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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. The revolution has begun!
  2. There is only one foamy... you humans couldnt handle two, your pleasure receptors would overload and cause your brain to liquify
  3. mooove bitch, get out the waaaay
  4. horray! happy birthday!
  5. Ive started my own business making bomb shelters!... business is booming! If a child refuses to go to sleep, could he/she be charged with resisting a rest?... Im going to call my printer Bob Marley, because its always jammin' Ive taken a liking to eating dog food... i know, im barking mad! I once dated a greyhound... she was a right bitch I like pork and i like beef, but i hate chicekn, it tastes fowl...
  6. Well peeps I have recently been told off for writing terrible jokes on facebook, so i thought, why not start a thread and share my shite humour with the world? i will start the ball rolling here... --- What do you call cheese thats not yours?.... natcho cheese! What sort of cheese do you hide a horse in?... Mascaponi! I bought a memory foam mattress... cant remember where it is though! Spilled spot remover on my dog... now he's gone! Saw some brilliant shoes in a shop today, banana yellow, a very aPEALing colour! Canaries for sale, going cheep... Im in hospital, i ate what i thought was an onion but it turned out to be a daffodil bulb... doctors say i will be out in spring though
  7. sounds like my kind of woman
  8. F*cking royal mail!, they lost my laptop and THEN lost my claim form and THEN rejected the second claim form because it was over 30 days, now this! my indicator lenses arrived... with a fucking boot print on the jiffy bag and out of the 3 lenses that were in the bag two of them were smashed to pieces!, i got a full refund from the seller but that isnt the point. i never have this problem with Hermes
  9. Why do polar bears have black noses?... In a universe as vast as ours... is there any intelligent life out there?, or is it just intelligent enough to stay away from us? What happens after death?, do we simply cease to function?, what happens to our mind? where does it go? i dont like this new thinking game...
  10. you been on the jazz cigarettes again Noise? Yes, managed to do this on a camping weekend, its still just boiling water so aslong as you can get the egg inside the kettle it will work
  11. you're more than welcome to come over for a ride when its finished then after that we can take the XJ out...
  12. or trade her in for a skinnier bird
  13. Bournemouth maybe? im not sure, how many southern peeps have we got here?, i work near Wolverhampton but on the weekends/holidays im down in Newbury with my old man, so i get to enjoy the midlands and the southern rideouts
  14. behave drewps, im getting there!, bit of a pain to work on things when im doing everything in the middle of a garden, its usually pissing with rain or windy as fook
  15. Happy birthday Bippo i got you a present... its me, smothered in chocolate you're welcome
  16. i'd probably build one , means so much more. if it had to be one to buy it would probably be a Y2K for shits and giggles, and because us RAF boys love jet engines
  17. i just change bikes when im bored or when they die/become obsolete (the XJ went when my 2 year restriction was up, my DT went when i passed my full test) and i bought the Turbo and XZ to make intersting projects
  18. Looking good there buddy that piggy-back connection looks shite imho, i dont ever use them any more, reqired the towbar on my car as the previous owner had installed it using them, i cut the wires and solder them back together with the towbar wire aswell, then cover it in heatshrink to make sure its secure, but im just picky tbh
  19. its when 'er indoors starts wanting to go shopping or out to dinner when i want to work on the bikes... after a while you get the talking clock effect. "Oh you're not going out to the shed are you?, its 8pm!", then you know its time to decide between the two... hence why i now have 7 bikes and spend my nights alone (wrong choice maybe? im not too sure)
  20. Took the ex missus foamy (Laura) from Lydney to Bournemouth on the XJ, she was a natural considering she hadnt been on a bike before, i find its best to keep both feet on the ground and the front brake on whilst they are getting on or off and take everything nice and gentle, allow plenty of time for overtaking and braking (usually a good indication to the passenger that you are preparing to overtake is changing down a gear and doing a lifesaver check), other than that watch out for your pillion looking over your shoulder or moving around too much at slow speed or on corners, especially in traffic or when filtering as this will alter the bikes CofG and attitude, resulting in you altering your course to compensate. most importantly of all, keep your bike up to scratch, check your tyre pressures and make sure they are in accordance with the owners handbook (most bikes have a section which describes the changes needed to carry a pillion, on the XJ it was +3psi in the rear tyre and up a position on the shock its one thing if i have an accident due to poor maintanence, but i never used to carry a pillion unless i knew for a fact that bike was in tip-top condition, if something happens to them you are accountable and will have to live with the guilt also watch out for strong gusts of wind especially on a YBR, used to go across the seven bridge two-up and it was hard work when it was windy, sometimes leaning right over
  21. 33 views and no comments?... there's some dirty lurkers amongst us
  22. Sure thing, will either be taking the XJ Turbo or the XZ550 so no 170mph fireblade antics for me
  23. Another one has seen the light! , fancy running a half marathon aswell?
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