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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. wild foamy

    1976 DT175C

    give me a break peeps, there is no alcohol out here, and what few women there are seem to be incredibly butch and twice my size... even the wildlife out here is starting to look attractive... i can even hear the stray cats f*cking behind the blast walls most nights, i swear they are doing it to tease me. i need help... i know...
  2. Oh i see now, then the ladies wouldnt be able to call me "Edward Jizzerhands" . are there any decent bad-ass looking gloves around?, ive developed a kink for spikes and metal recently... hence the last gf tbh
  3. left the keys in the ignition plenty of times, tried to start my old DT50 with the killswitch set to 'off' (got no end of piss-taking from my peers) left my heated grips on overnight and killed the battery, changed the oil in the engine without first putting the sump plug back in taken the clutch casing off my DT without realising that it had oil behind it (10 mile walk to the nearest place that sold oil), changed the front and rear sprockets and forgot to put the chain on, left the two-stroke tank pipe off after rebuilding the DTs top end, put the carburettor slide in backwards, stopped at traffic lights with a load of mates on peds, bike in 1st with the clutch in, i sneezed in my helmet and dropped the clutch by accident, bike stalled, lights turn green and everyone else roars off laughing. put the fuel tap to reserve instead of on, ran out of petrol in the middle of nowhere. aswell as many others i cant remember right now, we all fuck up from time to time
  4. wingmirror removal tends to make them notice you, or as mentioned in my thread about gloves, get a set of THESE: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271166370774?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 run a few knuckles across the paintwork, jobs a good'un
  5. wild foamy

    1976 DT175C

    The mental images...
  6. assuming it is the master cylinder seals (check the seals are supplying pressure using the method i mentioned) it can be done at the road-side using a 13mm spanner, circlip pliers, long nosed pliers and i think an 11mm for the hyd union (i cant remember), remove the split pin from the clutch pedal, undo the 13mm nuts securing the master cylinder body to the bulkhead, undo the union and remove the unit. with the unit out you may have to press the piston arm into the body to allow the circlip to come out easier, with the circlip out the piston and seals should slide out, changing them is simply a matter of swapping like-for-like with your new set, reassemble in reverse order, fill with brake fluid and bleed the system
  7. Everyone knows that for best effect you put your finger up your bum BEFORE you put it up your nose... im aware i wont be as protected with these gloves but i have a pair of really nice HG gloves for those long journeys where speeds are likely to be about 30-40mph, i just wanted these gloves because they look badass and could seriously fuck up the paint/dental work of any cager who displeases me
  8. Those look pretty similar to the ones i saw before Kev,
  9. If you're still stuck at the end of the month and you can get to either Benson or Hungerford, bring a mars bar and i will sort it for you
  10. Hiya peeps Im starting to get excited about coming home and getting out on the bike(s) but im also after some new gear, particularly a set of gloves, there was a link posted in one of the SMIDSY thread many moons ago which featured these gloves but for the life of me i cant find it. basically from what i remember they were textile, black in colour but had spiked metallic knuckles, ive had a look on ebay but cannot seem to find anything even closely resembling the gloves im after , just wondered if anyone had seen a pair like it? love always Foameh x
  11. it would be unusual for the clutch to stick (being a 1988 yours is probably a Verto), even so a good bump start in gear with the clutch in should free up the plates, try bleeding the clutch line and see if there is actually any pressure in there
  12. if you've got the engine and frame numbers im pretty sure the DVLA will give you an age-related plate
  13. wild foamy

    1976 DT175C

    Flying the flag for the Y.O.C, very nice indeed . any chance you could get yourself over here to lend a hand with the XJ turbo?... with your superior organisational skills and my... er... tea kettle, im sure we could get it sorted, as for the bloody marys im more of a Mojito person tbh
  14. Clutch cylinder seals collapsed/failed, common problem, easy way to test is open the bleed nipple on the slave cylinder and press the clutch pedal, if the fluid flows out and is pressurised the seals in the master cylinder are fine and its likely to be the slave cyl, seals are piss easy to change, can do a set in about 15 minutes, take the master cylinder (or slave cylinder) out, remove the circlip from the bottom, slide the piston out and change the seals, then reverse process and bleed Same thing happened to Piddler (my 2nd mini) when i left it parked up for about 4 months
  15. +1 for the shotblasters, best £15 i ever spent that paint work is gorgeous, fancy doing my DT50 paintwork? you'd only need a thimble of peacock blue to do the whole bike i reckon
  16. good job, just out of interest how far away does it work from?
  17. Holy crap i forgot all about tit monday! , when do you think it will be this year?
  18. hey DkD, if you can get the sump off the bike and get it over to berkshire i could probably help you out, im doing some helicoiling on my XJ Turbo engine at the end of the month
  19. wild foamy


    Not nescessarily, would an original fireblade not be considered "classic" because of its iconic ground-breaking status?... Or the XJ turbo, they tried something new
  20. You arent on base now, SIR, you are on a civilian forum so act as such, you are getting advice and tips for free which saves you having to pay through the ass at a dealer, abuse of any members or displays of aggression will not be tolerated, you arent on the parade square now so there will be no beasting and there will be no ordering about of others, theres no problem with having a rib-dig at someone aslong as it is purely a little piss-take, if you do feel you are being unfairly treated feel free to send me a PM and discuss the issue, now adjust your attitude accordingly, or as you put it "be a good little boy and be quiet", Regards Foamy, RAF, Lance-Jack equiv, (but you may address me as "Staff") Forum moderator
  21. The fireblade is waiting for me back in blighty, need to get my arse in gear and sort the XJ turbo out before squires :/
  22. Keep it light-hearted peeps.
  23. Any way of doing an interactive map/widget? i vaguely remember there being a "members location" sorta map which showed you on google where the users were in the world
  24. Foamy - Wolverhampton & Berkshire, will try most things once apart from sodomy, not really had much experiance with valvetrain/whirlybits, but stuff like making exhaust brackets, servicing e.t.c im happy to help with ,
  25. Now now peeps, lets not turn this into a fetish thread, we are civilized, and besides i would win hands down...
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