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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. yeh aslong as you move it in a way that the chain is turning the gearbox it should engage all gears
  2. even just by rocking it you should be able to select all of the gears in turn, if you can't then this may indicate a gearbox problem
  3. the earth seems okay, no visible damage and i am getting voltage through both the blue and yellow wires. t'is confusing O.o
  4. okay... now try one without photoshop
  5. hi everyone. the Tail-lamp on my DT50 has stopped working, it will work as a brake light but with the headlights on it doesnt light up like it normally should. i've cleaned the connections and checked the bulb but everything seems fine, it had an MOT on Friday and my dad pointed it out on saturday... perhaps someone can shed some light on this problem? O.o - Steve
  6. ooh sounds good, do they work?, can't imagine you'd get much juice from AAA batteries :S
  7. cor'blimey, thats something to do on a rainy day i guess... may print a few of them off, sure to keep me occupied for a while
  8. probably because its such a large bike (both in physical size and engine capacity) and that you havent passed a test yet (no licence) my first bike (Yamaha DT50MX) has cost me £220 to insure TP F&T, would have been £180 if i could keep it in the garage i found swinton are the best for small bikes, or possibly e-bike, best website to use is gocompare. why one years no claims though?... O.o
  9. Not at the moment, OG... im busy fitting my Nitrous kit
  10. we're looking for a 3rd person to join in the fun, preferably on another 50
  11. hmm... you do have a good point... will leave it for now
  12. ah, now that is something worth considering... can't think why i didnt think of that sooner... perhaps a bit of a senile moment...
  13. the one thing that is going to be a real cost is accomidation, if we are over there for two weeks paying 40 euros each for accom its going to be near 600 euros (£500). so instead we have both decided to take small tents and do some "real touring", but if we can find a small local Inn that does cheap nightly rates we may opt for that we're planning to take 600 euros each in cash and keep a further £500 in our bank accounts so if needs be we can make withdrawals from our debit cards
  14. yeh i was planning to use a 12v cigarette lighter type charger for charging my camera and phone e.t.c my phone is 3.7v and my video camera is 7.2v, both are Li-Ion batteries so im not sure i would be confident DIY'ing chargers
  15. will see what i can do for ya. i didnt fully think it through, got as far as adding a 6v regulator in parallel with the rest of the 6v system.
  16. okay, how about running a 6v regulator on parallel from the mag and then using that stable 6v voltage to get up to 12v?
  17. but thats the thing, the mag is 6v and so is the battery, but would it be possible to step it up to 2v at the expense of reducing the amperage output? alternatively i could carry a small 12v Lead-acid type battery (7ah or around that) and run everything off that, just a matter of keeping it charged without getting into expensive solar panels and the like
  18. oh, so it can't be done? this is all in prep for my ireland tour, i want it to get everything sorted now so that i know it works and i can test it out before i go... and tbh i dont want to have to keep changing batteries all the time, especially if its something like a video camera.
  19. okay, any idea how that would look as a schematic?. would the 12v regulator work if the input voltage was less than its output? not sure where the rectifier would come in though, was planning to wire it straight onto the battery (which although is not very big, is constantly being fed by the mag) then using an isolator switch to cut the 12v feed when the engine is static. so wouldnt the battery be providing a DC voltage?
  20. well i am still planning everything out, i have about 6 months to wait and my mate gets his bike mid-january and he seems very interested in going . ive got a little route map planned out, also have planned things like routes back to dublin in emergencies, fuel stops, B&Bs/hotels, Garages/repair shops, places of interest and also timetables for ferries and all sorts of other things e.t.c. also like the look of the Oxford 1st time luggage set or the Buffalo getaway luggage set, which set is better for touring? (i would personally prefer the buffalo touring tankbag but the set only comes with the sports one... also both are the same price so ywould like to hear your personal opinions. Oh, and NO brokeback mountain jokes oh, and i wont be doing the 4 hour non-stop trip form Newbury to Liverpool to catch a ferry, was thinking of sticking the bikes on a train at Reading and then jumping straight onto the ferry when the train arrives at liverpool
  21. considering the ebay kit is about £20 cheaper form yambits i may go with that, but i would rather have more displacement (in the polini kit) however if it is the kit which you had (which was poo) then i will stick to the 43mm ebay kit im familiar with running-in engines as i have various model cars and planes which use I.C engines, although they only take about an hour or two to run-in
  22. sorry to hear it was nicked, there are some real assholes out there... smallest back sprocket available through my yamaha dealer is 44t, so i am having to go higher on the front sprocket to gear it up even more. any particular reason you went for a DT100 coil? will also change the seals, gearbox oil, spark plugs and bearings whilst im at it, just so i know it is in A1 condition (i am a bit obsessive, yes)
  23. hi there all. im looking to build a simple 6VDC to 12VDC step-up transformer for using things like phone chargers and camera chargers from the 6v supply on my bike. i know i wont get high outputs but i am looking to get something like 400mah out of it. i have basic knowledge in electrical engineering but i need a bit of help drawing up a schematic diagram. anyone have any ideas? regards Steve
  24. i can do most things (change brakes, tyres, e.t.c) so am confident with that sort of thing, but my knowledge fo carbs and fuel systems doesnt really go beyond air intake and jet sizes. i dont want the bike to be completely cannibalised so that it goes like sh*t off a stick but ceases up after 2'000 miles, i just want it to go a bit quicker and have enough power to get me around ireland without dropping to 30mph at every incline. hence why i am giving it an overhaul at Xmas to get everything checked out to make 100% sure it is in good shape for when the time comes to go touring. the brakes and tyres don't need to be changed yet, but i will change them anyway as they were on it when i bought it and i've no idea how long they have been on there. the devil you know is the best devil
  25. well you have more experiance with bikes so i ill follow your advicen leave it for now. once i get paid the bike is having a complete overhaul over Xmas, new tyres, brake shoes, clutch, big bore and a few other bits and pieces to tart it up a bit. the original reeds will be replaced with fibre reeds so i wouldnt think snapping them would be such a problem
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