly accelerate around the corner not enough throtle to go faster but enough to keep the engine working if you know what i mean 3. In wet/ raining conditions I find patches of water on the road (puddles) and im worried about aqua plaining what can I expect if i hit a puddle and what corrective measure can i do not to ditch the bike? 4. with leaves falling from trees what reaction does it have say on a straight road and on a bend and whats the first sign of thingss going wrong? and how to correct it? 5. in strong wind I feel uneasy on my bike as it blows me side ways as its a light bike and im a light weight whats the best way to ride in wind to reduce the effects of the wind? 6. if it snows what are the do's and dont's of riding in snow? and if you have any winter riding advice that i havent asked please add your own as im planning to ride through out winter and dont fancy the idea of comming off my bike and before warned is before armed lol
  7. thanks guys Im a compleate newbee and only been riding about 3 weeks now and tried the trick of air streeming to dispell the water off the visor and ive found if i look far ahead instead of looking downward when riding the wind hitting the visor clears the rain a treat and made my ride easier as i could see futher and had better balance on the bike. Im gonna start a post hopefully to help me and other new riders with the winter conditions comming up. im so gonna try car polish on the visor when the rain really gets bad. Again guys thanks your making my life so much easier with my riding.
  8. Mr sheen you mean furniture polish? is this for real can i use that with out damaging the visor?
  9. Hi guys and gals Can anyone recomend a good product to make my visor repel water from the rain as at the moment i dont use anything and its doing my head in not being able to see through the visor in heavy rain and living in wales it rains offten lol.....
  10. Hardrive replied to pav's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    I think you can use photobucket or a similar website to upload your pics then click on insert image underneath fonts when you make a post and insert the url addy of your pic.
  11. I was thinking that the plunger was sticking thats why i thought some wd 40 on that might do the job or not but gonna wd 40 the throttle cable tomorrow a bit too late now as i think ive upset my neighbours enough this evening lol but here is a vid for the same carb i found the only diffrens is the choke setup and the way the carb attackes to the air box and to the engine the basic carb is the same and would be usefull to any sr125 owner
  12. GOOD NEWS ALL SORTED Found out what i had done wrong the plunger thing that the speedo cable goes into with the spring was not into the carb properly and did that and boom started straight away no problems and runs sweet like it did if something seems a bit more va va voom lol...the throtle still wont spring back properly but im putting that down to the plunger thing i cleaned is not bedded in and dont really want to wd 40 it as that might cause other probs......but hey not bad for my first strip down of a carb and god i feel for my neighbours and damm i stink of fuel guess i shouldnt of dome it on the lounge carpet coz the living room smells of fuel as well lol. but hey at least its not a car engine lmao, ive done that before now lol..... Anyway can i use wd 40 to make the throtle spring back to normal position or should i leave it to bed in?
  13. I cleaned the carb and jets esspecialy one was no daylight at all through it so cleaned all parts with carb cleanr. only prob my throtle is now loose and the bike wont start ahhhhhhh. how long before fuel gets through the carb as it was all empty
  14. Whats the best way to clean the carb and if i strip it do i need new gaskets for the carb?
  15. Pulled the plug out and it looks preaty ok its tan in colour and looks preaty new ive put worse into cars lol.....checked spark from ht lead and all is good there. I think it might be carb? the reason i say this is because since ive had the bike i have held the choke out for 30 seconds and its fine and rides ok and someone said that one of the jets are worn but it doesnt mater as i get to ride it sooner... the choke doesnt stay in place it always goes back on its own( i let go it poppes back in) and if it helps the top speed is 65mph. dont know if this info will help anyone help me. oh i have a yamaha sr 125
  16. After finishing work started the bike and it seemed to be running slightly difrent and had to give it more revs to go as it stalled twice.. and on my way home it popped a few times through the exhaust and seemed not as fast as normal its not a fast bike anyway but just seemed slower and had to run it high in revs before changing to the next gear?????and again popping
  17. Hardrive replied to psbresner's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    guess your battery leads are short.... What you can do is remove your seat then remove the air filter box you have to take the seat off as there is a bracket on the air filter box that foules on the frame. even that is a fidely job im supprised you cant pull the battery out to get the other terminal.
