hi Davie, twowheelspares is DK Motorcycles, he gets a lot of the rare bikes in and usually sells them on complete, he had an XJ650 Turbo for sale about 6 months ago for about £3,000 which went before the auction was over, aswell as many parts, i believe he broke an XJ turbo recently as there there's an XJ60 turbo engine on there for £250 which i attempted to get down for £200 delivered but the least they would do was £230 delivered, needless to say that engine is still up for sale. i bought a set of clocks off them, a brake lever and several other bits but they are used mostly the same as mine.
appreciate the referance but me and DK have crossed paths many times before, i think i bought my seat off them aswell, usually they arent too bad on parts but then its the same as i found with the fuel pump, they are asking £100 + postage for a set of 85mph clocks (which are the sort you want to avoid)