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Everything posted by wolfpack101

  1. You could win a hollowed out double divan bed if you apply early!!
  2. wolfpack101 replied to wolfpack101's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    And I thought I had problems!! a ) It's female... b ) It's legless...perhaps like you were when searching? c ) It's armless.... d ) Pretty much everything..... Still it's the thought that counts.... You didn't think either did you? Back to the doctors tomorrow. I may take a print of this in...They will find you and help you!!
  3. wolfpack101 replied to wolfpack101's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    No to the support... I have tore the muscles in the right hand side of my neck, unfortunately my recovery is being hampered by the fact I have no top shoulder muscle right handside - lost in an op when I was a kid. The doctors have said it will just take time and physio...I have looked on e-bay for a new body but to no avail... The reason I got my YBR was because it was more " cruiser-style", i.e. fairly upright rather than a sports bike. Was thinking that was my best choice when I was buying the bike. Pain-wise I'm ok. I was issued plenty of medication ( issued in batches of 100's ). !!
  4. wolfpack101 replied to wolfpack101's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Thanks for that quick response Goff, To be honest with you I wasn't sure what I should be doing. I'm always getting in trouble regarding my back... My wife thinks I'm crazy even having a bike because I have a previous spinal injury, including a part re-build of my lower spine. But hey-ho you got to have a hobby!! As regarding the doctors I have been told off by the hospital, told off by my GP... As regarding aggravating the injury...well it seems anything I do aggravates it at the moment. If I take any more tablets I'll rattle!! As regards my bike I think I'll get it on the centre stand and will crack it up every other day. Thanks again. Matt
  5. wolfpack101 posted a post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Hi all, Just need a bit of advice. I have injured myself - not through riding - but have damaged my neck and shoulder and it is highly unlikely that I'll ride again before the new year. My bike is new ( this years model ) and is being kept in a shed with a cover on. My concern is that of it not being run for perhaps 2 months or more dependant on my recovery...what should I be doing? Should it be centre standed, rather than side standed? What about the oil in the engine? Still new to all this and need to ensure that I get into the new year with an operational machine... Any advice that you can offer would me much appreciated. Regards, Matt.
  6. Stocks were mentioned!! Rule no.17 - A motorist hitting a biker (who is allowed to run the lights) was to be placed in the stocks. Too old... To be honest I didn't think of a specific age. I could perhaps have enlarged it to those old biddies in their little fiats etc. who think that 2 mph is now fast, who don't indicate, who don't stop at stop junctions and so forth. You know the type!! Only here once...what about my re-incarnation plan!! Hanging has been replaced with the steam roller option. You just sluice the bits away at the end....Government first.. When I said National Service...perhaps it could come in several forms...eg. Not just military but perhaps looking after the elderly in carehomes or road maintenance ( we need it!!) or some NHS skill. Something that adds value to the country and not takes away.
  7. Yeah I have a packet of eggs in my fridge.... Has " Allergy advice - Contains egg " Well who'd have thought it!!! It's actually quite common-place. I work in retail and if you look at most products they have these warnings on. It's obviously to help those with the single brain cell. Which takes us back to Common Sense again.... I'm allergic to fish - I don't need the pack to tell me "Cod - contains fish" . I'm well aware!! If you need that much help in life I refer you to law No.14... Education is not going to help some of these people so I refer them to law No.14 also...
  8. Gas up... No still getting my vote!! I'll be a Sith Lord if that's ok? Jedi Knight....feel the power of the darkside!! Only one I'm not convinced on is number 17 unless of course a motorist hitting a Biker going through the lights then incurs a punishment - say a week in the stocks? or perhaps removal of his vehicle for life.... No.18 Old people cannot drive... end of!! No.19 Anyone caught carrying a knife has said weapon stabbed through own limb - their choice - and cannot get NHS help after, but is given a needle and thread - DIY!! N0.20 Child molesters / Murderers etc. are castrated without anasthetic then run over by the murdered / molested parents (or relations available) with a steam roller. That'll cure them!! See we're on the same wavlength!! Oh yes we we're talking about education - well there are 20 Commandmants for kids to learn right there!!
  9. Gas up - Let's Go!... You are hereby promoted to the rank of Home Secretary!! Oldgitonabike... How does Chancellor grab you? I fully agree with your comments on the complete loss of common sense. It's a sad indicator of our times when we have the laws so skewed in favour of those who actually really need a severe smacking of the backside. It's, although slightly off topic, like the receptionist getting £400k for a sore thumb and the soldier losing limbs getting £50K. The country is upside down, back to front. The best thing we could do is sack the Human Rights Bill off and replace it with The Common Sense Bill and perhaps then regain some law and order. As the new President (to-be) of America has said. "WE NEED CHANGE" Well we don't just need change, we need an overhaul of the stupid laws in place, repeal the ones that are not working and get the country back on it's feet. So if you are ready Goff get the ball rolling.... Your Cabinet is being built for you!! You could bring back National Service as starting point.Sounds like the New Iron Lady!!