  18. Hardrive replied to Hardrive's post in a topic in The Bar
    God help anyone in essex then it will be lambrini lmao
  19. Thank you guys your great I got the courage to go on my first big ride the other day 60 mile round trip and ive got out of the habbit of trying to control with the rear break when comming out of a junction and giving the bike more revs and controling the bike better with the clutch and its working great its as if im out of the danger point quicker and dont feel i have a tousand things to do when im pulling out of a junction. Anyway on my ride on country A roads I was doing 50mph to 60 mph and slowing and corners and for some wierd reason I was riding and noticed Hey im not turning the handlebars what the hell it threw me a bit. I guessed I was starting to get confident as i had started to look at the countryside whising by. and the next corner I noticed I was leaning a bit instead of turning the handlebars and was not as tence so I thought Is this counter steering and I remember reading a post saying if you want to turn left push the left side forward slightly and back to normal to lean in that direction so I tried it and it was even easier. I found that I took all the bends roughly 5 to 10mph slower than i do in the car and it was so enjoyable. I pulled over in a lay by to check my bike to make sure its all ok being its first big ride for me (yea i know 60 milles big ride but it was for me lmao) and had a cigarett and reflected on the ride so far and thought im thinking about riding too much instead of enjoying it so from there I did less life savers as I know what was behind me i can see them in my mirrors and only worried at junctions and roundabouts and changing lanes about my life savers. And I really enjoyed the ride I arrived In Colwyn bay feeling quite relaxed and fresh. On the down side a guy threw an empty bottel out of a van but hey thats car drivers no consideration lol. And opening the visor at low speeds like less than 20MPH works great to get rid of the misting in the visor. All in all I had a great day riding and so gonna take my test next year and get a bigger bike and cant wait to go somewhere next week as I now feel when the journey ends im kinda dissapointed cos I enjoyed it so much.....
  20. Hardrive replied to psbresner's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi Paul If you take both side covers off and take the strap off that holds the battery in place and remove the terminal on the right hand side of the bike ( the side where the break peddal is then the battery will pull out slightly and from the ther side you can just get enough room to remove the other terminal. I used a small spanner as you know there is not a lot of space between the battery and the air filter box.. If your still stuck try a small socket and ratchet..... Good luck
  21. Ill have to have a look at the wireing tomorrow see if there is anything obvious that stands out but the ignition it self only has two wires and work as the nutral light goes off but the engine doesnt. guess ill have to strip all the crummy joins that somebody has done you know the type twist the wires together and tape it up with insilation tape..I have some heat shrink on order anyway and was going to solder the joins in the headlamp. but after all what do I expect I only paid £200 for the bike I will have to put some pics of when I got it and how it looks now...
  22. Hi again guys. Seem to be getting a fault that I cant turn engine off by the ignition switch when the engine is hot but will turn off with the emergancy stop switch on the handlebar. but only does this when the engine is hot when is cold it turns off by the ignition switch ok......my bike is a 1993 yamaha sr 125. I think its pre ignition but what could be causing the problem
  23. Hardrive posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    I went out for my first long ride since passing my CBT and getting my bike today and all was going well Till a chuffing white van driver was up my bum so being on a 125 i couldnt leave him so i let him go past and about 300 yards down the road I got skimmed by a empty bottel of coke a cola i think it was the frigin idiot. I saw his arm out the window and the Barsteward threw it out. I couldnt belive it as he knew i was there as he had only just overtaken me. I dread to think what could of happened if it would of hit me. I was doing 50 mph when that bottel whisked by my head. I just wish I had taken his licence number down but guess the police would do nothing anyway. Has anyone else had this happen to them.
  24. thanks guys your all great and really appriciate your help and I like the term bikeing god I like the sound of that at the mo im more like Frank spencer crossed with jack cluseu on the bike lol which is not a good combination... In the cbt test We got it ramed down your throats DING DING DING when ridin the instructor said if we changed direction in the road like to overtake parked cars we look in one mirror (ding) then the other (ding) and a life saver in the direction we are going to (ding) and again to come back in after overtakinge the parked cars..we also had to do it if we approaced a 30 mph zone from 40 mph ect as soon as we saw the sign ding ding ding and also every junction and roundabout. and on round abouts when we signal left to come off a roundabout we do a left life saver. and so on.... In the full test with these new tests comming into effect this month do they require the same life checks as what we was taught or was my instructor doing his best to just over do the life savers in order that it may save our lives? The reason I ask is I dont want to pick up any bad habbits as im planning to do my test next year and have already picked what bike im going for and I hate to say it on a yamaha site but its the kawasaki ninja 250r..But I really do like this bike and ticks all the boxes for what i need the bike for and for only £3500 new its only a little more expencive than a decent 125 new.
  25. They taught us the instructor said its to stop the rear wheel drifting with aceleration as we are turning. but god knows i do seem to not do it unless i come out of a downward junction or hill from standstill. On a down side had my first OUCH on the bike on way back from work this morning. Well it was raining hard and your all thinking oh god he lost it on a corner,, UMMMMM its a little more imbarasing I was pushing the bike in the garden to park it and the grass was wet and my stupid sidi boots have no grip at all and the bike fell on its side no damage to the bike as i can see its still dark out side but my hand is killing me as it got caught between the handlebar end and the ground, seems as its just brused...The odd thing i found was the smell of fuel was overpowering. I have checked to see if there is a leak but cant find none. Also any tips on riding in the rain I had my visor half open as the rain was really bad and visabilaty really poor and took it easy that easy I only did 35mph in a no speed limit applies area and the wind was really strong and the bike seemed wobbely if that makes sence. Any tips welcome