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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. Welcome bud! And yes its true i have a DT addiction, at one point there were atleast half a dozen of them hiding in the various hangars over here... All being well and good i will be riding mine up to Squires this year , hope to see you there!
  2. As i said to katie, we are open minded, plenty of room for another (few)
  3. Other things happen in life peeps, Grouch will be around in time im sure.
  4. No, i was wearing my gym shorts, im having to resort to duct tape to hide my awkward boners.
  5. Its not all bad, had a few appointments with a physiotherapist at cosford, she had a look at my knee for a bit, then started rubbing my thighs and tickling my feet (all for medical reasons ofc), she was rather pretty for a 40-something, somewhat of a cougar.
  6. Currently downgraded due to displacement of ligaments in my left patella . TBH peeps im more focused on escaping the regime that is RAF Cosford alive as they wont let me leave whilst medically downgraded, im happy to reimburse those peeps who have donated as for the time being i am not able to participate in sporting events. Apologies for the inconvenience peeps.
  7. Oh smeg off Rimmer, you smeg'ead!
  8. Finally, something on the internet that i will not fap to.
  9. Such hurtful comments
  10. All this talk of S and Ms' is arousing my interest
  11. I should bloody well think so!, last night i sacrificed a goat in a pentagram of fire so hope it was worth it, im running out of goats.
  12. Im still just gonna sit in the road licking my balls.
  13. TBH, i fancy a ducati sport 1000 classic
  14. VF1000R, anyone?
  15. Who's idea was this anyway!
  16. Oh dear
  17. See that peeps, eyes like a shithouse rat, me
  18. Well both my cars are jap imports, so i have them insured with sky (underwritten by Adrian flux) as they specialise in imports. i rang carol nash to insure my FTO and they were asking twice what sky were for the FTO alone
  19. Chain tensioner.
  20. True what mike says, if you are done with drink driving you will be done by a civilian (normal police), also by the RAF Mps, and also by your line manager or otherwise for "bringing the RAF into disrepute". so instead of being fucked once, you get fucked 3 times. Anyway, i got a letter from home today, book an £85 speed choice course in wolverhampton, basically means a morning off work and somewhere warm to sleep. but avoiding points. not all bad.
  21. Hola, como esta? (sorry, i speak very little italian )
  22. 'sup bro!
  23. Not heard anything more since i sent the form back, been like 4 weeks now :/
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