  10. Have read all the comments with interest. Isn't it peculiar how the majority of us as parents seem to want discipline instilled both at home and at school. I went to an all boys Grammar and regardless that corporal punishment was technically over by then it didn't stop the teachers pasting you with a pump at the front of the class if you were bad. Did we argue? NO - we deserved it... I have two sons one in last year of primary, one in first year of high both know right from wrong, know how to be polite and know the levels of discipline that will be given if not behaved. From no pocket money - grounding etc. Parents have the biggest responsibility in bringing up their kids. Teachers need to be allowed to clip the idiot misbehaving in class around the head if they are disruptive without the fear of arrest. Nail the bad ones early and they may get a chance at making something of themselves later in life. Having "rights" is great - what happened to common sense?... Obviously Goff should actually be PM and sort the entire country out - can't do a worse job than what's going on now... New Political party made up of Bikers....
  11. wolfpack101 posted a post in a topic in Yamabyss
    A biker is in a hospital bed wearing an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth. A pretty nurse is in attendance. "Nurse.." he mumbles, " Are my testicles black?" The nurse raises his gown and holds his manhood in one hand and his testicles with the other. She takes a close look at them before saying, " Sir there is nothing wrong with them." The biker removes the oxygen mask from his face and smiles at her saying. " Thanks for that. It was just wonderful. But listen very closely and carefully.... Are my test...results...back?"
  12. wolfpack101 replied to smudge08's post in a topic in The Bar
    TOLD YOU SO!!! Helpful as always...
  13. wolfpack101 replied to smudge08's post in a topic in The Bar
    Yeah mines done that a couple of times also. I just thought I'd misplaced my foot!! Being new and that! . Think again it might just be the newness. We need the wisdom of "Oldgit" he will put us on the path of enlightment...
  14. wolfpack101 replied to smudge08's post in a topic in The Bar
    I am also new and have to confess that I have also been having the same problem. I was stuck in 2nd wouldn't knock down to neutral! Eventually with a bit of clutch work it does move - I agree with "ogoab" that the newness is the cause as mechanically it is erm...new!! Listen to "oldgit" he is the bike guru!!
  15. wolfpack101 replied to a post in a topic in General
    Consider me joined!! New to this club, may as well be new to that one !!
  16. wolfpack101 replied to Goff's post in a topic in General
    Read and quaked in fear!!! No apology required Goff. I understand what you are saying and it is a credit that you obviously care very much about the site. I just didn't want to be a troll!! An orc maybe, or an elf....
  17. wolfpack101 replied to Goff's post in a topic in General
    Oh that's alright then! Alas my contribution at this moment is rather small - just questions. But from small acorns mighty oaks grow (alledgedly!) Which is another way of saying as a novice I can only improve via gaining the knowledge of those who have been riding for years. Regards, Matt All hail the mighty Goff !!
  18. wolfpack101 replied to Goff's post in a topic in General
    I don't want to be a troll!! I'm new to both biking and the website but the reason I joined was because it was so open and friendly. That you could find out about other bikers and, as I have said on earlier post elsewhere, that you can get help without feeling immediately stupid. (Especially in my case. ) Where-as I appreciate there are many longstanding members, like yourself Goff, please give us newbies a chance. We might not know much but we won't get any further if we can't ask... I am 36 and don't even know what a PM is!!!
  19. wolfpack101 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Just a quick line to say thanks to "oldgitonabike" and "R4v" for their sound advice re adjusting splines - I'm so new to this I at first thought it was a typo should be "spines"!!! Had them adjusted as recommended - it has made a great improvement - can get my foot under the gear lever properly now!! It is fantastic that newbe's such as myself can get good, sound advice from forum members without feeling like a muppet of the highest order. Any how many thanks and I look forward to more help when I ask what are probably very basic questions without the feeling of total inadequacy. We've all got to start somewhere!! Regards, Matt
  20. wolfpack101 replied to Goff's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Well said Goff!! I'm guessing the muppets ears are still ringing now!! As a new rider you'd hope they would give me a bit of leeway but oh no!! Out on a quick run this morning and it appears that every t**t and his pet dog had it in for me. Apparently motorcycles don't exist in the town... Cutting me up and then braking! At least when I got onto the country lanes nearby I had some peace and could actually enjoy my run out.
  21. Thanks for the info. I must have looked rather odd today with my technique and it wasn't the smoothest shifting!! Couldn't decide whether it was the new rubber on the foot rest and gear shift lever catching on my boots rubber. Will get them to adjust on my first service - hope to clock up many miles in the future!!
  22. wolfpack101 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi to all the Yamaha club folk. Name's Matt from Lancashire. Just taken my CBT ( August 29th ) at the age of 36! Bought a new YBR125, aim to ride that for the next couple of years to gain confidence and improve my roadcraft prior to doing my full test. Had never rode uptil this summer - having promised myself for the last four I would learn!! Loved every minute of my CBT ( even my instructor yelling at me! ).Bought my bike a week later which arrived five days ago but have only been out today as the weather has been awful and today was my first day off work!! The only concern I have had had so far is it seems really tight between my left foot rest and gear shift lever- wearing alpinestar smx boots- and is causing some "sticky" gear shifts. Any suggestions on how to get round this? I learnt on a Suzuki EN125 and didn't have the problem then....