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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. You will probably end up driving past it in hungerford!, ive got more incentive to get this on the road than the XJ Turbo as this will be my little runabout whilst i park up the gas-guzzling 2L kia
  2. ... fucking YES!
  3. Just thinking out loud here now... but our bikes are mostly wet-clutch right? the DT50 clutch used to drag and whine when low on oil, maybe the symptoms could be linked?
  4. Had a closer look at the F.U.C.R today as the sun was shining... and oh dear... it was basically just held together loosely, wiring loom has been bodged, will most likely strip the whole thing out and re-do it from scratch, have stripped the plastics and fugly tank off and on eBay along with the indicators, side panels, clocks, lights, bar risers e.t.c Still, may have found some ace bars and also have a top yoke on order, round headlight ready to go in but will need new mounts, going to mock up some new panels and maybe a cardboard tank so i can get an idea of what its going to look like. going to be f*cking awkward getting a decent tank to fit with the carbs pointing up like this, would be ideal to either bin these ones off and use a larger side-mounted carb instead, or make a new airbox to fit within the frame and take the air feed from below the tank
  5. Any oil pressure lights or anything flash up?.
  6. i think you're right, it would break down before you got very far!
  7. Get that shit checked out by the doc bro, could have aids and stuff
  8. 240 penies is £2.40... Its like another language! :'(, fucks sake why wasnt i born in the 50s?, i would have seen the hippy movement, the free love, woodstock, volkswagen campers and all the other cool shit, nowadays its just politicans fucking everyone up the ass and overpriced fuel.
  9. almost forgot. my old donkey, full nut and bolt rebuild, just the way i remember it
  10. The prodigal son returns!
  11. I was on the cider at 16:00... then into town at 20:00... next thing i know the birds are singing outside and im 40 miles from home with no way of getting home and fuck all idea how i got there. At some point during the night, i bought a new car aswell... -.- *grumble*, pictures coming soon...
  12. Well you've got the result and cause out of the way... look at the next size bore or polish the bore if you can get away with it also, post an intro in the newbies section, unlikely you will get much response as a 'randomer' on the board, just a few sentences about you, your bikes, what sort of things you do, e.t.c
  13. My DDT didnt have mirrors for best part of a year, passed MOT fine, helps if you get talking to the tester, mine was into all his classic american bikes and cars,
  14. Not exactly, im still shitfaced from last night Started drinking in newbury and ended up on some random persons sofa in the middle of oxfordshire, the rest im not entirely sure about
  15. Looking into a woman's eyes you may see into her very heart and soul, the one place you can find the happiness and eternal love that keeps a steady beat in our veins and gives our minds anchorless freedom to sour, *sigh*
  16. Foamy are mythical creatures which inhabit an earth-like planet called Faern (pronounced "Farn", they have grey fur and mimic the sounds and calls of the other woodland creatures, when in contact with humans for a long period of time they will learn to form sentences and communicate using a human language It was a character I drew on my English lesson folder 7 years ago, and it's stuck ever since, since I am also a strange creature of imagination...
  17. soap and water, ive got a rubber blade on the back of my HG gloves that do a pretty good job of keeping the visor clear
  18. So that it would stand out in a crash environment and be easier to locate Cake, it goes hard when its stale, as was decided by HM Customs and Exise in 1991 as if it were classed as a biscuit it would be subject to the 17.5% VAT charge, however a chocolate covered cake would not have been
  19. Used to ride my DT50 from RAF Halton to home every weekend... 90 miles each way, just under 3 hours non stop riding, didnt have the numb-ass problems i have with doing 3 hours on the fireblade
  20. 500 miles on a fireblade... in one day i am your god now?
  21. yeah, we're all f*cking doomed :/
  22. these are modern times we live in, pleasure only goes so far then you use the pain to take it to the next level kind of like working out at the gym, but through your penis
  23. i have many belts, not so much for holding my jeans up, they are good in the bedroom too... no other feeling like it... hell of a sensation but dont leave a bruise. although make sure you remember to undo them all, the ex missus foamy went to get up one night not realising her wrist was still tied to the headboard, fell over and hit her head on the bedside cabinet... had to explain to her parents the next morning why she had a black eye... they never forgave me
  24. dafuq has this got to do with candyfloss?... im lost
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