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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. i'll keep an eye out in/around the cosford/wolves area bud
  2. and in the US, a fag is a homosexual, not a cigarette!
  3. oh, i dont have that problem, hence why i end up with so much stuff
  4. eh?...
  5. Every time i leave the bar i end up on eBay
  6. It starts with a jacket, then maybe the odd DT, then before you know it you're dragging a japanese sports car out of a barn. Ebay is wonderfull yet dangerously addictive...
  7. Could have run the reg through a website like gocompare or something, that could give you the gen you need
  8. The like to leave the bar... Its a big scary world out there.
  9. Seriously, studs?... definately a downer, flog them on to some harley bummer and get on eBay for some decent ones otherwise nice bike
  10. Love weebl and his crazy antics XD I also make an appearence in The Estate Agent
  11. very tasty indeed!
  12. Managed to insure the FTO for just under £1600!! , also spent most of tonight in the workshop sorting out the rust spots on the roof, i was given an un-dented silver door by the previous owner and will be trading it in along with my dented door at a breakers in worcester during next week XD
  13. I thought communicating with civvies was bad, let alone foreign civvies!
  14. Cheers bud, for £350 it was a pretty good deal tbf, shame they want £2500 to insure me on it -.- thats more than 7 times the cars value!!
  15. dent is pretty bad tbf, covers most of the length of the door can just about see it in the pic: http://s57.photobucket.com/user/wild_foamy/media/IMG_00000223_zps9d4e6c19.jpg.html?sort=3&o=97 Theres also a brace running the length of the door just above the dent, ive had the door card off and attempted to push it out from the inside but this door skin is f*cking tough!, whatever the PO hit it must have been solid also i will be getting my 4-year bonus at the end of next month, so planning to insure it and having some fun
  16. epic film ^.^ Used to have a few laughs at work, every time an aircraft has a fault the pilot records it in a logbook, the engineers then read the logbook and try to sort out the problem, reported problems included: Fault: Tapping noise in cockpit, sounds like troll with tiny hammer Engineer Action: Tiny hammer removed from troll Fault: Something loose in cockpit Action: Something tightened in cockpit Fault: Whining noise can be heard on takeoff and landing Action: Pilot removed from cockpit Fault: Aircraft is reluctant to taxi on ground, Hover taxi only Action: Aircraft handbrake checked for integrity and found to be engaged Fault: Pilots seat will not slide fully rearwards Action: Pilots lunchbox found behind seat it all got a bit silly towards the end and we were told to stop taking the piss
  17. Well peeps, i am a happy foamy tonight Managed to get the FTO down the workshop and re-assemble the wingmirror that was held on with bodge tape, araldited all the mounts back together and saved myself £30 for a new mirror picking up a second hand door on friday to replace the dented one which is on the car right now and polished the headlights. Very simple jobs, but gives me a great sense of satisfaction, what's the most satisfactory things you have done?
  18. We're better than the AAC when it comes to weapons, within a month of the alert state going up in afghan the army had someone ND (negligent discharge) into their own leg, someone else ND'd into someone elses hand, aswell as leaving their rifles in the mess, on the bus, in the shitters, loosing rounds, loosing magazines full of rounds. we only ever had an issue with one of the 'simple' navy lads who was attached to our section, kept leaving his rifle at work , eventually we got pissed off and gave him a broom handle painted black to carry around until he proved he wasnt a complete retard
  19. I've been riding bikes for four years, only had one accident which was dropping my DT50 on the ice. Been driving for 3 years, have had 3 accidents (1 was my fault, slid into a parked car in the snow last year) I think they are lieing to us :/
  20. probably because its car drivers that cause most motorbike accidents. will stop riding when they prise the keys from my cold dead hands (natural death i hope)
  21. how can i mod the FUCR to add AA capability...
  22. Same thing happened to my old man. Hailwood replica ducati two CBXs Original roundeye CBR Several other nice bikes aswell, i was only about 4 or 5 at the time though so a bit too youn to understand
  23. yeah i saw that one, they put some serious work into that car, ive had this mini for 2 years and its nowhere near what they did!
  24. Its all going to shit peeps, i took the job i am in now mostly for job security, but after about a year and a half we started having redundancies, cuts e.t.c, o wonder so many people are on the dole, it's f*cking ridonkulous! dont even get me started on politicians... oxford educated c*nts with no idea how the real world works. Foamy for prime minister peeps!, there's gonna be some changes. First Decree of Foamy: It shall no longer be a legal requirement to wear a seatbelt, if you want to die a horrible death then feel free, i will not waste taxpayers money trying to enforce a law intended to try and save your pitifull life, if you do not value your life enough to use a seatbelt then feel free to wrap your saxo around a lamp-post Second Decree of Foamy: Compulsory drugs testing for people on the dole, if your smoking dope with our tax money then you dont get paid, simples. Third Decree of Foamy: If you cause an accident because you are not paying attention to the road (on your phone, applying makeup, changin tampon e.t.c) expect to pay for damages and your own trial, jail sentence and loss of your licence. Fourth Decree of Foamy: If a person is unwelcome on your property and intending to cause you/your family harm or deprive you of possessions, providing they are there of their own accord, you may take measures deemed nescessary to discourage his/her actions and hold them at the scene of crime until a police cuntstubble arrives, Fifth Decree of Foamy: All drivers of class B vehicles and above MUST at the very least have completed a CBT Rant over peeps.
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